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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. What a load of Cods Wollop!!!

    Leave the guy alone to do his job.

    How can they expect to move forward by bringing up bullshite like this all the time?

    I think they got the idea from the Clinton sex scandal in the US. Really helped the US move forward, right? If that hadn't happened, Gore would have easily won in 2000 and the US would never have invaded Iraq. Be a whole different world.

    But politics keeps getting crazier and crazier.

    you must understand most of these guys are uneducated and they are not do gooders, they are in it fot the graft.

  2. I actually like Thai Horror and Thriller movies and some of their Comedy stuff is very funny too, even if I have to watch them in Thai, I still like to go to the movies and watch a Thai movie, I watch enough english movies on the TV as it is, so the change is good.

    Until Thai movies are about real world problems and issues and not a fat khatoey with a slide whistle up their rear then the Thai populace will continue remaining dumb.

    They can console themselves by wiping their rear with their degree though.

    If you live in thailand, its sounds like you need a new country or maybe a fat khatoey to tickle fight with. I think the populaces of most countries are considered dumb, even with the real world movies about problems and issues, after we elected george junior to a second term I new then that the good old usa was defining dumb-probably more like retarded. Who doesnt like Tony Jaa? The fat khatoey with a slide whistle up the rear brings a smile to my face.

    Your not too smart looking at your spelling.

  3. <BR>This is very old news for any patient treated in a hospital. I hope that those in an outpatient situation, capable of getting their own medication, get a script or note of the name of the medication from the physician to obtain the medication from a pharmacy outside the hospital. The mark up on medications within the hospital situation is a bloody disgrace. And over-prescription would have me suspect that physicians are on a kickback but would I suggest that???<BR>
    <BR><BR><BR>Good post I agree, my advice when visit hospital get the name of the drug from pharmacy in hospital, doseage and strength, and buy in a pharmacy. One example charged 700 bhat for a tube of cream, bought the same in a pharmacy cost 140 bhat. The same applies if you visit a doctor who has his own small pharmacy attatched to his clinic, you will get shafted on price of drugs, I have known some doctors refuse to supply name of drugs they prescribe, answer to this walk out and refuse to pay him anything.
  4. Yes I am a UK citizen, this year I just filled in my usual tax return, not knowing about none residency, first year here and I got hit with the tax bill, I thought at the time my tax free allowance was 9000 gbp,

    I would like to thank once again all you guys for your help. Today I will write to tax office asking if indeed I can go onto the remmitance basis as I

  5. The OP can't be non-resident because he owns rental property in the UK from which he derives an income, if he were to sell it then he could become non-resident. Also, the OP doesn't state that he doesn't have overseas income, the presumption must be that he does, otherwise I agree that it makes no sense for him to choose the remittance basis. The only other option available to the OP is to chose the "arising" basis of taxation on worldwide income, that would give him the full tax allowances but would generate a tax bill on his non-UK earnings, only the OP can clarify that point.

    In your case the answer will depend on where you generate income and how much. If the UK rental property is your only source of income then you are fine, you can keep your normal rate of tax free allowance - but if you have investments etc outside the UK that create income and you do not report this, HMRC will not be best pleased when/if they find out, logically they will want to know on which basis you want to be taxed on those earnings, the "arising" or "remittance" basis, if it's the latter then yes, your tax free allowance will be reduced.

    Thank you for your clarity. My entire income is pensions and rental income from the UK, so I take it that I can continue to pay UK tax on the current basis, even after informing HMRC of my current address in LOS. Also, as long as I own a house in the UK and rent it out I can't declare myself non-resident.

    This is exactly the same as my case.

  6. <BR>The OP can't be non-resident because he owns rental property in the UK from which he derives an income, if he were to sell it then he could become non-resident. Also, the OP doesn't state that he doesn't have overseas income, the presumption must be that he does, otherwise I agree that it makes no sense for him to choose the remittance basis. The only other option available to the OP is to chose the "arising" basis of taxation on worldwide income, that would give him the full tax allowances but would generate a tax bill on his non-UK earnings, only the OP can clarify that point. <BR><BR><BR>In your case the answer will depend on where you generate income and how much. If the UK rental property is your only source of income then you are fine, you can keep your normal rate of tax free allowance - but if you have investments etc outside the UK that create income and you do not report this, HMRC will not be best pleased when/if they find out, logically they will want to know on which basis you want to be taxed on those earnings, the "arising" or "remittance" basis, if it's the latter then yes, your tax free allowance will be reduced.<BR>
    <BR><BR><BR>I can assure you I have no other income
  7. I don't know where you got the £2000 threshold from. If you're over 65 (as you presumably are if you're drawing the state pension)the allowance before tax is payable is around £9000. I've never heard that this is reduced because you're living abroad. However, if your combined pensions and house rental income exceed £22000, the allowance is progressively reduced down to the standard taxpayer's allowance of around £6700. The exact figures for all that are available on the HMRC website if you can be bothered to go find them.

    I retired last autumn and came out to LOS, but haven't yet decided whether to declare myself non-resident. I phoned up HMRC when I was visiting the UK last month, and they explained that the way it works in my case is that my state pension is paid to me gross. The balance of the ~9000 allowance is applied to one of my occupational pensions, and the other pensions and annuities come to me 20% tax deducted, as does my house-rental income.

    I found the HMRC helpline quite helpful.

    my combined income in total for the year was 8547 pounds from the uk , and this was my total income period, here is how the income came in

    proffit form house rental 2985 pound

    private pension 1302 pound

    total 4287 taxed at 20% 857 pound

    state pension lump sum as I did not claim it earlier 4742 p0unds taxed at 20% 948 pounds

    total oweing 1805 pounds

    they also want the same money to be be paid for next year on Jan 2011

    I have written to them but no reply, I too thought tax free allowance was around 9000 pounds but they inform me if living abroad it is only 2000 pounds

    thanks for your comments

  8. Does the civil service have these "crackdowns" in their outlook calendars for yearly repeat or something?

    Releasing these stupid stories year after year serves nothing but to show how utterly ineffectual Thai authorities/ministries are at enforcing rules, regs and laws. They can't even get schoolgirls to wear the correct uniform, what hope a rampaging mob?

    Why is this the government's business anyway? The colleges have rules about dress codes, enforce them.

    Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result does come to mind. :crazy:

    You seem to forget my friend that this is Thailand, nothing makes sense here, and why should it as there job as is everyones in authority is to enrich them selves, how can they have time to engage brain before mouth, enrichment is hard work enough and a full time job.

  9. Walking home Sukhumvit 68 with my five year old son at 8pm last night, just as we get inside the town house hear a gun shot. Look out the window and theres a Thai youth wriggling around on the drive just the other side of our gate. Take my son upstairs for safety and hear another two shots from the policemans glock. A few minutes later the policeman knocks on the door and asks for a glass of water. The youth is hand-cuffed and another two police officers are on the scene. Turns out the kid was selling Ya Ba at the top of the soi, they chased him by motorbike to where they corned outside my dwelling. The kid hadn't actually been shot, the shots fired were warning shots apparently.

    My question is, has there been some kind of clamp down on drug dealers? What the hel_l is a cop doing firing a gun early in the evening in a resdidential area when there are children around?

    I've lived in Thailand over ten years and never seen the police act so irresponsibly in all my time here (and that is really saying something).

    Be careful out there.

    If you hear or see shooting, drop down on the floor, going upstairs is not so handy.

    If you need to flee the premises, being upstairs, where do you go, more upstairs?

    That was quite irresponsable from you and rather stupid.

    You brought danger to your son.

    Yes, there seems to be a lot of anti-drug action.

    And why would a policeman shoot, you think?

    I guess being shot at, it might seem handy to shoot back, even in a residential area.

    One might think that policemen will have an reasonable understanding of guns and shooting, while one can presume that a drugsdealer will not have that knowledge.

    Yes, all Thai policemen have firearms training.

    And yes, they will shoot, just because there is a huge amount of firearms going round in Thailand.

    Guess, if a drugdealer shoots at a policeman he is only thinking about himself, and not about collateral damage, as they say.

    One may hope the policeman will do just that, and will try to disarm or incapicitate the dealer.

    Be certain that if a policeman hits civilians, that is not viewed upon favourably.

    I really do not understand people like you, complaining about the policeman, and not about the drugs dealer.

    I rather think that a drugsdealer going on a shootings spree in a residential area is slightly more dangerous.

    And being a drugsdealer, I do have a feeling that I would not mind the bastard getting killed.

    Espescially if he operates in a residential area where there are a lot of children about(= potential easy customers)

    Good post but I suspect the reality is he was not getting his cut. the BIB that is

  10. Hi guys , just curious to know if any of you retirees are being taxed on your UK state pension, just got to that stage and hmg informed I will be taxed on everything over 2000 pounds at 20% because I live out of the country. If indeed this is the case any suggestions on how to bring this down. I should add I also rent my property out in the UK through an agent and hmg were good enough to advise me that I will be taxed on that at 20% too. Combined the two incomes relief is only 2000 pounds the rest at 20%or if only either one of the two incomes coming in is sole income same rate applies, appreciate anyone passing on information.

  11. To give birth to another human being just because someone is unable to carry own with his own life using his own means it's one of the more selfish and irresponsible act a "human" being can actually made, it doesn't matter on how rich and happy someone can be during his entire life, it will still be subject to pain, sickness and all the other "plagues" that affect everyones personal existence, the world is full of other people having huge sufferences and a person inable to see all these shouldn't really be allowed to live, let alone procreating, if you really want to do something good in your life, start taking care of whom is already here and never asked to be part of the "game" , it's time to make responsible choices....oh and by the way, recent news are talking about governments cancelling those bonuses because they can no longer afford....

    Edit: spelling

    this is one of the longest sentences i have ever seen

    and boreing?

  12. <br>Perhaps the police does not have that much of a case against him? The judge who decided the (pretty low) bail would have weighed the facts (I know I know, this is Thailand). But let's not forget that Pletnev also has some very valuable assets in Thailand which might be seized if he jumps bail.
    <br>I always suspected this is a set-up.As orosee says the low bail and being allowed to leave the country lends some weight to this, I reckon. It certainly sounds like he has a lot of money tied up here in Pattaya, but I guess he also has lots elsewhere as well and so not returning to Thailand next week would not materially affect him. But failure to return would probably result in his being put on an interpol list, so he could not travel anywhere and would be liable to extradition. I'm sure he'll be back. Assuming he's innocent, he has somehow to clear his name. As a result of so much bad and ever-changing reporting, almost every major newspaper on the planet is now carrying major stories about this guy being a pedophile running a sex ring of under age prostitutes. A reputation built up over more than 30 years is in tatters.<br><br>

    My understanding is Thailand is not a member of interpol.

  13. You could also go to a hospital in Thailand and get a regular injection of testosterone. There are also capsules you can take but its not real good at delivering the stuff because the liver breaks down a lot.

    Im sorry i don't know about the cream

    Thanks for reply . I am aware of the danger of taking pills as it can induce a heart attack, the cream is rubbed on the skin and absorbed all indications are very affective with zero side effects

  14. Hi a short while ago a member mentioned androgel a cream for low testosterone, I have been prescribed this by my USA doctor, however very expensive and all the problems of shipping etc, anybody know if it can be purchased in Thailand and where, if not where can it be bought. Low testosterone is a hormonal problem and my doc informs me quite common in men over 55 my problem was brought about by drugs I take for rhumatoid but thank fully am due to come off them due to the disease going into remission, by the way I can give solid advice on how to beat rhumatoid REALLY. appreciate any help.

  15. If my house were a condo, it would probably set me back 25k a month. As it's a house, it costs me 8k, with the added bonus that I pay government rates for water and electric, have a large garden and can choose a decent internet service provider instead of putting up with the generally appalling internet in condo blocks. And I get a garden, with 5 large trees and two lawns. And I can't hear my neighbours. And I can park my car outside my front door.

    The main downside of buying a condo is you might have to live in it. House all the way.

    good post, I live in Hua Hin in a lovely 2 bed house garden etc , cost 10,000 a month.

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