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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. <SNIP! Irrelevant ranting> So I said originally, the judge simply said the case can proceed. Yes, the Trump team presented ITS evidence, notably the video of Stephanopolous, and its arguments based on law. It can proceed because THAT evidence COULD, at trial, be reasonably interpreted as proving that Trump had been libeled, though it may not be. That will be decided by that future trial, not by our wannabe ANF Legal Experts. She wasn't ruling on the merits of the case itself, OBVIOUSLY, as it's yet to be heard, and she couldn't, and wouldn't, make any such suggestion, as your hysteria compels you to claim someone was. The hearing about whether the case had sufficient basis to move forward. But since ABC lost the motion to dismiss the case outright, and the judge ruled it CAN proceed to trial, then Trump does have a chance of winning that trial. You can remain awake nightly worrying about that. Why not submit your own amicus curiae?
  2. Anticipated. The "my poll's better'n your poll" discussion I've already had included two aggregators. Yawn.
  3. I've already had the "my poll's better'n your poll" discussion and won't be going there again.
  4. Delusional. Forced out, suddenly, undemocratically, by Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, donors, etc. Possibly threatened w/ the 25th Amendment. DNC undemocratically installed Harris w/o a primary debate or election. Nor is Harris a proponent of democracy, open to the idea of abolishing the Electoral College, and a supporter of gov't by Executive Orders. A creature of the machine, quite true. Nor are people tired of Trump, but he was mostly in the lead until the honeymoon, and still does well in swing states. That's cause people are tired of the bad economy, open borders, crime, DEI, and perpetual warfare under Biden and soon Biden 2.0. I lead the topic to your usual rantings.
  5. Nonsense, just as it didn't last time Fox moderated. Actually Kamala's do. But so-called "fact checking" turns out to be just political argument, so pointless. Let people judge for themselves.
  6. He has the right to dictate if he wishes, just as she has the right to reject any terms demanded. Biden dictated terms for his disastrous debate. With typical liberal hypocrisy, you loved the idea if Biden does it. However, if you knew anything about negotiation, you'd know that you start with a big seemingly non-negotiable demand and negotiate from there. Hamas knows that. The goal is to get the most out of the other party as you possibly can. So what you're looking at is an opening gambit. Laughable.
  7. ABC argued for dismissal in court, but the judge decided the evidence in Trump's favor was sufficiently compelling that the suit could proceed. The political pundit pretending to be a journalist wasn't just stating fact but arguably engaging in libel. ABC has deep pockets, so if he wins, the settlement could be pretty nice. Trump doesn't always win in court, but he certainly does at times. Jack Smith--whoops. So, you'll just have to suck that up and wait and see. Doesn't matter what you think you're SURE of. Impresses no one. In fact, you've merely increased Trump's chances, as ANF Poster predictions are excellent inverse indicators.
  8. Incuding Biden.
  9. Paid the Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC?🤣 You in big trouble, petal. Looks like your fake news may all disappear then.
  10. Well, you successfully registered your Will officially w/ the Amphur. Yes, you had to do it their way. Same as I did to get my yellow book and pink card. And so?
  11. It's amazing how smoothly life goes in Pattaya, and in Thailand generally, year after year, decade after decade, if you show politeness and respect for the locals at all times. If you're asked, or told, to do something, like move your motorbike from in front of a shop or out of the motorbike taxi parking area, you move it. "You need to leave" means, Sawatdee, krub. Here, "stop leaning up against that car" or whatever it was. What will be likely an unpleasant confrontation can end pleasantly, or at least painlessly, with a smile. What you don't do is get on your high horse and protest and assert your imagined civil and human rights and attempt to school the locals on legalities and "proper" behavior. That'll always be self-defeating. You're in their country and their territory now. "A dog is always king in his own backyard."
  12. As I noted, he won't help Kamala much. So they're both pro-illegal immigration anyway. It's amazing how the liberal press doesn't even care for him. VP Kamala Harris picking Gov. Tim Walz as running mate met with media scorn: 'Such a weird choice'
  13. Privileged cultural enrichers catered to by liberal politicians, as they are in the UK, and surely help account for his open borders stance. How's that Ilhan Omar investigation coming along? WOT? Buried?
  14. Part of it, absolutely. He's quite annoyed with ABC, and he MAY get a nice settlement of out of them. Otherwise, he'd never agreed to debate her anyway, esp. not under Biden's sweetheart deal w/ no negotiation. OF COURSE she'd like the same deal w/ liberal hack moderators. So if he's going to debate, he has a perfect right to negotiate a new deal, and he definitely should. <SNIP! Off-topic ranting>
  15. She is after all just Biden 2.0. But he's added in her stupidity as well. But it's been working well, and he pulled into the lead over Biden. Harris is in her honeymoon phase, got a little bump w/ the VP of course, Reality will reassert itself.
  16. Plenty of strong attacks he's already been using. You wouldn't know that from reading the propaganda press. Just Bernie Sanders in a hunting outfit. Same failed Dem policies. Target-rich environment.
  17. Why shouldn't kids like free stuff? He knew how much it would help him, politically. Let's not be naive.
  18. Let's let a fellow Minnesotan who knows Pawlenty well speak: Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a Republican, said the choice of current Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate shows Democrats are doubling down on a "democrat-socialist agenda." . . . "She has sort of the San Francisco, California, vibe. He's going to have sort of the Bernie Sanders in hunting gear vibe," said Pawlenty. "So, it's the same product, just in different wrappers." --Former Minnesota GOP governor sums up Tim Walz VP pick: 'Bernie Sanders in hunting gear'
  19. Tax the rich has been THE solution for every Dem since FDR. Always plays well with the gullible, who think they're FINALLY gon' get all that free stuff. Turning men into women seems working well w/ large numbers of women, esp the childless cat ladies. Another endless war in Ukraine, love for Hamas--what's not to like? 🙂
  20. He got off to a good start, then sold out. On the farm, like all true farmers. he knew well the difference between male and female. No longer. Coastal leftism now determines his definition of social responsibility, just as it does for all Dems. But the issues now are the DEI issues. Those are delegated to highly paid DEI experts and MSNBC. He's a politician. He'll certainly help Harris by talking for her so she can pull a Biden and stay more in the background with sycophantic interest groups and the fake news.
  21. Trump's suing ABC and George Stephanopoulos and his lawsuit has been given permission to proceed. Thus ABC and he have a conflict of interest. Have the debate moderated by the org you're suing? I don't think so! Trump agreed to easy terms to get Biden out of his basement and give him false hope he could win on his terms w/ the fake news moderators behind him. Worked. No such need with Harris. Being on stage with Trump would elevate Harris and be to her advantage, until she's shredded. He has the right to negotiate terms this time.
  22. True. As a left wing socialist from the Islamic State of Minnesota, he's just another pre-reinvented Kamala and already talking the same cr*p. Great pick for the Republican side as he not only shares her repugnant beliefs but has a track record of implementing them. Ripe for attack. I don't see him as helping her much, except for being more coherent. JD Vance is smarter, more dynamic, and a lot more articulate.
  23. They probably meant peaceful, civilized families who don't cause confrontations. The "victim" is a family man, w/ a wife anyway.
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