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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. A desktop? Just for email and surfing?
  2. Again? Evidence of Brit crime during the heyday of Brit tourism before the GBPeso fell and those Golden Egg Layers ran out of golden eggs. The point, which you're trying to ignore, is that as particular groups of tourists grow larger, so does the number of crimes committed by members of that group. As indicated in the text, they're all Brits. Here're a couple more Brits for you, since you're so interested. You recognize any? Yeah, not seeing this any longer, certainly not by the Russians you're trying to bash. Now it's usually old fat drunk Brits causing an issue at a beer bar or traffic accidents.
  3. By TAT: ANF members, of course. No. The precipitous fall in tourism was a huge concern. Tourism-related businesses closed everywhere; Pattaya and Phuket looked like ghost towns. The gov't then did a lot to boost domestic tourism, which helped a lot, as I can assure you from Pattaya. Our experts sneered at that idea, because domestic tourism by definition cannot exist. So the fallback smug claim was that it would NOT make up for international tourism. That was, however, a straw man argument, because nobody said, suggested, or implied that it would. It definitely did help a lot, however. Of course it helped THAI businesses most. The silver lining of COVID was that it made the gov't realize all that potential that had hitherto gone untapped. Paid for has nothing to do with it. TAT: ANF defines "negative" as reliable. But you haven't proved their predictions are silly, merely asserted on your own majestic Authority, while now engaging in whataboutism as a false justification. Sorry, I missed that. Link? Now today I happened to ride past the beer bars on Beach Road and was surprised to find them packed out. Traffic was pretty horrendous, too. Yawn. Nobody's impressed with the usual forum "hub" sneer. It's lost all its power to inspire awe owing to overuse, sorry. Meanwhile, Thailand is still entitled to its aspirations whether you agree it should have them or not.
  4. More tourists of a nationality mean more crime perpretrated by that nationality. Brits are a good example. W/ the decrease of Brit tourism, we see much less of this: A few, of course, endlessly exaggerated here for bashing purposes, but even so hardly means they're necessarily draft dodging. If draft dodgers wish to engage in ordinary tourism, notably with their girlfriends, then so what? Not your business. Their money's just as good as yours. Attempts to set up businesses illegally by foreigners has always been common. Used to have Brit call center scammers and phony investment managers. Were you so outraged then? In fact, if a Brit commits a crime, all our forum Brits rush in with a thousand excuses and whataboutism to support "our lad, hevin' a bit o' fun." Chinese are doing most of it. Are they also draft dodgers? Most Russian tourists are couples and families. I know well, as I live in an area of Pattaya popular with Russians and enjoy seeing the hotties in thongs out on the beach. The Russians also have their own tourist seasons, like any other tourists. Some months most of them disappear.
  5. In most posts, yours for example, the ANF Poster Boomerang Princple applies: it's the posters spewing out the BS. If not, give your own verified figures. WOT?
  6. Totally evidence-based. I can't be a*sed to look up the old posts for you, but they're all there: the sneering about the 2019 40 million then the total reversal when COVID hit to agree with TAT so's to enhance the wide gap and doom predictions. I remember it all quite well. What's reliable depends on what supports our narrative. If the predictions are negative they're always reliable. 🙂 "Raining money" is a silly exaggeration affirming your troll status.Tourist numbers can't be predicted precisely, and determinants change with time. You'd understand that quite well IF it were the UK, which has its own Tourist Authority w/ marketing campaign making predictions. Note, BTW, that domestic tourism is acknowledged as important in the UK, but can't be in Thailand, because to do so would be to violate the Known Truth that Thais have no money. 🙂 Bigotry seems to explain the double standard.
  7. Probably because that's simply a forum-generated myth used for our fave sport of bashing Russians.
  8. Yep, all those skyscrapers and luxury hotels, apts and condos in BKK are needed to support a few streets representing the red light districts. Explains why there's nothing to eat but street food.
  9. 2030 can be near or far, depending. But it's important to express our informed doubts here, an important function of the forum. Catharsis helps slow the progress of aging.
  10. Shockingly, simple-minded Microsoft seems entirely unconcerned by your carefully-considered requirements. WOT??? "What that means it that is not only do you have full capability of Azure in Thailand, but the best world-class AI infrastructure," Nadella said at an event in Bangkok, the capital, referring to the company's cloud computing platform. The Thailand data centre will also help enterprise-grade reliability, performance, and compliance with data residency and privacy standards, Microsoft added in the statement. Microsoft has pledged to train 2.5 million people in Southeast Asia in the use of AI by 2025. --Microsoft to open first regional data centre in Thailand It's not too late to write to CEO Nadella to inform him of a BIG MISTAKE. You should be able to collect a huge consultant's fee. It's a source of perennial wonderment here how international companies fail to do even the most basic marketing research and survey our keyboard warriors when it comes to Thailand. Gon' be sorry when they find out about that wine tax! All those techies and admins and support having to drink boxed Mont Clair like our pensioners. Intolerable!
  11. But they aren't claiming to be a hub NOW.
  12. Thank you. Seems working.
  13. Unless they're negative. Those are always right. Then the previous positive numbers are suddenly correct! TAT: ANF, with no numbers of its own, always insists TAT's numbers are phony, unless they fit the bashing narrative. The 40 million of 2019 was, for example, greeted with the usual chorus of sneers from TAT: ANF. Then COVID came along w/ a vastly reduced number of tourists. Our members of TAT: ANF then completely reversed themselves and accepted the 40 million as totally credible so they could hit their keyboards to hype the drama, the hysteria, and the prophetic DOOM about the final long-predicted death of the Thai economy. The last of the last nails in the coffin.🤣 Further, with the most childlike naïveté, TAT: ANF members think that TAT is just multiplying average spend per tourist by the number of tourists to arrive at the total revenue. They then brilliantly pull out their little calculators and make a division to reverse the imagined process to PROVE, definitively, that TAT tells porkies! We love that. TAT is giving the revenue generated through the economy figure. Totally different. Google it. They almost never give average spend per tourist figures, as they have limited application. We would disagree with any such figures, as we KNOW that Chinese, Indians, and Thais don't spend. Only farang have money.
  14. Part of TAT's job is to track numbers. The OP is a report from TAT and reprinted here for the edification of ANF members. So? Next time your gf asks for money, hand it over w/o question. Better yet, hand over the debit card w/ PIN number, and the credit card. Don't be obsessed with numbers.
  15. Happened to me once as well, no email. Naturally, that was the time I'd forgotten to put the date on my calendar. Had to go to the office and pay the fine.
  16. Had no problem staying with the 30 episodes of this series, kept my interest sufficiently. Well-done, good casting, distinctive characters you can care about (which you'll need to do, as it delves extensively and slowly into the background of one main character), stylish, intelligent, creative. Depicts a Chinese society unknown here: middle-class scientists and engineers in the modern world. (I felt more sympathetic towards Chinese after watching this.) Does go back extensively into the insanity of the Cultural Revolution era to explain how the main character became warped. Grat retro tech in that section. The virtual world episodes require patience and a love of sci-fi. Not an action flick. Slow burning, academic, thinking man's sci-fi mystery that finally culminates in some incomprehensibly advanced alien tech infecting the world in prep for an invasion. Expensive special effects in a scene of a freighter being sliced up by nanothreads. That was pretty good. So, not for everyone, not the typical kind of movie/series praised here. I'll go back and review parts of it, but I won't watch the whole thing again. Fans of it do. Seems a 2nd season is in the works for 2026 that will follow the second book in the series. I think I'll take a look at the Netflix version.
  17. No, you just HAD to rub in the mistake with "Forget?" You should have said, "This, too, krub" Done. In any case, you weren't owed any thanks. You did what you were supposed to do, she did her job.
  18. With King Sultan Charles Philip Arthur George as figurative Chief of State? 🙂
  19. And so the gov't of the Islamic Republic of the UK is now busy forcefully attempting to suppress critical thinking and free speech. Doing so in the school system is an integral part of it, of course.
  20. Why don't you just read the replies to your topic on the subject posted on July 2? How many go bag topics do we need?
  21. You can use Windows w/o a license, legally. Nor is anybody suggesting using an "incorrect" license, whatever that is.
  22. You're in good company. ANF Poster Longevity Science has always postulated three Fatalistic principles, among others. You'll often find advocates popping up in health-related threads. 8. What, me worry? I: The genes It’s all me genes. Git nekkid! 9. What, me worry? II: Fate It’s all me fate. Might be hit by a lorry tomorrow. Get nekkid! 10. What, me worry? III: The French Salute Woe is me; g'bye cruel world. And we typically have invocations to The Guys: I know some guys who seemed healthy but have already died. And The Relative: A relative of mine did nothing special and lived to 95. So I probably will too. And then there's always the George Burns Hail Mary: George Burns drank and smoke but lived to 100. So I can too. These are all just excuses. Mark Baker's advice: . . make sure you keep healthy, because health is your supreme asset. If you’re ill your life is f**ked. Most people don’t become ill for no reason; it’s the consequence of being a w.a.nker, not caring about their physical condition or what they eat. Your life is f**ked anyway because you’re going to die; but don’t accelerate the d.a.mn process! Leave that to the morons who blame their genetics or hormones for their illnesses. Keep strong, build muscle, face physical tests and challenges. --Gang Fit (Part 2)
  23. But they're in the minority now. Already changed. Whoops.
  24. BigStar

    Ride 4 Kicks

    Or those to who can use the Bolt app.
  25. Surprising the Lek Hotel lacks a state-of-the-art web presence.
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