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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Prada Luna Rossa Carbon, very nice. But you might also want to try Prada Amber Pour Homme.
  2. Cheap laser printer's the way to go. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/laser-printer/?q=laser printer&catalog_redirect_tag=true Can't go wrong with the Brother HL-1110. Secondhand, even cheaper.
  3. Lovely place, really. Have greatly enjoyed my couple of decades here and hope for at least one more! Cheers!
  4. One of those sacred ANF Poster myths. But now mostly skint, w*nking to porn on their computers in their council estates, finding hookups on apps, incels. Low sperm counts, becoming ever more effeminate if not gay or trans. UK study shows 29% drop in sperm concentration Hence the decline in the Brit demographic continues as it has since the fall of the GBPeso, as suggested by the OP. No.
  5. Crazed British tourist steals minivan before crashing in Phuket Allegedly Intoxicated and Speeding British Man on Motorbike Crashes Into Pattaya Taxi, Seriously Injures Two Girls, and Tries to Flee, Say Police
  6. While in msconfig, did you look at all the startup apps? When the radio's playing I assume you checked all the programs running in Task Manager. You might also look at the Task Scheduler and see if anything suspicious is scheduled to start at boot. Take a look at all the running local services. Finally, when the radio's on, look at the Volume Mixer applet to see what apps show sound volume fluctuation.
  7. Put in one, leave it in, and reboot. Just a guess. You got the hub powered?
  8. Quite true. That cable will outlast him, however.
  9. No. More silliness and expense reminiscent of the PC case debacle.
  10. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/powered-usb-hub/?q=powered+usb+hub&catalog_redirect_tag=true Example: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/jdb-usb-2030-5gbps-port-hub-expand-multiple-4-port-hub-025m-1m-15m-long-cable-with-micro-usb-power-hi-speed-for-laptop-macbook-pc-computer-xbox-one-adapter-usb-3-0-hub-i3593841284-s13433514168.html?
  11. Debunked long ago as a useful statement. Explaining excess weight by CICO is like answering the question, "Why is the room crowded?" with "Because so many people are in the room." Tautology tells you nothing about how they got there and how to stop them and get them out. Few people can follow ANF Nutritional Experts/ standard, stereotypical advice of "push away from the table" and the various tricks to enable that. No. "You can't outrun a bad diet." In fact, exercise may just make you hungrier as you "work up an appetite." In short, every fattie in the USA and UK knows this advice and nothing else. That's why such a high percentage are obese and suffering the various effects of metabolic syndrome. It merely leads to the usual future with docs and medications we see here so commonly.
  12. Try a different USB stick Try a different port Scan the USB stick for errors Remove all USB drivers, then reboot for re-detection Spray contact cleaner in USB ports
  13. Uh oh. Who woulda thought? Good times for slightly older CPUs are coming to an end. . . . Though this was found in the Canary Build, this will likely trickle down to future releases and be implemented for all systems once updated. . . . While there are other installation methods, it's simply a matter of time before Microsoft patches these bypasses. In this situation, users can switch to older Windows 10 with supported builds, shift to Linux, or make a hardware upgrade. --https://www.tomshardware.com/software/operating-systems/microsoft-patches-tpm-20-bypass-to-prevent-windows-11-installs-on-pcs-with-unsupported-cpus
  14. Solipsism can only succeed in a madhouse. — A. Schopenhauer Being responsible for being a thief means that you will also be responsible for setting into motion a chain of events external to your theft. A customer who expected to receive the item you stole notices it missing and refuses to pay or requests a refund, hence loss of revenue for the company. The delivery person may also have noticed it's missing or so be informed. He may happen to remember which customer received it, which may turn into an issue for you as the responsible thief. In the OP's case, a huge portion of premium imported beef steaks stands out rather distinctively. The back office learns of the item, and revenue, gone missing; the search begins for where it may have gone and who made the mistake(s) that enabled the loss. Eventually, someone's fingered who will regret being fingered. To what degree, one may only speculate. Depends on the management and its policies. Will an apology be sufficient? Docking of pay? Delayed promotion? A transfer? A loss of face, to be sure. You may imagine that lil' ol' you, just grabbing what wrongly fell into your hands, had nothing to do with any of the issues resulting from your theft of which you may not be aware. Out of sight, out of mind.🙂 In fact, however, you did. Whether that bothers your conscience also depends. Our thieves on the forum will blithely shrug it off and enjoy their winnings. Heh. Our honest souls with a sense of responsibility extending to others will be glad they remained true to their principles.
  15. Presumably, such mistakes don't often occur, it would be surprising in case of such a large amount, and they wished to make sure the mistake wasn't on your part, for your own benefit. Regretful and puzzled that such a mistake happened, poor reflection on the company After all, it was true that they in fact still had no idea how it got there in the first place or who it actually should be delivered to, if anyone. Why should they instantly know that? It'd take some detailed checking, with the help of staff at the store, and these guys had other deliveries to make. So their "look" merely reflected that reality. Note that they didn't look at you as if you are an idiot, unless you're subconsciously projecting. As is evident. A misreading that reflects negative stereotyping. Yeah, that, now, was awfully rough. Smiling and politeness usually make the correction of others' mistakes, even if they're not directly to blame, go pleasantly. But read your Ezekiel; it's only to be expected. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. My last Makro delivery similarly came with an extra item. Looking puzzled, I said, in Thai, "Excuse me, I didn't order this, krub" and showed it to the delivery guys. They looked similarly puzzled, and we checked the order together. So the lead guy smiled and said, "Thank you," seemingly happy I'd not stolen it. In the course of the checking, however, we discovered that an item I'd ordered was NOT in the box. I expressed no indignation but waited. They apologized and promised to bring it later in the day. They didn't, of course, but they did send someone by with it the next day. All good.
  16. Well, when you select a new case, you study the specs carefully to see if they match your needs, then order, then notify the vendor if you didn't receive everything you need. I believe the sleds are an option for which you'll need to pay extra. But JIB assembled everything for you in the first place, and you knew you'd want those 4TB drives in there. Obviously, you should have given them the drives at build time for them to install before handover. Why didn't you?
  17. Great series, watched it couple of times. Love the ending.
  18. I don't think you know your own case. You won't be able to see the HDDs in the drive cage (talk to JIB about ordering), behind the shroud, connected to the PSU in the back. The SATA cables will immediately thread out of sight through the routing holes in the motherboard tray. A few custom cables will enhance the appearance of your motherboard. Moreover, you can mount one, maybe two more drives on a back panel, out of sight. And JIB can put it together for you. So this alleviates of your womanly concerns about the captivating aesthetics of your motherboard and the need for unobstructed viewing thereof. Me, I'd find extra USB cables/box/NAS/external drives would detract from the aesthetics of my condo as well as those of my bank balance, not to mention SATA ports workin' hard for me, so my 5 drives are internal, with a mobile rack in a 3.5" bay for occasionally connecting another one.
  19. Your wife is most appreciative. Keep up the good work.
  20. On rare occasions, something's done in the best interests of the Thai population. Good on Taksin.
  21. Exactly. Farang like doing the same, like this Brit sitting peacefully on Beach Rd. relaxing after a long journey from Heathrow. Better that Thais in some ways, as it symbolizes the bankruptcy of the fabled Golden Egg Layers who built the entire Thai economy and the shift to new demographics. Yet when this photo came about a few years ago, members weren't nearly so liberal as they are with today's Thai man and had no issues about getting him off the street. Why is that?
  22. Nonsense. The boosting of domestic tourism occurred during non-lockdown periods, of course, and definitely helped keep Thai business alive in Pattaya. The "scientific advice" was mostly wrong anyway, Obviously you haven't recovered from the brainwashing. In general, you seem unable to think independently. Lack of education, I suspect. ‘Laissez-faire’ Sweden had the lowest mortality in Europe from 2020–2022, new analysis shows The usual articles with TAT's press releases were similarly published on the forum, of course. In the outside world, by professionals concerned with tourist numbers, TAT's numbers don't seem farfetched. Only our "experts" here always enjoy soiling their knickers. What "Gaslighting," other than your own? Yup, I colleded all my data on TAT: ANF's positions from the forum itself. They appear nowwhere else. 🙂 No. As TAT: ANF's conclusions, including your own, are simply based on selection bias while Eyeballing, my real-world observations differ rather markedly. True, those do bolster some faith in TAT. The vast increase in domestic tourism post-COVID, as a result of the efforts during COVID, is a fact and quite observable in Pattaya every weekend. The increase and benefit is reflected in TAT's numbers: Local travellers, making around 103 million trips, are set to add another 504 billion baht to the pot. But in the industry, the pros seem to have no problem either. Thailand's numbers merely coincide with the trend throughout the region. Thailand tourism is expected to fully recover in 2024, according to MEI, with total visitor arrivals now only 7% below 2019, pre-pandemic levels. Notably, inbound flight traffic from South Asia and the ASEAN region is nearly 20% above 2019 levels. --Mastercard Economics Institute on travel in 2024 In the first quarter of 2024, the number of foreign tourists in Thailand amounted to around 9.37 million, indicating a significant increase compared to the previous quarter. The number of international tourists in the country has increased constantly over the past quarter. --Thailand: quarterly number of foreign tourists 2024 - Statista I love the childlike humor here. Our same o' little imagined jokes just never fail to please--with a partcular group.
  23. One of the features of our forum is that posters always let you know when they've run out any logical arguments and just resort to personal attacks, as if that somehow makes them "right" and have "won." Kind of like teenage girls, come down to it. Always a good laugh at such pathetic self-consolation.
  24. This is a first: adding HDDs inside a case is screwing it up!🤣 Needs to be posted on reddit. The real problem is that you're not competent or too enervated to do it yourself. JIB, who assembled your computer merely to spare you the "boredom," could do it for you. Sharing isn't an issue as you can just set up a Samba share on the drive. Black electrical tape will take care of that.
  25. This should be helpful: Google’s New Pixel Watch 3 Can Detect a Loss of Pulse
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