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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. Case in point: An American tourist was killed when he slipped on a wet sidewalk and was electrocuted by a faulty streetlight in Phuket, authorities said on Friday. Thura Kyaw, 33, from New York, was walking with his girlfriend to a seafood restaurant in Don Jom Thao Road in tambon Thep Krasattri of Thalang district at 9.30pm on Thursday when he fell and tried to steady himself on a light pole, the New York Post reported. The pole, which might have had a live wire, shocked the man into unconsciousness and he was rushed to a nearby hospital, Pol Maj Thanom Thongpaen told Thai media. --https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2915672/american-tourist-electrocuted-in-phuket
  2. Higher tier, higher cost, and higher running cost. Cost-effectiveness evaluation 100.00 68.04 https://technical.city/en/video/GeForce-RTX-4060-vs-Radeon-RX-7800-XT Generally, Radeon gives somewhat better performance than Nvidia for money spent. Most gamers and Linux geeks on the 'net will inevitably favor Radeon and, as forum members do, sneer at "overpriced" Nvidia. The tradeoff has to do with the drivers. On Windows, Nvidia seems to attract fewer complaints. Just recently Nvidia deprecated the old GeForce for a new all-encompassing app, which is pretty nice. That said, my Radeon's doing fine on my spare computer, but I haven't stressed it much over there. If it'd worked on my A5, I'd be using it now. Chances are, whatever you choose will be fine. Me, I'm staying with Nvidia in the future, though I'd try a Battlemage IF Intel improves the Linux drivers a bit. I dual boot. Anyway, if money's no object, then you have quite a wide range. Why don't you go ask the gurus on reddit here: https://reddit.com/r/graphicscard/ They live and breather graphics cards and can answer all your questions. Registration's trivial.
  3. Unreliable source. We don't read those. Wikipedia used to be an objective source, but it got infiltrated by leftists and corrupted, unfortunately.
  4. More autocratic than the left-wingers? How so?🤣 How could they, since you don't know that? Nobody said anything about doing any such thing. You've merely sucked up an old Dem lie they always repeat every election. Left-wingers, however, have already ensured the bankruptcy of USA Social Security in about nine years.🙂 Utter nonsense. Well, you'll have to ask all those Kamala supporters. Many of them, such as teachers' unions, are paid off. Others believe the perennial lie that Dems are going to give them all that free stuff. So they don't mind if Biden spends their money, from the poor and working class, to bail out college kids to took out loans at private unis to major in gender studies, for example. Last Biden pardon of student loans could cost $600,000,000,000 WHY? Good question. Or spend all those billions on illegal migrant benefits or allow criminals and homeless to take over the inner cities, or allow drag queens to groom their kids. Or accept all that inflation their salaries haven't kept up with: Must be that like yourself they accept the DNC and their media propagandists' assurances that none of it is real, or, if it is, it's somehow Trump's fault.🤣
  5. True, almost half the electorate voted Harris/Walz, duped by false information or because they actually have some of the same selfish values their executioners have out of a desire to increase their own wealth and power. Fortunately, that deluded segment lost again this time.
  6. Far right is mostly a leftist political slur.
  7. True. Was known as Baghdad Broadcasting Corp during the Iraq War. Find some positive articles on pushback against immigration and illegality by any immigrant or person of color. WOT?
  8. At least through 2036, end of Vance's terms. Right now all the squealing and authoritative posturings and dire prophecies are in the absence of Trump's actually signing any bills or executive orders. He hasn't deported one Venezuelan thug or dared to fire even one useless gov't hack. Our pathetic libs are just repeating their same talking points. Soon the hysteria's gon' get much, much worse. We really should ignore all that noise.
  9. RTX 4060 would surely meet your needs. Go for it. I finally tried a Radeon earlier this year, a great value in theory (and on sale, too) and found it had a weird incompatibility with my A5 motherboard. Put it in my spare computer, where it works fine. I'll stick with Intel from now on. But the new Intel Battlemage cards have just been released. Look like great value and targeted at the RTX 4060 market. The independent benchmarks aren't up yet. Even Amazon doesn't have them in stock.
  10. No. Can't believe how many take this troll seriously.
  11. Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) seems a thing now, better than Urolift even and much cheaper. Evidently not yet available in Thailand but India has it. I don't have any BPH symptoms yet, which I attribute to a healthy lifestyle, If I did, I think I'd go to India and get a few checks done there as well. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/prostatic-artery-embolization
  12. You can lead a horse to water but . . . .
  13. They voted so in 2020 and nearly half the electorate did in 2024, but thankfully lost. True, the Biden admin gave no quarter during its hoaxes, coverups, and lawfare, getting new laws passed retroactively to manufacture crimes and creating novel untested interpretations of old laws. Recent cool thing Trump did was appoint Peter Navarro to serve as "Senior Counselor for Trade and Manufacturing" after he had to serve time for refusing to appear before Schiff's corrupt J6 committee. Hee.
  14. Given up hope for the moment. And Sotomayor's let it be known that she's not stepping down so Biden can replace her w/ someone younger, so that's a dead end. Meanwhile, Trump may get to pick another one or two w/ luck. Not that underneath Dems have really changed their minds on Harris' "values" or have been able to learn anything from their recent drubbing. Just bidening (sic) their time and regrouping, like Hezbollah. Force and power are all they understand--therefore, Trump.
  15. They backed off that fast. Schumer started talking about "let's play nice now." LOL
  16. Agreed. Same w/ any of the thousands of low-level employees w/ no family ties in Pattaya. Most work for a time, then leave. They don't necessarily go back to villages. They may join a business started by a family member in BKK or nearby towns, such a Chonburi or Rayong. And a much smaller proportion stay, for various reasons. You don't have to have tattoos to stay long-term in Pattaya.
  17. Good point and one I myself take to heart. I wear Merrell trekking shoes as my personal foot armor. Great traction & stability; impervious to Thailand's countless pavement & road hazards.
  18. I think he may have been distracted by a fly he was trying to swat.
  19. Oh, various reasons, depends. Ask the individual if that's an important issue for you. Most ex-bar girls leave Pattaya, however.
  20. The ANF Excuse Industry is one of the marvels of today's social media.
  21. Notably, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: Welcome to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
  22. And a bit o' SATIRE for you from the SATIRICAL Babylon Bee. 'Allahu Akbar' Replaces 'Cheerio, Mate!' As Most Popular UK Greeting The results of the survey show "Allahu Akbar" beating out "Cheerio mate" in what experts are calling a "flippin' landslide, old bean." "It's not really that surprising, what what?" said Baxter Edwin Bartleby III, a senior pollster. "Just reflects the social and cultural makeup of the jolly old Realm now, dunnit? Quite. 'Pon my Sam, I didn't b'leeve my peepers when I first took a goggle at the results, but it's right sensible once you think about it for a minute, innit? I use it all the time, myself. . . . guess it's our culture now, so that makes it better? Rather." Bartleby was then stabbed repeatedly by a Libyan immigrant shouting "Allahu Akbar." --https://babylonbee.com/news/allahu-akbar-replaces-cheerio-mate-as-most-popular-uk-greeting
  23. Yep, going great over there. Muhammad top name for baby boys in England and Wales Alex Consani becomes first transgender Model of the Year at U.K. Fashion Awards Britain’s local governments are at ‘serious’ risk of ‘widespread collapse’
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