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Posts posted by allane

  1. You need a bill of sale and the "green book". (It looks like  a bank book.) You need a receipt showing you have bought public liability insurance. Then go to the Dept. of Land Transportation. If you don't know where their office is, give your location. Someone here may know, or ask the seller. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, noticojaru said:

    Wake up, we're talking about kasikorn.

    you're talking bulishlt.

    to open a new account, I'd have to close my current one. Once I've closed it, I may not be able to open a new one, anywhere, because they've tighted KYC regulations. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to. And if I'm not? As if you were not aware of that.

    Bank accounts in Thailand are not transferable to another branch. Do not close your present account until after you have opened your new one. What is KYC ?

  3. 32 minutes ago, jimn said:

    Good luck with getting a new card issued in Bangkok. Last year I needed to get a new Bangkok Bank debit card in Pattaya. It was more convenient for me to use a branch inside Tesco Lotus. They wouldn't entertain it. I had to go back to the branch where I opened my account at the corner of Walking St. 

    So if my experience is anything to go by, expect problems.

    This is a guess, but most if not all of the "branches" in Tesco-Lotuses are sub-branches, not real branches.

  4. My answer presumes that you can not read Thai.

    Get off the BTS Skytrain at Saphan Kwai Station. Exit on the west side (left side in the direction of travel), and board bus # 3, 77 or 157 to take you to Morchit 2 bus station.

    If you can read Thai, you can ride the BTS one station farther to Morchit 1, and board the # 3 or 77 there. The problem there though is that both northbound and southbound 3's and 77's stop at the same stop. You need to be able to read the destination cards in Thai, to know if the bus is northbound or southbound.

  5. Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT) (gaw-saw-thaw)

    42 Jomsurang Road

    - map on their website:  cattelecom.com

    -open Mon. - fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    - Tel. 044-009-810-3

  6. So, for anyone who is unable to maintain the required B 800,000/400,000 for ninety days post extension, the choices appear to be:  a) do nothing, and be allowed to remain until the expiry of your extension

                                     b) go in to Immigration, and be told to leave within 7 days, or,

                                     c) do nothing, and hope that Immigration doesn't notice at the time of your next                                            extension, or notices, but forbears refusal in return for a small fine.

  7. For private K - 12 schools, there are entrance exams. Public schools accept all comers (as long as they are Thai citizens.)

    There is a universal entrance exam for university entrance; written in March, I think, and another sitting in October (?). The latter might not be offered in as many locations as the March one.

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