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Posts posted by allane

  1. Take this for whatever it may be worth:  On Aug. 16, I sent a letter from Thailand to Alberta, Canada by EMS. (Post Office affiliated courier). After 18 days, it hasn't arrived there yet.  EMS did their job, getting it out of Thailand in just over 24 hrs. (measured from my home in Isarn.)

    In early Aug., I had sent another letter by EMS to Vancouver, that one was there in 12 days. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. To the OP: My brief answer to your question is "yes". I am presuming you mean that you want to confirm your permanent residence at a time when you are not actually there. The Immigration computer system which records hotel/guesthouse stays is not linked to the system which records "90 days" reports. You do not need to worry about being caught being in two places on the same day. And, Immigration does not do bed checks. Note that if you are doing your 90 Day report in person, it can only be done at the office of the province where your residence is located.

  3. For the sake of clarity, may I propose the following definitions:

      1. Property Salesman - you are an employee of a company which is planning to build, is building, or has built a condominium development.

       2. Rental agent - you  are self-employed, and work on commission, matching landlords and tenants. You are paid a commission by the landlord.

        3. Real Estate Salesman - you are an employee of a Real Estate Agent, who takes listings from owners wanting to sell their property.

         4. Real Estate Agent - you are the owner (licence holder) of a real estate agency.


    I have seen foreigners working as #1.   #2 is a business, so I think you need a 51% Thai partner.  #3 is probably possible if you are called a "Marketing Manager", or something similar.   #4. I would concur with blackcab's comment that a foreigner can't hold this position. at best he could be a minority shareholder, with a majority Thai shareholder who is the agent.

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  4. I have lived in Thailand a long time, and certainly know that. I now live several hours outside of Bangkok. The last time I was in that part of the city, there were still a large number of vans departing from Sai Tai Mai Gaew (the one on the bend). To the real old timers here, I am not referring to the one at Sam Yaek Faichai !  

    I am currently assisting a friend for an important trip, and trying to avoid confusion and wasted time.

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