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Posts posted by allane

  1. Sorry, I can't remember my sources on this, but I have seen one report in the last 24 hrs. or so saying that the answer is "yes". And I have seen a report by a foreigner saying that he recently did it, originating from Morchit 2 Bus Station in Bangkok. Still, I would advise you to go to your local bus station a day or two ahead to confirm. Also SRT trains were never affected by this.

    • Like 1
  2. I may soon have to have some documents sent from Canada for my signature, and then return same. I would appreciate comments from anyone who has done this in the Covid-19 era, in which we all find ourselves. Company ? Length of time required ? Americans, please feel free to comment too. I think most couriers operating internationally from Canada are offshoots of American ones.

  3. It's an Acer. I am not getting any illumination on the screen. As far as I can determine, from the indicator lights, the computer itself, and the charger, are still working. It was not damaged in a fall, or anything like that.

  4. - asking for a friend; Employed as a school teacher in Thailand, presently stranded out of country; so I think will be subject to 14 day quarantine upon Re-entry. He has a Re-entry Permit.

    - Will he have to bear the cost of his quarantine ? If yes, does anyone have an idea of the cost ?

    - presuming he will also need a "fit to fly" medical certificate, and medical insurance ?

  5. I don't have a definitive answer to your question, and to some extent nothing is definite yet. Varying calendars are in circulation, though all now seem to be assuming a July 1, 2020 starting date. The variances now seem to be centred on the length of the October 2020 and April 2021 vacations with a presumption of a normal school year for next year beginning in May 2021.

    For the current school year, consider these points:

    - a start before July 1, 2020 now seems almost impossible.  It has been announced that entrance exams are to be scheduled in the first half of June, with results to be announced approximately June 15.

    - delaying beyond July 1 makes it too difficult to complete the required number of instructional hours by April 30, 2021. If they begin on or about July 1, the lost time (6 - 9 weeks, depending on the school) can probably be made up by some combination of:  a longer school day, compulsory Saturday classes; cancellation of non-academic activities, and reduction or outright elimination of vacation periods in October 2020 and April 2021.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Where I am, the private bus companies are still offering service to/from Bangkok, though on a reduced timetable. Check at your local bus station to see what is available.  No night buses because of the curfew, so from Phuket, probably an early morning departure for an early evening arrival.

  7. 2 hours ago, AtlasAus said:

    If you want to pull out more than a 1000 a day then you will need to contact your bank.


    I have never been able to get the 30,000 Baht some ATMs advertise, though I can pull 2 x 20,000 but that comes with extra fees of course, unless like me you have an ING account and all costs are refunded. 

    I am not American, and don't use a home-country account, so I stand to be corrected on this. US $1000 + service charges is presently more than B 30,000. Try withdrawing a slightly smaller amount.

    • Confused 1
  8. You are limited by the physical constraints of the particular ATM, as well as by whatever limits your bank has set. Most machines are limited to B 20,000 - 30,000/transaction. You are normally limited to two transactions per day. However, there is nothing to stop you from doing your second transaction immediately after the first.

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