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Posts posted by allane

  1. How do they "buy illegally" train tickets without the connivance of the SRT, especially a whole carriage ?

    Several years ago, I lived relatively close to Hualumphong for seven years, and for that reason, was a relatively frequent train user for out of town travel.  Almost anytime I went there, I was approached by vendors on the sidewalk, purporting to sell train tickets. And this, with no knowledge of where I was going, or even if I was planning to travel. (I used to buy my tickets in advance, so was there without luggage, at that point.)

    How could these people, whoever they were, supposedly sell tickets for less than the SRT ? The fact that this was always happening must have said a lot about the gullibility of travelling farang. These vendors never approached Thai people. I always presumed that they must have been selling worthless pieces of paper.

  2. I am a now retired foreign teacher. I taught at four different high school in three different provinces, Two were public, two were private. I cast my vote on a composite average basis, though actually, there was not much difference between the four places. At one place, our annual holiday leave was about two weeks longer than the other three, but that was offset by a longer workday. The MOE and OBEC specify a required number of instructional hours/year. Too my knowledge, it is the same for all schools, at least within the two broad categories of Prathom and Mathayom.

  3. You can only change the reason for Extension (from Employment to Marriage) at the office where it was issued. So, I think you should do that in Bangkok. If you have no plans to work again, don't worry about the Work Permit. i think the advice Chaengwattana gave you is sound. If you start by cancelling the Work Permit, you then have no legal basis to stay here while your Marriage Extension is being processed. And, it is not a fast process. It involves an "Under Consideration" period of a month or so, lots of requirements for paperwork & photos, and a home visit by an immigration officer.

  4. On 2/15/2020 at 8:31 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

    Isn't it necessary to go to Immigration after the WP has been cancelled, to officially cancel the Extension of Stay and apply for a 7-day extension if necessary?

    Yes, if necessary. It depends what you are going to be doing next. Are you leaving the country, changing jobs, changing to a Retirement Extension, or changing to a Marriage Extension ?

  5. 18 hours ago, Nobody55 said:

    Thank you this is what I was thinking to do, but unfortunately I am pressed by having to leave the house where I am living quickly. not being able to find another accommodation here, I see myself forced to move to another province where I would have found a new accommodation. I still have hope to stay in my current province, but if I can't, I need to know for sure how to fix the problem.

    Well, I have told you what worked for me. I went back to the "old province", and told them that the "new province refused to process my application because my previous extension had not been issued there. The "old province" agreed to process it, even though they knew I no longer lived there. They used my last address on file. 

    For a brief period, I was doing "90 Day" reports in both places, just as a precaution against being fined in one province or the other.

    I am not sure what to make of your statement that you can't find rental accommodation where you are now. There is rental accommodation almost everywhere, especially if you have white skin. Landlords who wouldn't rent to a local might rent to you, because they think they can charge you more.

  6. - Do your visa extension in the province where you are now living, then move. I once did it the opposite way, and had to commute back to my former province to get it done. (They agreed to do so, because I had moved only after receiving their assurance that I could do so, without jeopardizing my extension.)

    - There is no rule against using a bank in a different city or province. But use common sense, don't use one that is several hours away from your Immigration office. And don't leave anything until the last day.

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  7. In 2010, my situation paralleled yours, or perhaps yours might parallel mine. That was the year of the street war in Bangkok, and my school was in the "war zone". I left on vacation, came back, and was unable to return to my school, which would have been fruitless anyway, as it was completely closed with no one there. I left Thailand and came back in a week or two later on a tourist visa. After convincing "first level" and "second level" Immigration officials to show some leniency, I got refused at the "third level". 

    I had had my B 800,000 in the bank for what was the requisite 3 mo. at that time.  They put me on an "O" visa, for what I think was either 60 or 90 days, and told me to come back within the last 30 (?) days to switch to Non-B (Retirement). I did, and have been on Extensions of same ever since.

    An important note for you:  Immigration gave me a hard time, demanding to know where my B 800,000 had come from, with an unspoken allegation that I must have been engaged in some illegal activity. I produced 5 year's of past income tax returns, and told them in fluent Thai that I had been teaching here for fifteen years, which was the truth. This was enough to convince them that I had saved the B 800,000 from my work in Thailand.

  8. I am going from memory on this, as it has been about 5 yrs., and I am not in Sarakham now. Stand in front of the Krungthai Bank downtown. Cross the street. There is a dentist's office in front of you. That is not the one you want. Turn left, and walk about 4 doors. That is the guy you want. Another dentist in Sarakham recommended him to me as a root canal specialist.

  9. Several years ago, I walked into an SCB branch in Bangkok where I had never been before. I can't remember what I wanted, but I had my passport with me.  Before I even had a chance to say why I was there, a young clerk grabbed my passport, typed my name into the computer, and told me that she would have to update my passport information before I could proceed any further.

    After spending 15 minutes attempting unsuccessfully to do that, she gave up. I proceeded, and completed whatever transaction I had come in for in the first instance.

    I concluded that she was probably just trying to show off her English skills to any of her colleagues who might have been watching. It is certainly not the last time that I felt I was being delayed somewhere because someone wanted a chance to show off their English.

    • Haha 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    You realise that comments here relate to the context of the OP? 


    If you try to make a transaction at the bank that requires a passport and you present only the new one when the bank has only the details of the old passport the new one will not be accepted for ID as it is not the PP connected to the account.

    That is a comment which I have found to be untrue on more than one occasion.  Given that my name photograph, nationality, birth date and place of birth have not changed, I have never had a problem at the bank. My most recent experience was a month or so ago. As soon as they saw I had a new passport with a new number, they updated their records.  End of the story. 

    • Haha 1
  11. Some of the DLT offices don't need a Residency Certificate. If they look at your passport and can see that you are anything other than a tourist, they will proceed without one. A friend of mine did a transfer without a "Transfer Form", other than a Bill of Sale. If there is a form required, they will give you that at the DLT, though I think nowadays, everything is computerized.

    A note re annual renewal: You do not receive a renewal notice. You need to diarize it yourself and renew your insurance before going in to the DLT. There is also an inspection  required for mechanical soundness, brakes etc. (taw -raw-aw). Sorry, I can't make my Thai keyboard work !

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