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Posts posted by allane

  1. I am not in Phuket, so on the assumption that their national promotion has the same dates everywhere:

      - collect stamps until Nov. 22, 2017

      - redeem them until Dec. 6, 2017

    My source is the stamp booklet which I was handed this morning.

  2. While I have not done it for many years, 7-11 has been known to sell stamps, though I think that 7-11's in Bangkok may be an exception. After you check at your nearest 7-11, report back here !

  3. I have done it successfully. Make sure that you have met all the requirements, and take every piece of paper that they could conceivably ask to see. I suggest that you be standing at the Immigration office when it opens, so that if they place an unexpected roadblock in front of you, you have the rest of the business day to deal with it.

  4. Most international schools do most of their hiring in the country to which they are affiliated. She should do an internet search, and make a list of the British-affiliated schools. Then she should contact them, and see if they have hiring interviews in the UK before the start of the next school year. 

    If she wants to come to Thailand and take whatever work she can find until the start of the next international school year, she should have no difficulty finding something. Females are especially valued, as the foreign teaching contingent here is overwhelmingly male. Females are particularly valued for anuban (early years) and lower prathom (lower elememtary school) positions.

    She should bring the original of her university degree with her, not just a photocopy.

  5. I think you must have one of the "Non - O" visas, whether obtained in Thailand or abroad ? The money has to have been in your account for 2 months on the day you apply for the Extension for Retirement.  I believe that you can apply anytime within your last 30 days.

    Of note; If you renew your Retirement Extension for subsequent years the "seasoning" requirement for the money is 3 months, not 2.

  6. The low cost of living. As a recent retiree, my home country savings will go much farther here than they would there.

    There are countries where they would go even farther of course. But in most of those, it isn't safe for a white person to walk down the street after dark. Thailand hits that sweet spot; undeveloped enough that it is cheap to live here, but developed enough that you don't have to worry about someone pulling a gun or knife on you if you go out after dark.

  7. Post # 6 may be correct. However, from a practical perspective, she should start at the nearest Immigration office. She can always go to the border after that, if that is what they tell her to do.

  8. She should go to the nearest Immigration office and explain the situation. If that doesn't work she should go to Immigration HQ in Bangkok and try again. I would not advise doing an illegal entry into Laos.

  9. In the days before Nonthaburi had its own Immigration office, I lived in Bangkok and worked in Nonthaburi. I did my Work Permit in Nonthaburi, Non-immigrant "B" visa and 90 day confirmation of residence reports in Bangkok. The only slight hassle was with the 90 day reports. My foreign work colleagues all lived in Nonthaburi, and they were allowed to do their 90 day reports to Bangkok by mail. Because I lived inside the Bangkok boundary by about 1 km, I had to do mine in person, which in those days, meant a trip to Suan Phlu ever 90 days.

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  10. The following deduction information is from the Revenue Dept. website, rd.go.th  :

      -universal deduction:  40% of income up to a maximum of B 60,000.

     - personal deduction B 30,000

     Example 1:  Let's assume: minimum wage of B 300 day x 24 days per mo. x 12 mo. = annual income of B 86,400.

                           Taxable income: B 86,400 - 64,560 = B 21,840

    Example 2 : Salary of B 15,000/mo. or B 180,000/yr. 

                          Taxable income: B 180,000 - 90,000 = B 90,000

    Example 3:  Salary of B 19,000/mo. or B 228,000/yr.

                          Taxable income B 138,000

    Since no income tax is payable on the first B 150,000 of taxable income (ref.Revenue Dept. website), none of these example employees have to pay any income tax. They know it, their employer knows it and the Revenue Department knows it. That leaves.. guess who....

    ... a lot of stupid farang who not only think they see corruption everywhere, but don't go home happy unless they do see it.


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