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Posts posted by allane

  1. "Extension of Stay for Retirement" - probably the only word they will hear is "retirement"

    Do you have a letter from your bank verifying the amount in your bank account ? You also need photocopies of enough pages in your bankbook to show 2 month's history (first time), 3 month's history (subsequent times)

    You need a copy or two of your passport (ID page, TM card, and current visa page), and probably a couple of photos.

  2. As I said in Post # 2, in all likelihood you can not open a new account at a bank where you are unknown, so for that reason, where I bank is irrelevant. I am with the maroon bank.  If your bank has different rules, you will have to live by them. I am certain banks will not accept E-mailed instructions. My bank used to accept an ordinary (non-notarized) letter. For the last couple of years, they have been forcing me to use the ATMs here in Thailand instead, which is not all bad. It is faster, though I think a bit more expensive.  I would never use one of these "non-bank" forex operations, for lack of a better word. If they don't send your money, what recourse do you have ?

  3. 1. Electronic SWIFT transfer by your bank, upon receiving a letter from you requesting same. Send Cdn. $, and have the currency exchange done on the Thai end; it is a lot cheaper that way.

    2. Electronic transfer using your Cdn. ATM card to your Thai bank acct. I can do this on my bank's website.

    3. Cash withdrawal using your Cdn. ATM card.

    Review your bank's website, and/or speak to them on the phone before proceeding. Speak to the national call centre. Many employees of local branches have never heard of SWIFT.

  4. From a fellow Canadian: Canadians living abroad can not open new Canadian bank or stock brokerage accounts, or get new Canadian credit cards. (anti- money laundering legislation). The only exception is that you can broaden your assortment within the same institution, e.g. you can open a chequing account at a bank where you already have a savings account, and they have your ID and signature on file.

    So, you will likely have to do the best you can, using whatever combination of bank accounts and ATM cards you presently have.

  5. Term deposits in Thailand are somewhat different than those in Canada, at least as they were when I left there in the mid 90's.

    Here, they are somewhat more like a savings acct. After making an initial deposit, and getting it started you will be given a passbook, like that for a savings acct. , You can then walk into the bank on any day and deposit additional funds for 3 mo., 6 mo., 12 mo. or whatever other term lengths are on offer. Each deposit then creates a new maturity date for itself. I have used CIMB, Kasikorn Bank and Bangkok Bank, but I think the other major banks also offer deposits of this type.

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