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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. Rape happens a lot more often than you appear to believe. According to the figures: Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics
  2. That figure is actually from a survey done in Australia (see @ozimoron's link). So it would actually represent a little over 4 million women.
  3. That's just not so. Firstly it's an embryo or foetus, not a baby (unborn or otherwise) and even without intervention, only about 1/3 of fertilised embryos make it to term. As mentioned in the Science Daily article below: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101003205930.htm
  4. There was apparently also a shocking lack of knowledge of things like basic legal concepts by some police officers. As mentioned in the Executive Summary, for example: Again, nothing to do with the ethnic background of the groomers, just a basic lack of understanding by the police.
  5. Again, if you'd bothered to read the report (or even just the Executive Summary) there's just no evidence of this being a factor. If you have any such evidence, please present it. And if it was, why did the police in Sheffield (who were part of the same South Yorkshire Police organisation) act completely differently and protect the victims of CSA in their area, unlike the Rotherham police? The main reason for the failure to react properly as far as I can tell, is that in Rotherham, according to the report:
  6. This is not about food deliveries. It's about GrabBike, where the riders are working as motorcycle taxi drivers, transporting passengers, not delivering food. GrabBike is described by Grab on their website as an "On-demand Motorcycle Ride Taxi Service."
  7. This doesn't appear to be about delivery riders. As the article states, this applies to "GrabBike riders as motorcycle taxi drivers."
  8. The owner is not a farang. According to an updated report:
  9. If that's aimed at me (I made the "chicken little" analogy) then I'd just point out that is wasn't in reference to the OP just talking about taking precautionary steps, it was about his prediction of a doomsday scenario where there will be, in his words, "just no food to buy." That, and his predilection towards spreading doom and gloom in other posts he's made. There's a difference between taking a few sensible precautions in case of shortages and price rises, and predicting a complete collapse of the world's food supply.
  10. Actually, the only reason Pelosi had to create a Select Committee in the way she did, in the first place is because Republican lawmakers blocked a totally independent investigation from taking place. That was her first choice and would surely have been the best solution - an investigation carried out not by possibly biased politicians, but by a totally non-partisan group who could have gone on a completely impartial search for the truth, without fear or favour to either side. But for some reason, the Republicans didn't want a fair, unbiased and objective review of the events of Jan 6th. I wonder why that was?
  11. They're probably taking it a tad less than seriously because, like me, they're getting a distinct "chicken little" vibe from your posts.
  12. The boat's already sailed on that one, I'm afraid. I've been in touch with them by phone and mail for several years now from my address here (in connection with making voluntary contributions and some back payments). So they already know I'm retired and living in Thailand full time.
  13. That's what I thought. So why do they need details of your wife, original marriage certificate etc then?
  14. Can anyone advise if having a Thai wife who's never lived in the UK or been involved with NI payments would be relevant to an application for a UK pension being made now? As I understand it they're not eligible for anything any more. Or are they?
  15. According to audiworld.com you could use either 91 or 95 but the premium grade is preferable in both cases: Audi Q5 gasoline recommendations
  16. It's not available yet - due to come into effect September 1, 2022.
  17. Visa on arrival does exist, however it's only available to the citizens of specific countries, and is only valid for 15 days. You keep mentioning that you couldn't have known any of this but the information about the different types of visas and modes of entry is freely and easily available from multiple sources. Any Thai Embassy website, the Thailand Immigration official website (immigration.go.th), many other immigration-related websites or even this forum itself, would have given you the relevant information needed to avoid misunderstandings. For instance, the full info for visa exempt entry, visa on arrival (VOA) and all other types of visa is available on the Thai immigration website mentioned above.
  18. That's probably because you gave people some erroneous information in your earlier post. You stated you had a tourist visa but you didn't, you had a visa exempt entry. I think that's what threw everybody off initially. Anyway, from what I can tell, your situation is probably accurately summed up by @BritTimin his post above and so it appears as if everything is proceeding as it should, for someone who entered on a 30-day visa exempt entry. My advice would be to relax and let the process run its course - it seems to be going just fine.
  19. You don't understand how polling works, do you? As the article below explains, a random sample of 1,004 people gives you a "95 percent chance that the survey result will be [accurate to] within 3 percent." How can a poll of only 1,004 Americans represent 260 million people with only a 3 percent margin of error?
  20. The link to the requirements has been posted several times in the different discussions on this. As it states, the LTR visa requires:
  21. "A bipartisan Senate report found that at least seven people had lost their lives in connection with the Jan. 6 attack." Mod's note: This is a more up-to-date, accurate accounting of the deaths that resulted from the Jan. 6 riot: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/ An original link to a not publicly available New York Times article has been removed.
  22. Yes, it's before the grand jury already. (And as the well-known saying goes, “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich, if that's what you wanted.")
  23. I didn't say he's guilty - I said it's difficult to consider him innocent when we've heard him committing the crime on tape and in his own words.
  24. This is true - prosecutors only started to present the case to the grand jury last month. It could be a while yet.
  25. I didn't say it's a slam dunk, that was someone else's characterisation of it. He hasn't been indicted up till now because the case hasn't got that far yet. It's already gone to a grand jury in Georgia, but that was only empanelled just last month. They haven't returned an indictment yet, and it's expected to take a few months before they do. According to the article below: Georgia Jury to Consider Whether Trump Illegally Interfered in 2020 Election Just be patient, these things take time.
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