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Everything posted by GroveHillWanderer

  1. B cells are not antibodies - they are cells that mediate the production of antibodies (basically, they're the antibody factories). T cells perform two functions, depending on what type they are, cytotoxic (killer cells) or helper cells. The cytotoxic T cells don't just take away dead virus, they are (as the name suggests) the cells that actually kill virus-infected cells and then use messenger proteins that signal the macrophages to consume them. Helper T cells both activate the B cells to produce antibodies and help activate the cytotoxic T cells to kill infected cells. B Cells T cells and macrophages
  2. The quote you included there was not from me. It was a quote from the OP, that I was replying to.
  3. It is more or less true though - at least as far as adults are concerned. As stated in the article below (which actually dates back to 2015): As Many Americans Have Criminal Records as College Diplomas
  4. Yeah, my dream of earning a comfortable living making utensils from chicken feathers goes out the window too. ????
  5. The other thing that gives me nightmares are the now widely-quoted remarks Putin made back in 2018. Talking about using nuclear weapons if he thought Russia was under threat, he said: Ukraine invasion: Would Putin press the nuclear button?
  6. That and similar pictures with others are evidence of what has been described as his "Covid paranoia" - which may be just one aspect of Putin's alleged wider paranoid tendencies. As also mentioned in the Times article I referenced earlier: The overall point of that article seems to be to document the claims that: Which if true, makes the whole situation even more worrying.
  7. Plenty of articles hinting at Putin's mental instability. Here's just one from the Times. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/7e34e962-9726-11ec-bcb9-65f2c5c7f961 As it says: "... seasoned Kremlin watchers say that the Russian leader has largely been a recluse for the past two years, retreating into paranoid exile from the world." It also quotes a former Kremlin aide who was previously close to Putin, as follows: “The previous Putin would not have done this. He was a very sane-thinking person. But this has all vanished now. He has an obsession about Ukraine that he didn’t previously have. He is reacting now to the pictures in his own head.” So that person, who knows (or knew) Putin well, thinks he's no longer "a sane-thinking person." Which is basically another way of saying he's insane. In another eerie parallel to Hitler, that article also describes how he has withdrawn from contact with the normal government bureaucracy and officials, in favour of surrounding himself with a small coterie of hard-line advisers who reinforce his own paranoid views of the world.
  8. Not that I've seen. Most of the studies I've looked at show it's no more effective than a placebo. Here's just one example (the others say pretty much the same thing). Efficacy of favipiravir in adults with mild COVID-19: a randomized, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-controlled clinical trial Another study I looked at said the placebo group actually had better outcomes. The only treatment that seems to have good efficacy numbers is Paxlovid but it's expensive - $530 to $700 for a five-day course of treatment in the US. Although there are apparently discounts for "low and middle income countries."
  9. Not sure about the US, but the UK was the first European country to supply defensive weaponry to Ukraine and continues to do so according to an interview Liz Truss, the UK Foreign Secretary, gave yesterday. Foreign Secretary "Absolutely" Backs Brits Who Want To Join Ukraine's Armed Resistance As she says in the interview:
  10. I would imagine it was Russia's brutal and unprovoked invasion of a neighboring democratic sovereign state.
  11. Unfortunately (and worryingly) it's entirely correct. It's being reported on BBC News, Sky News, CNN etc Vladimir Putin puts Russia's nuclear deterrent force on high alert
  12. I'm afraid the author of the linked article has rather blotted their copybook by saying the following: "A democratic and liberal government, and it is debatable whether we live under one right now, should not mandate or force people to receive something as personal as an intravenous injection." I'm sorry, but while I might sympathize with some of what this person is trying to say, for me you rather lose your authority to pontificate on vaccine-related matters if you think they are given intravenously.
  13. Maybe not, at least according to the data from multiple countries. No Real-World Evidence BA.2 Is More Severe
  14. Yes, but it's worth noting that the report quotes her mother as saying she had been a strong swimmer since she was a child. If anyone would know if she could swim, it would surely be her mother.
  15. I can see where the development of vaccines that confer mucosal immunity might provide better and longer-lasting immunity but I'm not sure about it being life-long. Coronaviruses do mutate and although they don't do so nearly as quickly or as radically as the flu, we've already seen, even within a year or so, variants have arisen with a fairly large level of immune escape, so I don't see a vaccine that will protect a person for life. This is in stark contrast to viruses like measles that can't and don't change in a way that would avoid vaccine-induced immunity, as explained in the link below. Why measles doesn't evolve to escape immunity However I also don't think we'll need yearly boosters - as alluded to above, coronaviruses don't mutate like the flu. From various articles I've read recently (mainly those about long-lasting cellular immunity) I would tend to agree with those scientists who think that people who are fully immunized and who've had a booster shot, probably won't need another vaccination for 4-5 years at least, possibly even longer. Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but I hope not. As the NY Times article below says: Got a Covid booster? You probably won't need another for a long time.
  16. It is an interesting article and what it mentions several times over, is that there is no clinical evidence that repeated vaccinations can lead to T cell exhaustion. The phenomenon has only been seen in HIV or cancer patients where constantly repeated immunological treatments are given much, much more frequently than every few months. As for Dr Offit, he is characterized as having no concern over the possibility of immune system exhaustion related to Covid vaccinations.
  17. You don't believe that antibodies always wane eventually and cellular immunity is more important for longer term protection? That's just a basic fact of immunology. The body does not and cannot maintain a high level of antibody production against every pathogen it ever encounters, indefinitely. If it did, your blood would become a dangerously thick "sludge" causing serious problems. As Dr. Rachel Presti, medical director of the Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit at Washington University in St. Louis puts it in the article below: The article also states, quite unequivocally: https://www.businessinsider.com/fauci-do-not-measure-covid-protection-immunity-with-antibody-test-2021-6 In another article Stephanie Langel, an immunologist at Duke University says the following: "Waning" immunity not all bad And that article further points out: So if you don't believe that antibodies actually get better and more efficient as they get fewer in number, or don't accept the role of B and T cells in long term immunity then you are arguing against well-established scientific principles.
  18. That's exactly the point being made by @placeholder- all reports of waning efficacy are based exclusively on diminishing antibody levels but super-high antibody levels are never maintained by the body and long-term immunity is much more dependent on B and T cells. It's also the case that the immune system's antibody response gradually matures and based on repeated exposure to the relevant antigen produces fewer (but stronger and more effective) antibodies over time. As pointed out in the article below: Antibodies become more powerful over time after COVID-19 vaccination
  19. The immune system is not weakened - temporarily or otherwise, by the administration of a vaccine though, it is (and this may surprise you) strengthened by them.
  20. There are a number of different adverse effects that have been talked about as possibly being linked to Covid vaccines (thrombotic thrombocytopenia, myocarditis - there were even some recent reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome) but one adverse effect that I have never seen even hinted at as a possibility, is a lung infection. With 5 billion Covid vaccine doses administered already, if there was a risk of them causing lung infections, I think we would have heard about it by now.
  21. That's what I was trying to get at. If he got it from an apk site, rather than from Google Play, he may have ended up with the mobile version.
  22. I used an app called "Send files to TV." It's what I usually use to side-load apps onto my Android TV devices. I wasn't asking where to find it though (since I already have it) I was asking @Dmaxdanwhere he found it, since he said he had it installed and it didn't work (and I suspected that where he got it from might be at the root of his problems).
  23. Except there's no evidence that vaccinations of any kind (including Covid vaccines) weaken your immune system - in fact they do the opposite. Fact Check-COVID-19 vaccines do not weaken people’s immune systems It's just as likely that, as mentioned in that earlier article, "the post vaccine shingles cases may instead be just a coincidence that would have occurred anyway."
  24. I think you misunderstand - I have the apk and it works fine on my Mi devices but I had to transfer it from my TrueID TV box as I couldn't find it using the Google Playstore on my Mi devices.
  25. It works fine on both my Mi TV stick and Mi TV box. Where did you get the Disney+ Hotstar app, though? I couldn't find it in the Google Playstore on either Mi device and had to transfer it from my TrueID TV box where (strangely enough) it does show up, even though I'm using the same Google Playstore account.
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