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Posts posted by payak

  1. im at fairtex bang phli muay thai camp every day if anyone wants to chat over a beer

    I'm ex-SAS Special forces giggle.gif

    posts pics, i got plenty in the ring, will put one up now at fairtex with my teacher jakrit, no need for fairy tails

  2. Every time I come across one of these threads, which is actually fairly regularly, I'm always left wondering why so many people feel the need to comment on, or even judge other relationships. I'm more than happy with my life, wife and kids to feel the need to put someone else down for what I may perceive to be a "flaw" in their relationship.

    You've never commented or had an opinion on someone else's relationship?

    A man that does not have an opinion is not a man.

    You are off course entitled to your opinion regarding my manhood, something I see no need in proving to you. A man who has an opinion and feels the need to voice it on every subject under the sun is usually, in my "opinion" not worth listening too. Who am I to judge another man's relationship? What gives me the right? I'm not going to belittle a man's wife/partner online because I wouldn't do it to his face.

    you are right, but i never say anything here i will not say to someones face, so am i wrong

  3. i will say this much, if i was 70, or round abouts.

    I would not subject myself to the humiliation of stepping out with a young woman,

    And if i cared about her i would leave rather then subject her to myself, even if she loved you she will have a very short time with you resulting in pain when you kick it.

    last time a friend died in bkk, all his young wife could talk about was life insurance.

  4. live and let live, but what if there behavior affects others.

    Like your spelling will on some of the spell police about in here ?

    even writers have editors, who sits there and re checks every word, those who fear the spell police.

    spell police = someone who is lacking confidence, and must scrape the bottom of the barrell looking for a fault.

    if you can read it its right, that what communication is.

  5. my dream and its well on track, is to be with my wife until we are as old as hell.

    i'm 36, she is 32, she is very very attractive,but more importantly she is attractive on the inside so when she droops and sags i will have no desire to trade her in.

    if she was to turn to shit now i would not leave, im not pussy whipped ive been around, we just clicked the first time we met years ago as friends.

    however if your misses is doing your head in, the want for a younger model i guess could be attractive.

    Ahh, so now you're coming round to our way of thinking, well done!! BTW how about putting up a pic of the wife whistling.gif

    dont think so, but if a few people here posts pics of themselves i may.

    hell pidgeonjake did.

  6. payak

    The people that think Thai women are like this do not bother me, I just put it down to a very narrow mind.

    It does happen and I admit it however personally I judge people by their appearance and actions.

    You are obviously happy in your relationship and that is what we all want so why worry ?

    Perhaps it has something to do with the rising racism and stereotyping which come with the increasingly number of tourists visiting here but could also have something to do with stricter immigrant laws that make it harder even on honest mixed couples who are trying to live in the west

    How many of tourists and even law makers don't base the rules and laws on heresay? I find these kind of judgments racist and uneducated but hey... if you can beat them then you join them right?

    exactly, i may not be in a position to judge who or what relationship is real, but i never pointed to a specific couple anyway.

    but yes laws and minds are affected by behaviors, because we have to prove we are not one of them, guilty till proven innocent.

    it does affect us.

    Well you're doing a pretty good (or bad) job of judging people's relationships so far on this and the other thread. coffee1.gif

    thankyou, i shall keep up the good work then

  7. basically i wear whatever i feel like, i love fashion.

    i spend far to much on clothes, but I really dress by mood not occasion and dont really worry if it does not suit the occasion.

    look good feel good.

    "look good feel good" = lack of self-confidence / self-esteem dry.png

    if im lacking confidence why im i the only one with my pic up, think about that for a moment.

    no reasons for me to lack confidence my friend.

    Not having a go at you eh, just for the sake of discussion..But one may argue that if your self-confidence is based on your appearance, it might be a rather shallow self-confidence coffee1.gif


    you are right, if, but its not based only on that so its all good.

    confidence has no relation to loving yourself,

  8. fight fire with fire, I complain because they attacked first during the half reading of a post.

    attack back as they are doing it, and they complain when we give it back because they misread something and thought we started it.

    They are so old and wise, they should know better then to listen to us young ignorant fools anyway right.

    I don't think anyone's listening to you, and nor are they taking offence. Some people are trying to tell you that your posting style makes you look rude and ignorant.

    If you are nor rude and ignorant, you do yourself a disservice; and if you are rude and ignorant, surely the fewer people that know it, the better?SC

    people reply to nice posts with severe insults, calling peoples wives a bar girl, making foolish comments about a missing brother, and im rude.

    if thats the case, i will not change a thing.

    if no ones listening why you still here.

  9. basically i wear whatever i feel like, i love fashion.

    i spend far to much on clothes, but I really dress by mood not occasion and dont really worry if it does not suit the occasion.

    look good feel good.

    "look good feel good" = lack of self-confidence / self-esteem dry.png

    if im lacking confidence why im i the only one with my pic up, think about that for a moment.

    no reasons for me to lack confidence my friend.

  10. If i want to discuss my family i will, you can skip past it numnuts.

    Changing my style will require me to became a liar like 99% of you, not an option.

    people write a story, people bag it, you say the writers wrong, think about that idiot.

    seriously heavydrinker give yourself an uppercut and knock some sense into your antique ass.

  11. for the record all my young friends seem to have fairly nice girls, most not all.

    and they dont have much money, they older ones however i always saw getting played badly.

    I made the mistake of judging from the 20 or so men i saw getting played, it stands at about 20 out of 20, that was wrong of me as thats pure coincidence.

  12. fight fire with fire, I complain because they attacked first during the half reading of a post.

    attack back as they are doing it, and they complain when we give it back because they misread something and thought we started it.

    They are so old and wise, they should know better then to listen to us young ignorant fools anyway right.

  13. people start way back when, and cant handle it, dont start it then.

    im the easiest person to get along with, i will be fair and quit now, never change the subject again, do right, but to prove my point watch how long it is before someone starts here for there own amusement.

    backon track, i live between Australia and thailand, so i guess you could say im living in Australia even though time is shared equally.

    That explains everything thumbsup.gif

    such as,

  14. if writing positive stuff gets you ripped here, what do you write about.

    tell me.

    if i start a post right now about,oh lets say taxi drivers, or shopping malls, or flowers, i will get more insults then replies.

    then complaints when i fire up back, but no one complains to those doing the insulting, except those like maxme.

  15. many things were said by old and young,

    things that should have not been, even by me when i was frustrated.

    I was pointing to older people who are being fooled, not the ones in good loving relationships,

    i explained that until i was blue in the face but was ignored, there were no personal attacks at first until they started firing up because they misunderstood what i was on about.

    and talking about something good is not bragging.

    i will repeat it but its a waste of time because i have done so on more then 20 times, older and young, no problem if they are legit.

    was never refering really to the age but to the foolish ones, the oldies read half the post and fire up, i react then do start writing bad shit.

  16. i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

    very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

    decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

    you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

    people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

    you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

    You obviously missed my constantly repeated advice, never to introduce your wife, g/f, children, family or anyone you care about into this nest of vipers we call TV Forum.

    There are some bitter and twisted people about, this forum is something of gathering place for them.

    truest post ever

  17. i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

    very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

    decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

    you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

    people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

    you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

    You can post negativity if that's your bag, but try and vary the subject. Complain about the weather, bad drivers, corruption etc. All you do is complain about naive falangs who get ripped off by Thai bar girls, or old falangs who think money buys them love. Your obsession with the subject makes one wonder if it hasn't happened to you and you've never got over it.

    i posted about my missing brother in law, very sad subject at preasent, the objective was to point out the police issue in thailand, i was again put down and whatever amazingly during a terribly trying time, and the thread was shut down, that was about a different subject, same result i was attacked.

    the other was about my family, again attacked, another buddism and again attacked, and by many not same .

    anything positive is shut down.

    Maybe it's you....?

    ok, break it down, you think its normal for normal happy stories to be attacked, or fun to be made of a missing family member, is that right because by saying maybe its me to what i wrote you must.

    if you do happen to agree with such sick actions, you need to look at yourself, and not worry about me.

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