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Posts posted by payak

  1. i was from farming stock in the uk, so it was just natual for me to want to try and farm here,

    but i do love it here,

    but i also like my time away working, not that i dont work at home, im allways building something or other, new pig stys ect,

    life here as ive said many many times is what you want to make it, and your wife, some wifes arnt happy farming they like the bright lights of the big citys,

    i love to watch my wife and her mama picking chillies or what ever laughing together they are happy, they dont earn a lot of money from the chillies,papaya and other things they grow, but what price can you put on being happy?


    visualising that scene,sounds awesome.

    if i was there there would be a lot of pigs with wooden legs gettin around.

    goddam i love pork

  2. my dream and its well on track, is to be with my wife until we are as old as hell.

    i'm 36, she is 32, she is very very attractive,but more importantly she is attractive on the inside so when she droops and sags i will have no desire to trade her in.

    if she was to turn to shit now i would not leave, im not pussy whipped ive been around, we just clicked the first time we met years ago as friends.

    however if your misses is doing your head in, the want for a younger model i guess could be attractive.

    • Like 1
  3. so tell me now who is boring and cant change the subject, i did above and even said i am done, i said it would go off track again, and here we are off the rails.

    pigeonjakes wise to live on a farm seriously, beauty in seclusion.

  4. i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

    very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

    decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

    you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

    people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

    you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

    You can post negativity if that's your bag, but try and vary the subject. Complain about the weather, bad drivers, corruption etc. All you do is complain about naive falangs who get ripped off by Thai bar girls, or old falangs who think money buys them love. Your obsession with the subject makes one wonder if it hasn't happened to you and you've never got over it.

    i posted about my missing brother in law, very sad subject at preasent, the objective was to point out the police issue in thailand, i was again put down and whatever amazingly during a terribly trying time, and the thread was shut down, that was about a different subject, same result i was attacked.

    the other was about my family, again attacked, another buddism and again attacked, and by many not same .

    anything positive is shut down.

  5. people start way back when, and cant handle it, dont start it then.

    im the easiest person to get along with, i will be fair and quit now, never change the subject again, do right, but to prove my point watch how long it is before someone starts here for there own amusement.

    backon track, i live between Australia and thailand, so i guess you could say im living in Australia even though time is shared equally.

  6. i will say this much, I came here with good intentions months ago, posted a story about my good times in thailand with my wife and children.

    very positive story, it was shredded in every way, she was called everything from a bar girl to god knows what, i was called many things also.

    decent story about a decent girl ripped apart for no reason, by not same posters, but the majority,

    you showed me from the get go you want negativity and thrive off it, so im giving you what you want, negative stories.

    people say nothing to a person who make rude jokes about woman, or jokes about someone who may well be dead on hear, but attack when you write a pleasant story.

    you get what you asked for, same here are fine off coarse, but the old story goes if you dont like something, dont read it if its boring.

  7. A guy i know new a girl for a few months and bought a house in a thai girls name, he lost it six days later.

    he went to a bar girl and married her shortly after, lost everything else he had,

    are you saying that you have to live in thailand to see this coming.

    I knew a guy who came to Thailand and had a brain tumor. The doctors said he was dead. His Thai wife/bar girl took him home to Issan and the witch doctor and cured him. 10 years later he is still fine. Later they had children and are still doing fine.


  8. A guy i know new a girl for a few months and bought a house in a thai girls name, he lost it six days later.

    he went to a bar girl and married her shortly after, lost everything else he had,

    are you saying that you have to live in thailand to see this coming.

  9. payak

    The people that think Thai women are like this do not bother me, I just put it down to a very narrow mind.

    It does happen and I admit it however personally I judge people by their appearance and actions.

    You are obviously happy in your relationship and that is what we all want so why worry ?

    Perhaps it has something to do with the rising racism and stereotyping which come with the increasingly number of tourists visiting here but could also have something to do with stricter immigrant laws that make it harder even on honest mixed couples who are trying to live in the west

    How many of tourists and even law makers don't base the rules and laws on heresay? I find these kind of judgments racist and uneducated but hey... if you can beat them then you join them right?

    exactly, i may not be in a position to judge who or what relationship is real, but i never pointed to a specific couple anyway.

    but yes laws and minds are affected by behaviors, because we have to prove we are not one of them, guilty till proven innocent.

    it does affect us.

  10. been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

    clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

    so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


    Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

    OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

    You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

    Good luck and take care!

    It is what it is, its not an attack on thai woman, he can pick up easily anywhere.

    thats not my fault, thats not saying there are not a multitude of good woman in thailand,

    and saying he can and will pick them up is not aimed at all thai woman.

    show me were i wrote all thai woman, or judged them, i simply stated a fact about the oneshe can get and thats that

    yawn, lets talk about the op's trip instead...

    tell that to rob88921, after all thats what i was originaly doing.

  11. Every lady likes money. Men love sexy young ladies. They both have something they want and can offer one another. Right? It's just human nature.

    I met my wife in Thailand. She sold some clothes on the strees in Pattaya. But she needs money. Every lady out there is loooking for baht to support herself and her family. It's the way in Thailand and all over the world.

    Stop blaming the women. If you can't afford them don't get yourself involved with them. It's like a car. If you can't afford a Mercedes don't but one. Simple.

    if you fall in love you dont need to buy anything, girls are not items to be bought.

  12. being that i only judged people in false relationships, using each other.

    only people here in such a situation could be upset.

    In all relationships people use each other, if we didn't gain anything we would all stay single.

    usery is a whole different thing then fulfilling each other as partners, its not even in the same ball park.


    You mean sometimes one is gaining more than the other ?.

    If a man is being used by a cheating, lying cow then he doesn't annoy me, she does.

    Thai girls don't in my opinion (as you say) get looked upon as bad because they are just Thai. They all get judged by their appearance and actions.

    Maybe I dont hang around with the same people as the usual tv users do but I have met many older men with younger wives that have both seemed happy.

    I am under 40 and am quite happy to admit that an older man may have qualities that I don't have.

    BS, just admit that there is a nasty stigma attached to thai ladies, be honest one time.

    you could not possibly sit here and deny many people look down at thai ladies, regardless of what they do or wear.

    and it's sad, surely you see it, she could be the sweatest and best dressed girl, someone will say somewhere behind your back, oh i wonder where they really met.

    and if there is no stigma read these forums, isan ones most of all.

    • Like 2
  13. been said already, bar girls are a waste of money.

    clubs, markets, shopping malls, the street, anywhere you will pick up here easily for free.

    so easy, save you money and enjoy the hunt.


    Surely in light of your posting elsewhere, you cannot be so judgemental of thai women, nor make such a sweeping generalisation? You appear to suggesting that thai women are easy, without qualifying your stereotyping.

    OP, thai people are generally amazingly friendly and welcoming. Just try hard to resist the "hansum man" calls you're going to find in some areas. There are many "good" thai women, who you should treat with the respect they deserve, and ypou will find it returned 10-fold.

    You lucky wee brat.... I envy you!! laugh.png I hope you'll post on this thread, so we can all hear how you're getting on.

    Good luck and take care!

    It is what it is, its not an attack on thai woman, he can pick up easily anywhere.

    thats not my fault, thats not saying there are not a multitude of good woman in thailand,

    and saying he can and will pick them up is not aimed at all thai woman.

    show me were i wrote all thai woman, or judged them, i simply stated a fact about the oneshe can get and thats that

  14. being that i only judged people in false relationships, using each other.

    only people here in such a situation could be upset.

    In all relationships people use each other, if we didn't gain anything we would all stay single.

    usery is a whole different thing then fulfilling each other as partners, its not even in the same ball park.

  15. do you realise that good thai girls in real relationships are judged and looked down on often by people simply because they are thai.

    this is a direct result of the behavior of bar girls and girls who use men and act like leeches, and men who support it.

    its not about being unhappy in a relationship, mines been going strong for years, but peoples actions are reflecting on good thai people, and many westerners push tose actions right along because they are deviates.

    so why should it not annoy me, to many good thai girls, and there are many are misjudged.

    when a fool enters a relationship thats not real, he feeds the thai stereotype, nothing to do with age,same are real as i said, but most are not.

    again to the real ones like pigeon jake, more power to you.

    IMHO. happy people are not so judgemental, and between the "good " and the "bad " people there are infinite shades of grey.

    Before pointing the finger, have a look in the mirror, and be sure you are perfect..whistling.gif

    there is a different between being imperfect, and being an outright disgrace to yourself, your family, and your nation yes, but you obviously dont see it.

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