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Posts posted by payak

  1. Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

    We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

    You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

    He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

    The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

    I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

    After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

    the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

    the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

    long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

    And the sad little boy went home, had a w*nk, thought about how sad his life is because he can't understand why women are not attracted to him, then posted his rant on the internet to make himself feel better.

    Perhaps when he grows up, opens his eyes and stops judging all Thai women with western men as prostitutes, he will then start to attract the opposite sex.

    Maybe he is gay and afraid to come out of the closet!!! Or is it just a low IQ???

    sorry cant help you, but if your looking for a gay man bkk should not be to difficult a place for you to find one, happy hunting friend.

  2. I'd like to know the OP's and others opinion of what age gap is acceptable to them. If, for example I was 40 years old and my Thai wife or girlfriend was let's say 30 years old is that ok with you? What do you see as an acceptable gap?

    about 10 years

    at least so they look the part, look like a couple, rather then looking like acheap bussiness transaction

    • Like 1
  3. people say thai people have no intelect, the landing system for vehicles off to mars were all but given up on until a thai desighned one.

    Some people can't spell intellect either!

    there are other words wrong to, i'm not taking my time crossing the i's and dotting the t's incase the grammar police come out in an attempt to appear smarter then the rest, could it be english is my second languageand i'm realy kicking ass.

    how many do you speak

  4. so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

    so in the USA its cool to be a native indian, here in Australia being a native has not really became cool yet, little hard to pretend to be aboriginal to.

    Most Australians I know look like Sitting Bull or Geronimo don't you think so?

    not really, i was thinking more like the missing link.

  5. Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

    We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

    You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

    He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

    The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

    I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

    After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

    the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

    the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

    long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

    And the sad little boy went home, had a w*nk, thought about how sad his life is because he can't understand why women are not attracted to him, then posted his rant on the internet to make himself feel better.

    Perhaps when he grows up, opens his eyes and stops judging all Thai women with western men as prostitutes, he will then start to attract the opposite sex.

    then hestopped wanking because he remembered, hey i love thai woman, been married to one my own age for years, andwe have 2 children together, how did that slip my mind, being that i am not senile yet.

  6. Why do people always refer to their wives as "my Thai wife?"

    I do that. It's so people know that I'm lucky enough to be married to someone that will still be attractive when I kick the bucket, and actually looks after me.

    Why would you need looking after when you've kicked the bucket old bean?

    Mr Heavydrinker, I think you must be under the influence, LOL.

    I'm sure that most would understand that I meant she looks after me now, while I'm alive.

    Meanwhile, it's very pleasant waking up next to someone that doesn't look like a granny.

    what about waking up next to a grandad, or is that different.

  7. still have not posted your missing persons pic here for people to see?

    i say this is a troll post if you refuse to do so. takes only a couple seconds to post a pic.

    you are complaining about the police not doing enough, yet you wont lift a finger to post a pic here. something is odd about this me thinks.

    what exactly is your problem with me, go and pull some wings of a fly or something little keyboard warrior.

  8. one group refuses to accept there are nice girls in thailand, just because they have not experienced them, so they say wait and see young man,give it time, she will screw you.

    still waiting, have children, never given her family a dam_n thing, thats the secret, give them nothing and if they stay for a long time then marry them.

    to many try to buy love, more through fear of losing them then anything,girls have them on there knees crying like a woman, but in public they shout about how they control her.

    get a girl of equal financial standing, similar age but not always a must, and treat each other respectfully and as equals.

    if they leave at the start when you refuse to give them things you win, you got rid of the trash before you mistakenly married her.

    and before it comes up my wifes not hi so chinese thai, they dont do it for me, just an isan girl whose family succeded through hard work and are doin as well as my family, we are not rich but equal.

    believe it or not there are isan families doing ok through legit means.

    • Like 2
  9. Me and the Mrs were in some western bar the other day and decide to have a bit of a giggle.

    We both spotted this young guy sitting in the corner picking his spots.

    You know the type - late 20's, polyester trousers, white shirt (sometimes with cheap tie) smug "look at me, I work in Thailand, I'm not a tourist" grin on his face.

    He was blatantly staring at us, obviously infatuated with our relationship, my wife's good looks and slender body.

    The plan was for the wife to strike up a conversation.in Thai along the lines of 'I hate my old husband' and see the guys reaction.

    I played along, pretending not to understand what was being said. The Mrs played a blinder, even touching the poor guys leg at one stage. You should've seen the look on his face, obviously the type of guy who can't get a girlfriend because he looks at every Thai woman as a bargirl, doesn't really understand what is going on around him and doesn't earn enough money to give a woman the finer things in life.

    After watching the poor kid squirm for a while we both got a bit bored of his terrible comprehension of the Thai language and decided to go home and have mind blowing sex. As we were leaving, I heard him say to his mate "I'm going to post about this on Thaivisa"

    the best sex you ever had resulted from her sexual tension caused by finally having the chance to touch a young man for a fleeting moment.

    the horror sex with an elder could now be shut out for a night and she could just close her eyes and imagine the man who's strong muscular leg she had been touching as she played her husbands game for a while.

    long enough to just cop a feel to fuel her fantasy tonight and block out her husband during sex.

    • Like 2
  10. I have known 2 guys who married bargirls, they are no longer married.

    They were in many ways worse then the worst bar girl, the kind of guys you would shoot if they looked at your daughter.

    birds of a feather right, they both must take what they can get, they both think they can get much more but cannot,there inability to change and there general bad nature earned from a hard life does not make for a lasting relationship usually.

    bargirls looking for cash and a way out, man is looking for a woman as its often a man for whatever reason struggles to get any woman elsewhere, but i'm know genius we all know this.

  11. Jacktrip has a point.

    You will not find your bil on here. And venting your fustration on members is counterproductive and unecessary.

    I understand what your saying absolutly, but people like him should not assume things, saying we are lazy and not really doing anything to find him.

    kinda rude as no one here really knows each other, or can see what each other is doing throught the days am i right, comments like that are frustrating yes i will not deny it.

  12. his pics have been given to reporters who my wifes sisters boyfriend knows at the tv station he hosts his program at.

    dont know why i'm answering you jacktrip, you were the one who kicked of the trouble in this thread, your still showing hints of sarcasm win your posts like the fact that youput in above the word obvious.

    the obvious thing to do would be read this all again, read that we are doing what needs to be done, im not foolish enough to think i will find him on a site littered with many old alcoholic expats who get fooled in a nano second by uneducated bargirls.

    mind you i'm not refering to all expats here, many champs here, but jacktrip i'm not interested in you i speak straight i dont like you.

    after saying we are to lazy to look for him last week we have nothing to say, it's not a dispute just common sense when you cant speak civil you dont speak, and your playing games, move on to another thread.

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