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Posts posted by payak

  1. Packed up and sold up 7 years ago, and moved to Chiang Mai, having never stepped foot in Asia. Until last month, i had never left Asia in all that time.

    My friends are all ages and nationalities.

    Ive had conversations with Thai women, that i think men never hear (Thai or farang).

    I used to be in a relationship with a Thai man (who had kids, and looked after them VERY well). Nothing bad to say about him, it just wasnt right for me in the end.

    I dont have rose-tinted glasses on. There is much i love, and much i dont.

    I dont watch golf tongue.png

    Edit: might be 6 years, not 7. I forget.

    Ive have lived in other countries and continents tho, so the concept of starting out again somewhere new, with language and culture barriers, didnt concern me.

    i know some amazing thai men,although most here if not all will tell you they are all cheating wife beaters, not so.

    my wifes sisters man is fantastic toher and has been for years

    Is that the one who went missing and you couldn't be bothered to find him?

    look at this, we all have debates, some get nasty thats true.

    but here is a man that is trying to make fun, or joke about a family member going missing, this is a man who truly is as weak as a man can be, why am i even calling you a man.

    scraping the bottom of the barrel with that comment really, would you say that if you were not in the comfort of your home, something you just dont say.

    to resort to that i really think you have shamed yourself, as it was clearly pointed out we are working, on everything we can to find him, yet somehow you take pleasure in a comment about a family member who may have passed, put yourself in our shoes for the last three weeks, and then see what its like to have people say your doing nothing on topof that when they are absolutely dead wrong.

    you have proven without doubt you are a weak prick,

  2. Been living up in Nan province for about 5 years, on a farm growing corn (no pigs).

    It's a great place to be, nice weather, beautiful mountains, good farm land.

    Pretty wife, beautiful children, youngest boy is one year old.

    Not much to do there, no foreigners at all, very rural, but luckily it's only 350km from CM.

    So lots of visits to the big city. Life is good.

    sounds like heaven,

  3. ok iwill get on topic, so pigeonjake, you yourself have never judged anyone is that right, not ever.

    thats the topic yes, about judgmental people.

    I see judgment in several parts of the thread alone.

    Think you must look at yourself. sad.png

    As folk have said, on a few topics you may have a problem, please look at yourself. thumbsup.gif

    im aware of myself, i judge people, i have faults, i make mistakes.

    seems like im the only one who will admit it, ask yourelf who im judging if you read my posts.

  4. have you seen those however who just continue doing it, get hurt, really hurt with tears and all.

    then do something even more foolish, wind up hurt again, and when you start asking yourself what the f, they do it again.

    • Like 1
  5. for the record i must say again, those of all ages who are happy, thats fantastic really.

    Ijust have little time for those being obviously fooled of all ages, who cannot or refuse to see it.

    I am man enough to admit fault, perhaps it is not age only, many young are fooled to, but i get annoyed by theones so obviously being played yet ignore it out of fear of losing her or whatever.

    Why does it annoy you?

    small things annoy everyone, admit it.

    I am honest enough to, they annoy the hell out of me.

    It does my head in, how grown men can fall for such obvious lies, not even good lies, not even believable.

    Thatsannoying to me, maybe not you,

  6. Packed up and sold up 7 years ago, and moved to Chiang Mai, having never stepped foot in Asia. Until last month, i had never left Asia in all that time.

    My friends are all ages and nationalities.

    Ive had conversations with Thai women, that i think men never hear (Thai or farang).

    I used to be in a relationship with a Thai man (who had kids, and looked after them VERY well). Nothing bad to say about him, it just wasnt right for me in the end.

    I dont have rose-tinted glasses on. There is much i love, and much i dont.

    I dont watch golf tongue.png

    Edit: might be 6 years, not 7. I forget.

    Ive have lived in other countries and continents tho, so the concept of starting out again somewhere new, with language and culture barriers, didnt concern me.

    i know some amazing thai men,although most here if not all will tell you they are all cheating wife beaters, not so.

    my wifes sisters man is fantastic toher and has been for years

  7. age rage, or failure to read again and again and again, not targeting age, only fools.

    i have said just today 4 times there are legit age gap relationships, but the sh#t still flys.

    toget angry, the ones who do, are placing themselves in the fake relationship catagory, because i clearly said there are legit ones, and that keeps going unoticed.

  8. does not take an expert to see the obvious, it's flashing all over thailand like neon lights, but still people don't see it.

    They only see the other brighter lights that drew them there.

    eg, hey handsome man, the man then thinks wow it must be true, so many have said it, and thais dont lie, no one ever looked at me at home, im staying here because the idiots at home with no experience failed to see how amazing and handsome i really am.

    then the wonderfully handsome man waddles off down his soi for more beer and cake.

    I try to make my non-sequitors slightly more off-beat, and less obnoxiously contemptuous.


    obnoxiously contemptuous

    Non-gradable adjective.

    1. my girlfriend is fairly stunning

    2. my girlfriend is very stunning

    3. my girlfriend is slightly stunning


    On topic, why argue with a fool?

    meaning argue with those who agree, that would defeat the purpose then of debating topics yes.

    If he does not agree, must be a fool, but this fool will not be parted from his money by a sly woman with a sharp tongue.

  9. for the record i must say again, those of all ages who are happy, thats fantastic really.

    Ijust have little time for those being obviously fooled of all ages, who cannot or refuse to see it.

    I am man enough to admit fault, perhaps it is not age only, many young are fooled to, but i get annoyed by theones so obviously being played yet ignore it out of fear of losing her or whatever.

    • Like 1
  10. I do agree young men are a target and equally, sometimes more gullible.

    what little cash i have was hard earned and stays in my pockets.

    if you a woman has a sick buffalo in thailand best i will do is pay for the bullet.

  11. does not take an expert to see the obvious, it's flashing all over thailand like neon lights, but still people don't see it.

    They only see the other brighter lights that drew them there.

    eg, hey handsome man, the man then thinks wow it must be true, so many have said it, and thais dont lie, no one ever looked at me at home, im staying here because the idiots at home with no experience failed to see how amazing and handsome i really am.

    then the wonderfully handsome man waddles off down his soi for more beer and cake.

  12. should have thought before you posted, i had the balls to put my pic there, now that your laughing lets see you put yours up, will not do it will you. you will hide behind some excuse like "oh no i dont love myself like you i will not do that".

    It's an anonymous forum, I know English isn't your first language, but you you understand the concept of 'anonymous'? I certainly wouldn't show you my picture, you might just be as crazy as your posts suggest. Not that I'm claiming any sensible levels of sanity. But IMHO 'outing' yourself is just a bit daft.

    outing myself is daft if im paranoid and fearful, otherwise...

    I also would not laugh at other if i was not willing to post a pic, seems weak somewhat.

    some fat old ugly dude, not you, the other perhaps, laughing at a pic, probably looks like fat bastard in that spy movie, whatever its called, cant remember.

    • Like 1
  13. someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

    This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

    At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

    And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

    As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

    never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

    clap2.gifcheesy.gif Is that a picture of you in your avatar?

    should have thought before you posted, i had the balls to put my pic there, now that your laughing lets see you put yours up, will not do it will you.

    you will hide behind some excuse like "oh no i dont love myself like you i will not do that".

    lets see the laughing mans profile, lets see what you look like, i challenge you to post it, your the one laughing at pics, back it up big man.

    watch everyone as he will not do it.

    yes that handsome fit muscular man in the pic is me.

    • Like 1
  14. someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

    This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

    At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

    And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

    As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

    never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    any time old timer

    I don't mind being called old timer, as long as you're happy with young wanke_r.

    as i said before, truth is hard to find here, i beat off regularly, at least i admit it.

    you must remember however i said there are real relationships with the old boys and the young girls, I know you read it.

    I said most a BS not all, so to get a little touchy about must put you in the BS catagory, If your one who has a loving relationship dont worry, nothing to get upset about, dont misunderstand i really am refering to the ones being fooled.

  15. someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

    This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

    At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

    And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

    As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

    never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    any time old timer

  16. someone above suggested I cant get a girlfriend in thailand.

    This truly proves my point that this thread is full of dishonesty, because as you all know the elephant man could get a date here.

    At a bar, at the markets,711,on the bus or train, and thats all in a day an ugly guy could get numbers for a date on all.

    And when I get called handsome man it's geniune, going to get ripped here fior that comment but I dont care I'm a dam_n stud.

    As you all shake your heads now calling me a wanke_r for being honest, I have no interest in ladies, only my wife and my little baby girls.

    never had an interest in thai people, but fell in love with a thai friend and married, should we finish i would not go to another thai i dont target a certain race.

  17. it never seems to occur to anyone here that thai girls are individuals.

    I keep reading thai girls do this thai girls do that, that would be the thai girls you know.

    best for guys to just go grab any girl as they have all been tared with the same brush.

    Well certain individuals here on TV seem to believe that there is only one kind... the ones they hooked up with.

    Besides my own, Iknow a few who would make good partners, and a lot who would not, those few are single and struggling to find love, the others found a man in days as love was not there concern.

    certainly are others out there though.

    I'm afraid this gonna turn in to the old fellas vs the young fellas and barhookers thread.

    it will never be in danger of becoming an honest thread

  18. it never seems to occur to anyone here that thai girls are individuals.

    I keep reading thai girls do this thai girls do that, that would be the thai girls you know.

    best for guys to just go grab any girl as they have all been tared with the same brush.

    Well certain individuals here on TV seem to believe that there is only one kind... the ones they hooked up with.

    Besides my own, Iknow a few who would make good partners, and a lot who would not, those few are single and struggling to find love, the others found a man in days as love was not there concern.

    certainly are others out there though.

  19. it never seems to occur to anyone here that thai girls are individuals.

    I keep reading thai girls do this thai girls do that, that would be the thai girls you know.

    best for guys to just go grab any girl as they have all been tared with the same brush.

  20. I will say this, there are a few real ones, wirh an age gap.

    thats fine, but the ones that are not who bs themselves are annoying.

    What? Sorry, makes no sense at all.

    there are those with an age gap that are in real relationships, but most are being played and will not admit it or dont see it, those ones annoy, thats what i meant. but to the real relationships, happy for them, just dont think there are many however.

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