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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. someone said that dog meat tastes like chicken...

    They got cheated. Dog meat and chicken are far different.

    I've had the meats of snake, turtle, deer, and even monkey.

    Cool. Have you ever eaten donkey meat? It tastes pretty good too. I also ate turtle, but deer and monkey. Monkeys look dirty. Deers are ok. My dad ate once and said not good.

    If you can get over mental block, I think you can have a try to eat rats. Cantonese and Indians eat rats. errrrrr.

    Can't say I've ever been anywhere that offered donkey meat, but did have it's close cousin, horse, several times. It can be very tough, but tenderized properly, it's quite palatable. Also have had kangaroo, crocodile, and ostrich and thought they were all good. I've never had rat, but again I've had a not-so-distant relative in squirrel. That was rather sinewy, roasted over an open fire. They were large ones that friends hunted in Pennsylvania when the deer population went too low. The monkey was very clean, I'd never consume something that wasn't, but it's taste was rather bland and the meat stringy, so not a big favorite.

  2. someone said that dog meat tastes like chicken...

    They got cheated. Dog meat and chicken are far different.

    I agree anna. The dog meat I had fairly often in the Philippines was very juicy and tender with a different taste. I went to a very large restaurant there that specialized in a wide variety of dog meat dishes. They even bred their own dogs right next to the premises. That way you got to chose the dog you had if you were ordering a large dinner. Very similiar, I thought, to seafood restaurants and their lobster tanks. The EXCLUSIVE breed they used there were German Shepards. If one can get over the mental block of them being pets, one can really enjoy the succulent meat. For me, it wasn't difficult. I've had the meats of snake, turtle, deer, as well many other animals including monkey. The way I look at a deer, for example, is that it is source of delicious steak meat, not as something to be abhorantly destroyed such as by "killing Bambi."

    All animals were put on this Earth as something to be potentially consumed by humans as meat.

    Having said all of that, I will always continue to observe and respect ALL the various dietary restrictions of my friends and family be they non-beef eating Buddhists or non-pork eating Muslims, "kin jae" Chinese-custom followers, or any other limitations people put on themselves, INCLUDING sympathetic dog lovers who can't fathom consuming dog meat.

  3. I am reluctantly in agreement with you, Nikis. It can certainly be construed as one of the perils of living or even just visiting in the 3rd world. One should never forget that, no matter how attractive the trappings are.

    As whenever someone has a choice to make on where they live (many people do not) the decision to come and stay here or even just visit here has to be balanced with the positives and the negatives. As for me, and a multitude of others including your cousin, Thailand's positives outweigh it's negatives. For me in particular, the scale is infinitely tipped onto the positive side.

    Again, I wish to repeat... my sincerest sympathy for your entire family.

  4. Hmmmm...... this all seems MIGHTY convienent for the government to push it's desire to control all the mass transit systems.... Hmmmmm, using the safety issue to push forth it's agenda. Holding the private company as hostage.

    BANGKOK SUBWAY: Authority threatens to halt opening

    Published on January 30, 2005

    The Mass Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA) yesterday demanded a substantial amendment to the subway concession contract signed with private operator Bangkok Metro Plc (BMCL) in return for the latter to reopen the service.

    MRTA chief Prapat Jongsa-nguan said contract changes were necessary so as to increase public safety following the January 17 crash, in which hundreds of commuters were injured.

    He said that the state agency, which awarded the contract to BMCL to operate the subway service, would not allow the private firm to resume its operation unless it agreed to the contract amendment.

    The subway service, the first of its kind in Bangkok, was suspended on January 17 after an empty train accidentally ran into another train with 700 passengers onboard, resulting in hundreds of people being injured.

    According to an informed source, the MRTA demanded to be empowered under the contract with BMCL to closely supervise the public-safety aspects of the subway operation following the crash, which has hurt commuter confidence.

    Under the contract, signed in 2000, the state agency does not have direct authority to intervene in the private firm’s operations.

    “BMCL was told that it’s supposed to accept the contract changes by the end of tomorrow or else the firm would not have approval to reopen the subway on February 1 as scheduled,” the source said.

    Essentially, the contract amendment would require BMCL to overhaul its system-operating plan and appoint MRTA representatives on its operation and maintenance committees as well as its safety committee.

    Second, both parties are required to hold joint meetings on public safety at least once a month.

    Third, MRTA officials must be appointed as co-chief controllers on train services, and Siemens, which supplied the train system, must provide additional training to MRTA and BMCL personnel at the latter firm’s expense.

    Fourth, BMCL must hire foreign experts on subway operations as consultants for an entire year one month after service is resumed.

    Fifth, BMCL must reorganise the management of its subway service to ensure maximum safety for the public.

    Sixth, all personnel operating the trains, the signalling system and train maintenance services will be required to pass technical tests to qualify for licences to be issued by the MRTA.

    Meanwhile a banking source said commercial banks that provided loans to BMCL would have to endorse the contract changes before the private firm could agree to the changes as sought by MRTA.

    Krung Thai, Bank of Ayudhya, Siam City Bank and Thai Military Bank are the firm’s major creditors.

  5. [

    I'm sure he has. He claimed that he banged a few in Japan, but never paid. :o

    Oh I get it...........it's terrible to pay for the services,but ok to steal it from them.

    Mind you in the bobo's previous post he said he went to Herson School,Ramsgate.

    He couldn't have done. No-one would admit to going there,you're straight on the police file if you attended that school.

    Sorry I made a mistake. No-one with any intellegence would admit to going there.

    Sorry. Another mistake. No-one with any intellegence would have been there.

    If ever a school has spawned the type of social layabouts the good doctor refers to then it's Herson

    You can't be that bad then if you managed to escape :D

    haha....Thought Herson has a reputation, alas I was only there a few months, then I was off to Sunny Brixham in Devon, I was in a childrens home in St Peters, Broadstairs, hence the Herson stretch. :D

    ??? your comment ???

    lol.... it's ok, but don't let tv's quoting system kick your butt.... :D

    it ain't easy sometimes

  6. I was going to say similiar things, tripxcare. Like you, I've been through the process myself and I was wondering that if dave gets this upset while doing the "easy stuff"(embassy visa), then how is going to react when he gets stateside and runs into the "hard stuff" (INS, and eventually citizenship, if so inclined for his wife). It doesn't bode well for his state of mind if he absolutely rages over something and then just two days later, admittedly reports the situation was understandable.

    Best of luck to you, dave... you'll need it.

  7. Two way exploitation and then you've got it right dear doc!!! Take your whip up to airport and do some flogging at arrivals. Dare say if you value your life you will stay away!!!   :o

    Strange how the person that exploits another, blames the person he is exploiting for being there.

    Totally sick if you ask me.

    Any person that exploits another person for the purposes of sexual gratification should be flogged. If it was your daughter being exploited , you may agree with that.

    If you are an exploiter yourself, you may disagree with me.

    That's what makes thaivisa such an interesting place to discuss things. The place where one can be in complete disagreement with someone else on one issue (you and I in the "access fees" topic title) one week.... and the next week be in complete agreement with that same person on another issue (this one).

    I hope if you see my agreement with you on this issue, you'll begin to see why I disagree with you on the other. :D

    but if not, that's ok too.... thaivisa will continue to roll on :D but i do respect your views whether in agreement or not.

    I can understand your reluctance to submit to fourbaht's ridiculous questioning, but I do respect him for posting HIS wife's picture on his avatar.

  8. I am sorry for your loss, Nikis. Your cousin's death seems similiar to so many others:




    I would encourage you to follow Dedanan's suggestion. It may not answer all your questions or find the guilty parties, but I feel it would help the family to try and find out whatever information that may turn up.

    It is EXTREMELY unsettling that even his remains have not been returned. Assuming you have contacted the American Embassy, what do they say about this?

    Best of luck to you and your family.

    Again, I extend my condolescences. :o

  9. In what seems to be almost a daily occurence, one wonders if there is any end in sight:

    Police probe Pattaya suicide

    Published on January 28, 2005

    Chon Buri - A Dutchman killed himself in a strange manner in Chon Buri’s Bang Lamung district, covering his head with a plastic bag containing a gas canister, police said yesterday.

    At 12.30am yesterday, police received a report of a foreign suicide in a South Pattaya apartment, said Lt-Colonel Anan Thammachaikung, of Pattaya police station.

    The body of Ven Eijcswijk Josephus Johannes, 47, of the Netherlands, was found lying on a bed in a third-floor room of a four-storey townhouse. His feet were tied together, and his head was covered with a plastic bag, inside of which was a canister of gas, said Anan. There were no signs of a struggle.

    A friend of the deceased, Piet Spoecstra, 47, also of the Netherlands, told police that Johannes had been living off of some hotel investments in Thailand for seven years. Over the past year, Johannes complained that he had been cheated out of all his money, forcing him to subsist by collecting second-hand items to sell to junkyards. Spoecstra said he had not seen Johannes for four days, so he went to his apartment, where he found the body and called police.

    Police suspect Johannes killed himself because of stress caused by his financial losses, but his body will be sent for an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death.

  10. na, i dont reckon thats right with most thais that interact with tourists.

    initially in thai schooling it is ingrained into the childrens head to respect their elders, it is also shown in the language, for thais that dont interact with tourists they are generally extremely polite and nice and would give u the shirt off their back, with the younger generation of thais and the thais that deal with tourists, these ppl are just scum looking for a quick buck or a way to stitch u up, they have seen how farangs can spend a years salary of wot a thai would earn in a good nite out, i think here in pattaya tuky we have more scum thais than nice normal thais, also with this thai xenaphobia promoted by thaskin i wouldnt be suprised if we see more attacks against farangs living out in the sticks, dont forget that these ppl are more tribal than human, they have there little tribes all from the same village and attack as a tribe and not individually, in the last year or so there have been quite a few farang killed by thais purely for money or insurance, the dutch guy last year is a perfect example, they shot him they knifed him, and then they crushed his skull with a concrete slab, yep the creatures of the nite are taking over and its getting a lot more violent here towards farangs..

    lemme try a guess.... Pattaya Tourism Board adviser?

  11. Just to advice everyone not to go to any beaches in South Thailand for about 6 month or more..Becaus ethere are still alot of Lost spirits and souls out there...Just read the local thai newspapers theres alot of stories about some1 seeing sprit at night

    oh you really are a great use are'nt you? come down here to krabi and say that in front of my thai and farang friends who own businesses who are more than ever relying on the tourists to survive...you would'nt last long. keep those sort of ridiculous, thoughtless comments to yourself.

    please curb your Western aggressiveness long enough to read Posts #9 and #10 of this thread.

    not aggressiveness, more frustration at ignorant wastes of space. i know about Thais and how they are with 'pee' (ghosts) having lived here over 2 years. Jeez, i spent a few days at Wat Yan Yao, Takuapa moving corpses - i believe in spirits too, but advising people to stay away for 6 MONTHS?!?! utterly outrageous.

    Discounting someone's beliefs as "ignorant wastes of space".... and inciting bodily harm on someone as they "wouldn't last long".... sounds fairly aggressive to me. If you truly "know" about Thais... you wouldn't post such thoughts in such an unempathetic tone.

    erm...did i mention ANYTHING about bodily harm??? No. Let me guess....your an english teacher (ST). If you agree with this person about people staying away from the southern beaches for 6 months + ....then do you know much at all about Thailand yourself?

    sorry, I guess you must have meant that he wouldn't last long at the canasta card game you and your friends would have invited him to. Sorry for misreading your words.

  12. Just to advice everyone not to go to any beaches in South Thailand for about 6 month or more..Becaus ethere are still alot of Lost spirits and souls out there...Just read the local thai newspapers theres alot of stories about some1 seeing sprit at night

    oh you really are a great use are'nt you? come down here to krabi and say that in front of my thai and farang friends who own businesses who are more than ever relying on the tourists to survive...you would'nt last long. keep those sort of ridiculous, thoughtless comments to yourself.

    please curb your Western aggressiveness long enough to read Posts #9 and #10 of this thread.

    not aggressiveness, more frustration at ignorant wastes of space. i know about Thais and how they are with 'pee' (ghosts) having lived here over 2 years. Jeez, i spent a few days at Wat Yan Yao, Takuapa moving corpses - i believe in spirits too, but advising people to stay away for 6 MONTHS?!?! utterly outrageous.

    Discounting someone's beliefs as "ignorant wastes of space".... and inciting bodily harm on someone as they "wouldn't last long".... sounds fairly aggressive to me. If you truly "know" about Thais... you wouldn't post such thoughts in such an unempathetic tone.

  13. Just to advice everyone not to go to any beaches in South Thailand for about 6 month or more..Becaus ethere are still alot of Lost spirits and souls out there...Just read the local thai newspapers theres alot of stories about some1 seeing sprit at night

    oh you really are a great use are'nt you? come down here to krabi and say that in front of my thai and farang friends who own businesses who are more than ever relying on the tourists to survive...you would'nt last long. keep those sort of ridiculous, thoughtless comments to yourself.

    please curb your Western aggressiveness long enough to read Posts #9 and #10 of this thread.

  14. ----------------------------------

    as for the specifics:

    The NCCC issued a directive on July 29 giving its chairman a monthly pay increase of Bt45,500 to Bt154,000, and other commissioners received a bump of Bt42,500 to Bt147,000.


    nothing like a voting YOURSELF a little 300% pay raise, eh? :o

    108,500 to 154,000 (increase of 45,500) is 41.94%

    104,500 to 147,000 (increase of 42,500) is 40.67%

    Who voted a 300% raise?

    Also 154,000 baht might be a good income in Thailand, but it equates to around £25K a year in the UK. (i.e. graduate starting salaries in a lot of places, and that's for the chairman).

    (Maybe the MPs are just unhappy because of the press coverage their 30% pay rises got a couple of years ago...)

    uhmmm.... not sure where your numbers come from, BUT as I posted...

    it was 45,500, not 108,500 , to 154,000 and

    it was 42,500, not 104,500 , to 147,000

    secondly... if we start comparing ANYONE'S salaries here with the UK, it distorts everything way off negating any discussion, eg. a government teacher in Thailand getting 84 pounds per month versus how much a teacher in UK makes?

  15. It's much worse in the states really. My brother owns a Hip Hop Bar and he has had cops with dogs sniffing cars in the parking lots, and finding drugs. The cops also have an entrapment program where they have undercover hot chicks try and purchase or obtain drugs from employees and customers, quite successfully and unsuccessfully, thru unscrupulous means. What the Thais are doing is no big deal

    couple of points... I would certainly say it is NOT worse in the USA. I never heard of urine drug testing at a club there which is much more invasive than a dog sniffing your car.

    I wouldn't consider it "entrapment" unless the police were selling the drugs as it's common and normal police procedure to purchase drugs.

    What the Thais are doing IS a big deal.

    Listen, if you have a bunch of people knowingly and willingly going to a club's "hip hop" night, clearly there is probable cause for a drug raid. Anyone attending such a thing is clearly on drugs. May thai police have many more of these "hip hop" club raids

    hahahaha... "probable cause" because of a musical preference?? :o

    by using that logic, the police should hang out at the music shops and immediately drug test anyone that buys a Bob Marley CD.


    or go to the radio stations and drug test any DJ that plays a Pink Floyd song.... :D

    or hang around the Chatuchak Market and immediately drug test anyone who purchases a Limp Bizkit t-shirt... :D

  16. Published on January 25, 2005

    The Supreme Court’s Criminal Tribunal for Political Office Holders ruled yesterday in a unanimous decision that the National Counter Corruption Commission should be prosecuted for awarding itself a pay hike last year.

    The nine-member tribunal ordered the Office of the Attorney General to file charges against the nine NCCC members, saying there was enough cause to suspect wrongdoing in the unilateral decision to increase their salaries.

    Legal pundits said the case could lead to another landmark decision on corruption cases following earlier high-profile cases that sent former public health minister Rakkiat Sukthana and his adviser Jirayus Jarassathien to jail on kickback charges.

    If the NCCC members are found guilty of abuse of power, they would face mandatory punishment of double jail terms between two and 20 years instead of the normal sentencing of one to 10 years, he said. That is because NCCC members are subject to penalties prescribed by the Criminal Code and anti-corruption laws. Prosecutors are obliged to file criminal suit against the NCCC members within 30 days, he said.

    Reacting to the tribunal’s ruling, NCCC member Wichian Wiriyaprasit said he and his colleagues would meet to prepare a defence.

    “Personally I am not worried because I am ready to rebut the charges,” he said.

    Wichian added that the NCCC would fight its legal battle until it exhausts all of its appeals in the judicial system.

    He denied speculation the NCCC members might resign in order to accept responsibility.

    “If we are found guilty, then every member has to resign – but not before then,” he said.


    as for the specifics:

    The NCCC issued a directive on July 29 giving its chairman a monthly pay increase of Bt45,500 to Bt154,000, and other commissioners received a bump of Bt42,500 to Bt147,000.


    nothing like a voting YOURSELF a little 300% pay raise, eh? :o

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