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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. If both parties are agreeable, then there is no exploitation. Is there a lot of difference between a Uni student of 22yo who will sleep with an older farang so she can buy some nice things and a 22yo hotel receptionist who does the same thing or even a 22yo Go Go dancer who does the same thing.

    I think that some of these Uni girls turn up at the Thermae of a night time as well.

    I initially took the same stance as some of the guys here and thought "what a bunch of old perverts" But after some thought, I came to the conclusion that if it is consensual, of legal age and all parties know the score then there is no harm done.

    At 47yo, I have had my fair share of girls in their early 20's, most of them just for a night.

    I think the connatation of supporting them in a "Sugar Daddy" role is what upsets most people here.

    I do think though, that if a guy is working as a teacher and beds one of his own students then the guy is a fool, apart from abusing his position, he leaves himself open to all sorts of problems.

    Very good points here. If the term 'Sugar Daddy' upsets people here, that is their problem, not the sugar daddy's problem. I see Sugar Dads with girls/young pretty women, every day in my casino... and you know what... they are usually 'both' smiling. :o:D

    does your wife consider herself a sugar baby?

  2. Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


    hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

    saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

    they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

    when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

    now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

    say, aren't you:

    1. German?

    2. one-legged?

    3. HIV positive?

    4. On over-stay?


  3. The unscrupulous Mr. Pin was on the television news last night trying to defend his encroachment and take-over of public lands for his private business Fantasea... but not doing so very convincingly...

    He came off as the epitome of the corrupt businessman.

  4. Seafood found to be safe, says health officials

    BANGKOK: -- In an attempt to ease public concerns over consuming seafood following last month's tsunamis in Thailand's southern Andaman coastlines, the Ministry of Public Health has reiterated that sample tests on seafood are being conducted daily

    Meanwhile, Dr. Thawat Suntrajrn, Director General of the Department of Disease Control, said that people should not be worried too much over eating seafood because most of the corpses found in the six provinces were on beaches and were almost in perfect shapes, and that seafood on sales in markets are mostly caught from the deep sea.

    Not exactly a reassuring quote from the good Dr. Thawat.

    btw, is this the same Public Health Ministry that down-played SARS while people were dying...and then lied about the existence of avian flu in Thailand?

  5. That's interesting. On a more positive note, I don't think a majority of Americans had even heard of Phuket before the tsunami.  It's possible that, ironically, the exposure could be good for tourism in the long run from American tourists despite fears of future tsunamis.



    it is not first time I find evidence of ignorance of average if not majority people in the leading nation in the world!

    I recall the events in Kosovo - what, almost 10 years ago? - when reporters (it was BBC or CNN program) were interviewing americans somewhere on Miami beach regarding what is their opinion about this whole affair with Yougoslavia.... most of them honeslty and sincerely said: we don't even know, where is this Kosovo, not even speak about - why it concerns our National interests ! and then I'd undertood - why they start every report with showing the Global map, then map of Europe and the location of tiny Kosovo province somewhere in the East Europe - and it took few minutes to explain where is it and what is it in each and every report, that I thought: why bother to explain, wasting valuable on-air TV time? then only after those honest confessions I've understood the resaon ! hillarious!

    and I have personal experience: many people corresponding with me on e-mail or chating with me on-line, don't even know what is Thailand - what to say Phuket ! they somehow always confuse it with Taiwan - yeah, well it DOES sound similar if not the same for English speaking people. but trivial / basic geographic education won't hurt I think ! at least to know that Thailand isn't the capital of Taiwan, but Taipei, and neither is vice-versa. and that Thailand is actually recognised officially as leading conutry in tourism in whole Asia, if not in the whole world. not to mention other good things worthy enough to motivate someone to find out more about it - at least its geographical location....

    very cool indeed!

    P.S. I wonder: what percent of americans knew/ know about the location of , say Iraq or Afganistan, when their mighty and righteous government unleashed "holy war of liberation" there ?

    Ignoring the political rhetoric portion of your diatribe....

    for what's it worth, I've explained on many occasions to many Thais in Thailand about the geography of their country, Thailand.

    Geography, be it world or local, is a subject with international ignorance.

  6. It's also easy to understand how a family might perceive the whole situation based on this example report from the Irish Press. To read something so shocking, so horrific....that the entire family barely escaped with their lives on Phuket,... it's easy to see how they would never set foot anywhere near that place. That would include all the readers of the article, and no doubt every associate of the involved family. I don't see that that sort of thinking would change easily or quickly.


    Miracle escape for Irish family in Thailand

    The Delaney family, from Rathmines, Dublin, were enjoying a relaxing Christmas holiday in Patong, the beach resort on Phuket Island, writes Ferdia O'Dowd in Thailand.

    As Michael, Mary and their four children, Rachel, Michelle, Marie and Jonathan, sat down to breakfast at their beach-front hotel, Michael noticed a strong swirling in the water. “It was like a cauldron, much like you see from the HSS high speed ferry,” he said.

    A portable jetty, used by people coming from cruise ships, was swept from its moorings. Suddenly, the water poured across the road to their hotel and was pulling at their feet.

    “We get up to run, but, before we can get out of the room, a second and much stronger wave pins us against the pillars. We are then swept away by a third, much more violent wave,” he said from his bed in Phuket International Hospital where he is recovering. The family were flung about by the strong current, sometimes below and sometimes above water, until they ended up on empty ground behind the hotel, all in different places. Jonathan, Michael's 13-year old son, was separated from the others. He tried to climb up railings to the first floor but slipped back and was pinned against a window by a sun bed from the beach.

    The window gave way and he was flung into a bedroom which quickly filled with water. He had to dive down to escape and, on coming to the surface, was helped onto a balcony and then into the hotel.

    Eventually, all the family reached the upper floors of the hotel where they had to wait for almost two hours before moving to higher ground.

    They were taken to hospital about three hours later.

    There was no organised rescue, they said. Hotel staff and residents who were not injured helped others.

    The Delaney family's trip to hospital was first in a public, open-sided bus with many other victims and then in the back of a pick-up truck.

    Only Michael, who had deep cuts and required treatment for a badly infected wound, remained in hospital this weekend.

  7. I have come to the conclusion that the people on this form just like to harass people and see if they can make them mad.

    You have got the wrong guy. Not a one of you are good enough to make me mad.

    I just have to laugh and shake my head. I like to have fun. That's why I am still here:>)

    Well.... Now you got me mad... just a little... because I have tried to give you genuine advice... and all I have to say to you now is <deleted> OFF you TROLL.

    well well... now you've made ME happy...... because you finally recognize this garbage thread for what it is. Given your history, I would have thought that you could read people better than this.... but better late than never.


  8. ???  your reputation for being an intellectual are quickly slipping.... and you had started out so well, Ravisher... ???

    Was not aware of an intellectual reputation, but like I said, you would have to understand me... It seems that you, sriracha john, understand nothing. All I see from you is one-liners here knocking all and sundry. Trolling and trying to provoke...

    String more than one sentance together if you can and let's have at least your point of view. If indeed you have one? :o

    I quickly lost the desire to expound endlessly whenever confronting newbies like yourself.... your verbal diarrhea quickly became borish and self-aggrandizing. You're overly defensive, but that's just insecurity on your part, so it's understandable.


  9. John Everingham/Artasia owns 'Tropical Homes' - a glossy magazine that sells upmarket real estate. A characteristic of the magazine is its unmitigated bullish optimism about every real estate market it covers.

    I think that all this "now is a better time to come than ever, with the clean clean beaches" (ok i'm exaggerating a bit).....is becoming a bit..... indecent.

    I'm going to Phuket next week,  but i'm quite capable of weighing the issues myself. A lot of people just don't fancy going to a place where something so tragic has recently happened.  No amount of blurb, spin - ...or even facts will change their view if it is heartfelt.

    Thanks for making a very valid point in this discussion. One has to consider the self-interests involved in all these reports, positive and negative.

  10. I think that "lookingforthaiwife" has made a valid point....Maybe he has been scared off by the comments here. For a forum that is about Thailand there is a lot of negative comments not just about Thailand but also Thai women...

    I was married to a Thai for 3 years and finished it when she cheated on me in my own country while on a paid for holiday, this was a non BG from Isan. since then I have been back many times and I am now, after 7 years, at the start of what I hope will be a good relationship. The girl I am with now no longer works in the bar trade and when she did it was as a daytime waitress, sure she went with some guys but nowhere near as many as the night girls did. She left the bar because of some problems with the owner and another staff member, two of them quit the same day. This was before we started as an item.

    I knew the send money issue would arise and was dreading it....I used to send money to my ex and wasnt keen to go down that road again. In anticipation of this I asked some other guys there, all long termers with wives for their opinion and they all said "dont send money"...Anyway the issue did arise, and basically it was down to this.  If I couldnt send some money then she would have to go back to the bar and there was no guarantee that she would not find someone more financial. I can hear cries of Blackmail from here already....really the choice was mine....did I want her to go back to the bars and knowing full well that she would go as a night girl....She has a 10 yo boy to support as well as herself. I considered my options and hers, and remembered what advice I was given...Well I didnt want her to work the bars again and risk losing her, so I said ok I will send you 6000 baht a month...a little more than she earned in the bar. After disclosing this to the guys I had sought advice from earlier, It appears that most of them sent their wives money from the start. BTW 6000 baht was acceptable.

    Now the other point about sending money to Thai girls is...Showing of committment....Many of them have heard stories of the farang who promises the world and does not give a sod of earth. They want to know you are serious about them and your future with them. Words are meaningless, they cant eat words, words dont give them a better life, words dont hold them at night nor do they allow them little luxuries that all women like. They want something tangible so they can believe in you, after all there are two of you in this long distance relationship. And the fears you have about them is equal to the fears they have about you.

    Too many guys put these girls on some kind of pedestal and are disappointed when the girls dont match the expectations that the guy holds in his mind. They are not some kind of mythical creature, they are women and want the same as all women want, someone to look after them, protect them and to love them. Sure there are gold diggers as in any place and some guys do get taken in, same as anywhere else, and with the hundreds of thousands of men who visit Thailand sure the percentage of guys burnt is likely to be higher than other places.

    "lookingforthaiwife"... dont be put off by negative comments, There are many good ladies in Thailand, in and out of the bars, Go and meet some and if it happens for you then good luck to you.

    ***shaking my head in disbelief at the above nonsense***

    Sheesh....P.T. Barnum was right.

  11. OK. I am no longer going to Thailand. You scared me away. I am going to do a Peter Hughes live aboard in the Galapagos Islands instead. Sounds like hammerheads are tamer than Thai women. You guys make Thai women sound bad.

    Ok, sorry, but I have to say this. If you are scared by this, then best don't even think about a Thai lady. This type of marriage take a lot of 'balls' at least the way I did it. I visited Thailand once and decided I wanted to marry a Thai woman. I put an ad in the Island Trader, Phuket Gazette... and read the ads. I ended up getting an email from a Thai woman wanting to learn English... I explained that I did not want to teach somebody English by email... We emailed a few times... we exchanged photos etc. I found out later that she was just having a laugh with her friends about me and had no intentions of marrying somebody from emailing... I then decied to take another trip to Thailand with the sole purpose of meeting her. I went ot Thailand ot meet her and her three friends were there at the airport... I was there for 10 days. To cut a long story short... we decided to marry in 5 short days. I made another trip to Thailand a month later and we married. The first 6 months was somewhat difficult for both of us and of course we did not love each other in the begining... But now 2 years and more later, I would not swap her for the world. Love developed over time and as each month goes by we get closer and closer.

    You would have to know me to understand me... but I could tell within a few hours, whether I would be prepared to marry somebody or not. My first 4 wives I lived with for at least six months to "make sure it was going to work". They lasted 3 years, 3 years, 10 years and 5 years. You can never make sure! Therefore my philosophy is, that you have as much chance of making a marriage work with a completes stranger where mutual attraction is at work, than you have marrying somebody you've known for 2-4 years and lived with.

    You sound like a guy who has not been around enough and not worldly enough to make instant decisions on such important issues.

    ??? your reputation for being an intellectual are quickly slipping.... and you had started out so well, Ravisher... ???

  12. Personally it all sounds a bit to glib for me....

    Agree. But it's fun, actually. The ones getting scammed will just get what they deserve, lol.

    In fact, if I had the time and inclination, I'd set up such a scam as well. Lure the losers in, take their money and leave them with nothing. Ingenious! :o:D

    He and his family gets a free trip to Thailand every month courtesy of your money.
    Yep. Six grand per capita, not a bad paycheck... and all one has to do for it is just collect pics of Thai girls, get a few buds in to pose as "previous customers" who will reassure the gullible morons that they really get a great deal, and there you go.

    I agree whole-heartedly.... thinking of starting my own in the same light:


    but I'd only charge $5,950 to undercut the competition....

  13. Lots of advise here but no leads, so here you go.

    She is in Chiang Mai

    " I m 3rd year student in Business English degree.I can speak every perfect English but i didn't speak much to foriegners.Recently, i have been teahcing THAI for months now.I found myself enjoy teaching so much.SO MAINLY I AM LOOKING FOR A GOOD FRIEND AND A STUDENT IN THE SAME TIME.I don't want to charge a friend but u must understand i need to live my life so I OFFER A PRIVATE CLASS AT YOUR PLACE START AT 120 BHT..I COME TO YOU..OR IF YOU COME TO ME I CHARGE 100 BHT FOR ONLY ONE PERSON..."YOU WILL GET MORE THAN YOU EXPECT"..CALL:YOK 06-1833835 .  "

    Whoops, I have just noticed that it does not say this is a female.

    Anyway the email is [email protected] if anyone is interested


    Sorry to quote again but the edit button does not appear on this posting

    I recognize that email... she's a sweet girl.

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