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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. I don't think anyone is suggesting that Thais be charged 200 baht for entrance to national parks.  The assumed solution would be to charge EVERYONE 20 baht.

    I'm of the same opinion...

    We all of course knew what your opinions were! :D

    hmm... I'm suspicious of that as many things have gotten quite distorted on this here topic as of late... :D

    but that's fine, that's what a discourse is all about. clearing things up. :D

    so i was agreeing with pvtdick and just wanted to clearly spell out that i'm ALSO NOT in favor of charging Thais 200 baht and letting in foreigners for free...


  2. I don't think anyone is suggesting that Thais be charged 200 baht for entrance to national parks.  The assumed solution would be to charge EVERYONE 20 baht.

    The problem here is they would have to raise prices to make up for the lost revenue? So everyone would pay more for the entrance.

    the majority of the revenue now is certainly not going to the improvements or the upkeep of the parks. any loss of revenue would or should come out of the higher-ups who personally squander the funds.

  3. The assumed solution would be to charge EVERYONE 20 baht.

    I am certainly going to blush if I was to say something like that.

    why? it's fair

    Can you buy a bottle of coke with 20 baht in your country?

    what does that have to do with anything, but for the record; coke for 50 cents?...yeah, you can find that.

    Do people complain about ladies' night in night clubs????

    no, because they have those everywhere, including Thailand...if things are universally accepted, that's not at issue, but very few places have different admission rates to national parks based on race

    Can we put it that way?

    All people are to be charged 200 baht, but for Thais they get 90% discount.

    Is that OK?

    no, unless you chose to accept racism

    The government owns all the national parks; they therefore have a monopoly on supply. The principles of free trade and supply and demand cease to work when anyone or anything holds a monopoly and can dictate any damned price they want.
    They have the right to not let non-thais in as well!

    that's fine...and watch them go down hill at an even faster pace then now to a point where no one wants to visit

  4. No, actually it's based on NATIONALITY.  A Thai national of whatever race (Chinese, Thai, Lao, Indian) pays the local rate, while a foreigner of whatever  race (Caucasian, Arab, Japanese) pays the foreign rate.

    except for the Thai-American, Thai-German, etc. would get charged the local rate, yes? which returns it to a race issue.

  5. I can accept people saying it is unfair.  Or is about money.  I can accept people saying it is too expensive.  But to say this is racism really pisses me off. 

    This tuktuk bastard charged me 100baht then 20baht for that lovely thai lady.

    Actually, by definition ("rac·ism. n. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.")

    in your scenario, racism is EXACTLY what occurs

    It is not based on race here. Status, in fact. Tourist or resident.

    Factually, it's based on race. If the customer was an American born to Thai parents in the USA, for example, and on her first tourist visit here, they would most likely only be asked to pay the 20 baht rate, whereas a Thai resident citizen born to white parents here, would most likely be asked to pay the 100 baht rate. In this age of world globalization, tourist vs. resident scenarios can all get muddled as per the aforementioned examples. The differing rates are based on race.

  6. Just what is wrong with the farangs' mind?

    Just can't autorities of a certain country give discounts to its citizen? It is their own country! Don't they have the right to charge whatever they like to customers?

    Isn't this called free trade? Does supply and demand apply here, PVTDick?

    Well, actually, no it doesn't. The government owns all the national parks; they therefore have a monopoly on supply. The principles of free trade and supply and demand cease to work when anyone or anything holds a monopoly and can dictate any damned price they want.

    Thanks Pvt for shooting another hole in their rationalizations in a clear, logical manner.... :o

    by the way, when can we expect LcplDick? you deserve the promotion.

  7. and you believe that these stateside US lawyers are knowledgable about the intracies of Thai law ?

    And why would these stateside lawyers need to know anything about Thai Law on a case concerning immigration to the US?

    In your haste to make some sh**y comment, did you forget the topic of the thread?


    actually, it makes no difference if they are "connected" or not. She'll still wait her 10-12 months. The neighborhood lady's husband had congressional interest in the delay (a very senior congressman who i daresay carries infinitely more weight than some immigration lawyer might).... and bottom line was there was nothing he could do; it was in INS hands and they take their sweet time.

  8. Did mine last month.  Have to go in person to pick it up.  Costs went up to $85 or 3,400 baht.

    :o I live on Koh Phangan. So, I get to go up to Bangkok, apply and then two weeks later go again? Ugh. I saw on their website they are going to be making consular visits to Phuket (this month) , Pattaya and Udon in Feb, Samui in March and Khon Khaen in May. If they are going to make these trips they will email one month in advance. Anyone in Pattaya gotten this email yet (gotta be registered with the embassy btw)? If they come to Samui it would save me much running back and forth (I do get island bound after awhile :D ).

    alternatively, you could stay in BKK for the 2 week wait.... :D sounds like you dread the place as much as I do, AND are much further away.

    Seriously however, a friend of mine had his application done last year on one of these consular visits, but did have to make the trip to BKK to pick it up.... but at least that's one trip and not two. :D

  9. I can accept people saying it is unfair.  Or is about money.  I can accept people saying it is too expensive.  But to say this is racism really pisses me off. 

    This tuktuk bastard charged me 100baht then 20baht for that lovely thai lady.

    Actually, by definition ("rac·ism. n. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.")

    in your scenario, racism is EXACTLY what occurs

  10. I have read with great interest the pros and cons of dual pricing. Up until now I have always railed against it but reading the well reasoned arguments of the fans of it I now realise I was wrong.

    What really swung it was the one "If I don't like it sod off home" actually I thought this was my home, there again I can't be right all the time.

    So I propose that the people who are in favour of being ripped off contact the people who don't like getting ripped off so they can send the extra 180 baht per person to those that do visits these places.

    I reckon we visit the parks and waterfalls etc. about 5 times a year with overseas visitors usually two or three at a time 5x3x180 =2,700 baht call it 3 thousand for fun, you can send it a brown envelope I won't mind at all, promise.

    This way everyone will be happy, especially me.

    could you probably include me in your recipients list?? :D:o

    include myself on the list as well, please... perhaps lampard could just send his directly my way... :D:D

  11. Who the ###### mentioned whores....I certainly didn't.........obviously you're one of the people that put the two together.ie good night out/whore. I tried to put an intellegent light on the matter. Must have gone clean over your head. I live in a part of the country where people do come to see the sights. I used to drink,but now I look after other folks needs, I don't anymore. I am also happily married (to a wonderful Thai) but I'm one of the few that DON"T need to whore around.

       Whoever read my say out to you,they missed the point completely

    re: "whores"...go back and re-read dr john's post to which you replied "well said sir".... if you don't want to be associated with what he posts, then don't write "well said sir"... :o

    as for "putting an intelligent light on the matter".... I'm still waiting to see anything intelligent about lumping thousands of foreigners into a single pigeon-hole. There are more than a "few" who "DON'T need to whore around".

    Dr John's comments were against the exploiting and sexual abuse of girls as young as 13. If, as you write you are against him ,and for that then you and your filthy types should be locked up. Please do not reply to my comments again as I do not wish to be assossiated with pervs

    lampard, my good man... you are getting more tangential with every post. :D

    what i am "against" is dr john lumping everyone together into the type of person you so libelously accuse others of being. as you can see from others who have posted, they too resent his insinuations. as for not replying to your comments, there is one sure-fire method you can utilize to seeing your wish come to completion..... don't post.

  12. Who the ###### mentioned whores....I certainly didn't.........obviously you're one of the people that put the two together.ie good night out/whore. I tried to put an intellegent light on the matter. Must have gone clean over your head. I live in a part of the country where people do come to see the sights. I used to drink,but now I look after other folks needs, I don't anymore. I am also happily married (to a wonderful Thai) but I'm one of the few that DON"T need to whore around.

      Whoever read my say out to you,they missed the point completely

    re: "whores"...go back and re-read dr john's post to which you replied "well said sir".... if you don't want to be associated with what he posts, then don't write "well said sir"... :o

    as for "putting an intelligent light on the matter".... I'm still waiting to see anything intelligent about lumping thousands of foreigners into a single pigeon-hole. There are more than a "few" who "DON'T need to whore around".

  13. Certainly NOT by popular demand, but IT'S BACK!!!

    Vietnam issues bird flu alert, Thailand has new case

    20 January 2005 

    HANOI: Vietnam told people yesterday not to handle dead chickens following the deaths of five people from the deadly bird flu virus and Thailand said it had its first case in poultry for two months.

    What is the source of your quote?

    This is BIRD flu, not just chicken flu. I assume it can be carried by wild birds (wild fowl at least) across any border, without any interdiction.

    Anti-viral drugs are yet to prove very efficacious, with any virus. This is one of the reasons so much money is spent on fighting AIDS. Once a breakthrough is made there, all viruses can be controlled.

    But this new outbreak will in no way affect the result of the upcoming election - we will have more of the same for many years to come.

    That particular quote came from the New Zealand press. "The Nation" further reports:

    Bird flu found in Rayong chickens

    Published on January 20, 2005

    Imports of poultry across Thailand’s eastern border have been banned after the discovery of the bird-flu virus in chickens in Rayong, the Livestock Department said yesterday.

    Twenty chickens in Klaeng district were culled, said Ukon Limlaemthong, chief of the department.

    “This is considered a new case of the virus, as it has never been found in Rayong before,” he said.

    Ukon said he had been told the virus entered the province in chickens smuggled by sea, prompting the department to issue a ban on imports of poultry along the eastern border.


    so whether it's infected wild fowl flying in or chicken smuggling as suggested by Khun Ukon, it doesn't seem that Thailand is going to eliminate it any time soon....

    and by the way, Thaksin's 30 day deadline for that, has long expired. So now what, Fearless Leader?

  14. It took us 11 months from marriage to home with a K3 visa .

    She has been here almost 2 years and still waiting for stamp for green card

    Good luck

    A neighborhood lady just left for the USA... it took her the same 11 months to get her interview and approval.... GOSH that's a long time for the husband to wait alone in the USA. :o

    and yes, they DID use an attorney.... didn't seem to make any difference in speeding things up.

  15. I see this debate goes on and on and on!!! . A bunch of expats accusing those who don't agree with double pricing of being a pack of whingers, sex tourists ect ect,...... old news.

    I really don't understand how anyone can agree with double pricing. Do u like people walking all over u ? Is it really the Thai way to take advantage of people because they are tourists and naive(an oxy-moron perhaps) ?

      I know it is non-Thai nationals who are charged extra. Does this mean a Burmese , Cambodian, Loation is charged more. Bugger me dead if most of them could produce a work permit or driver's licence as proof of residency. My point, is, if you have a white face, or speak Japanese then you are seen as rich and a target. Don't get me wrong, most Thais are not like this .

      Sure some of us are not ex-pats and do not pay tax . But we support  our Thai families and bring and spend foreign currency into Thailand everyday.

      My five cents worth .

    Come off it. A good majority of us are here because it is a beautiful and cheap place to spend the rest of our days,after working hard for the most of our lives.

    How many of you used to sit in a pub back in England,drinking over priced beer,eating over priced food , moaning about the weather surrounded by a bunch of morons that think a good night out is a fight and a spew. Wake up lads. Where else could you go out a get bladdered,stuffed full of food,have change from a fiver and still be able in most cases to walk home safely( unless of course you come across a couple of morons from your pub back home that try and mug you)and then wake up to a beautiful warm sunrise(or if you hit it too hard 'sunset')

    Of course tourists are going to be ripped off,it happens in every country in the world, But you tell me how many countries actually tell you they are ripping you off,thus giving you a chance to decline the offer to see a beautiful old ruin or park for for peanuts. OK, most of you that write up would rather spend your hard earned pensions on a bottle of Chang( or Archa now it's a couple of baht cheaper)than see sites of wonder or beauty,but please don't knock those who'd rather witness what mere mortals can only dream about :D

    I can see why you thought dr john's post was "well said sir". :o

    You both have this myopic and erroneous impression that everyone staying in Thailand is a drunken British whore-monger.

    You should get out more and meet some foreigners that don't fit into your grossly inaccurate perceptions.

    If you fail to see the shortcomings of this access fee schedule, perhaps it's because of the company you keep.

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