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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. e.g. While watching a period drama set a few centuries ago, I could clearly see in the background of one scene, the rooftops of a row of townhouses.

    And in various other period dramas I rarely fail to see actors with an untanned stripe were they normally wear their watches.

    I was amused to notice them wearing modern Nike sandals during probably the same centuries-old period piece you mention.

  2. I think if anyone deserves an award it should be Pornthip Rojanasunand who is Thailands leading forensic expert.

    Unfortunately she does not fit into the mould that she should because she is outspoken, has spiky hair and above all cares for victims and their relatives. Also she never toes any political party line and this alone will prevent any official recognition from the government.

    After about 4,000 victims that she has treated from day 1, the Thai police and government say that her work was not good enough and that she should stand down as soon as is practible and then the police will take over the task.

    It would be good for the country if the Royal Family could do something for her as that would be non-political and a greater reward than anything Toxins government could offer.

    From what I read in the papers and see on the news the majority of the Thai people think that she is a really good person.

    The Royal Family DOES think highly of her, awarding her the prestigious title of Khunying last year.

  3. Just a couple of events gleaned from the newspaper and involving the not-so-distant-past:

    SOUTHERN UNREST: Rail lines hit by three bombs

    Published on Dec 10, 2004

    Security tightened on trains between Hat Yai, border

    Security forces in the deep South were yesterday placed on red alert to protect south-bound trains, enabling services to resume hours after three early morning bomb explosions in Songkhla, Yala and Pattani that caused minor damage to the tracks but no casualties.

    “Security details will be on board every train and advance security teams will make checks of the track before the passing of every train,” southern security commander General Sirichai Thunyasiri said.

    Chitsanti said he believed the three home-made bombs were planted to attack passenger trains but went off prematurely after track inspection cars ran over and detonated them.

    Every engine carriage will be installed with a transparent armour shield to protect it from gunfire.

    The security blanket covers all tracks between Hat Yai and the border with Malaysia.


    Trains get armed security after shooting death

    Published on Apr 25, 2004

    Troops will be deployed at railway stations and on trains running between Hat Yai and the deep South in response to safety concerns, following the gunning down of a railway employee, which led workers to stage a one-day strike.


    and uhmmm.... enjoy your trip?! :o

  4. And Pablo, sometimes the best defense is a strong offense...   :o

    Aaahhhh the mind does wander...... Does anyone remember [maybe 30-35 yrs ago there was a movie, with one of the leads being an actor named Robert Morse, he did a lot of Broadway shows, and I think the co-star was Walter Matheau.

    The general gist was that Walter M was thinking about having an affair, and Morse was the real man about town with many affairs under his belt. Morse was giving Matheau the education on how to go about the whole thing... and the main education point was if you were caught ' in- flagrante " just and always DENY, DENY, DENY.

    One scene sticks in my mind, where Morse's wife caught him in bed with another woman and he and the woman just ignored the screaming of the wife; calmly got up and dressed and walked out of the motel room without even acknowledging the screaming wife. Just Deny, Deny, Deny. Later at home when he was confronted again by the wife, he didn't even acknowledge the motel scene had ever happened and the wife then thought she was going nutso.......

    So Ajarn your advice is spot on, when a woman calls and your GF or wife gets the call, Deny, Deny, Deny

    ORIGINAL TITLE A Guide for the Married Man

    YEAR 1967

    RUNNING TIME 91 min.

    Funny as heck movie.... and interestingly directed by:

    DIRECTOR Gene Kelly

  5. I think it's valid to remain here because didn't Mr. Titor mention he was thinking about getting a Non-O visa to stay in Thailand and avoid going "back" to the year 2036? His time machine would have made visa runs an easy, quick jaunt.

  6. Hey;

    if this is to only serve to verify their idea that RICH tourists and farangs visit. lets all agree that we are all the highest income . 

    What they going to do ask us to verfiy it????

    I'm torn between agreeing that EVERYONE should check the "US$80,001 and over" box in order to give TAT the desired response they seek.... and that is that ALL 13 million arrivals to Thailand are extremely rich. They would be so pleased.

    ...but I'm also wondering that if ALL 13 million arrivals to Thailand checked the "no income" box, perhaps TAT would have to re-think everything they do. Perhaps if we were ALL paupers, maybe they would seek to get lower entrance fees to National Parks, advocate that Thai businesses go easy on visitor's prices, etc.

  7. the senior traffic police officer, Pol. Col. Karoon Klinprayoon, the Traffic Commander of the Phaya Thai Police Station was controlling the flow of vehicles.

    The driver of the bus was arrested and detained at the Phaya Thai Police Station for reckless driving.

    awaiting this UPDATE:

    The Phaya Thai Police Station regretfully reported to the family of the bus driver that apparently there was an accident at the Phaya Thai Police Station and that the bus driver slipped in his cell and suffered a fatal head injury when he fell.

  8. Thanks Alanw I will be careful, maybe I will just do visa runs.

    sriracha john: a fee hasn't been mentioned to me as yet.

    I'm sorry if you took my joking response seriously. I was just referring to the shady businesses that USED to do what your purported Chula was going to do for you, which is take your passport and get it stamped at the border for you without you physically going. This is illegal. I say used to, because it's been pretty much eliminated as far as I know.

  9. When I was in the military, we were always running drills...and the most effective form was to have them unannounced and unscheduled. That is the only true measure of how things will occur if it does happen in reality. It's easy to "put on a show" and have every event go off without a hitch if everyone knows when it's going to happen and can plan for it.

    It'd be interesting to see how the Skytrain folks would react if the drill was unscheduled.

  10. She also went on to tell me that every 3 months I can give my passport to someone at Chula who will organise to renew my 3 month period rather than leave the country as one normally would.

    Say, I must say that I'm surprised but that's cool that Chula, as respectable an institution as there is in Thailand, is getting into the shady visa-run business. Does anyone know what their fees are to send out the pp for a visa stamp? :o

  11. There are now many budget airlines from BKK to border cities. You can enjoy a small trip and also obtain a new visa. Airasia(the cheapest)

    Visa run is now cheap and fun with the budget airlines especially Airasia

    As all the budget airlines have multi-tier pricing, I found Nok Air to be generally cheaper and much more relaxing than AirAsia because of it's assigned seating, instead of AirAsia's non-air-con-bus-like general seating. Another incentive is a distaste for AirAsia's owner, Toxin.... I figure he already has enough money without my supporting him.

  12. Thailand explains why it does not need foreign aid 

    BANGKOK: --  Thailand has refused direct aid from foreign donors because the country wants to be on an equal footing with other members of the international community, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra told reporters on Monday.

    However, Thailand would be glad to accept assistance in the form of training and the transfer of technology, Mr. Thaksin explained.

    “It’s a different story, between us and the begging bowl. We are grateful and will gladly accept offers of medical aid, schools, housing or hospitals being built for the poor. But what I decline is direct cash funds to the Thai government, because we want to be equal in the international political arena. If we keep begging, our credibility will be undermined,” he said.

    The international donor community should give priority to nations which are in dire need of immediate help like Indonesia, where an entire island has been entirely wiped out by the Tsunami.

    --TNA 2005-01-11

    afterall, Thailand is not a poor country, right? The country is so well off financially that it can afford to decline help.


  13. Hey, when he can't satisfy a grown woman I guess the next best option is a vulnerable schoolgirl.  :D


    hey i can statisfy them all...been there done that :D

    saying that these gals are vunerable is pure crap, they know exactly what they're doing, its their own choice :o

    they do like to learn amore about us to broaden their interlectual horizons and outlook on life, if you know their local education system, you would understand :D

    when i was young and studying, i met an older person, who was a succesful businessman and tought me so much about life and how to become succesful at it :D

    now its my turn...sugar daddy or not its my time and $$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

    say, aren't you:

    1. German?

    2. one-legged?

    3. HIV positive?

    4. On over-stay?


    read my posts dummy, save you from asking stupid questions :D

    sorry if I confused you with the other predator....it's just that from reading your posts that you sounded so similiar, being so like-minded that you and a few others are.


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