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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. The best in Thailand are Chulalongkorn, Thammasat and Ramkanghaeng. These are the only ones which have international recognition.

    If your daughter has overseas citizenship then send her overseas.

    Ram does not even begin to be in the same league as the other two. Not even in the slightest.

    It's so low-class, they even let Thaksin's brat in.... and he STILL had to cheat on exams. :o

  2. Tourists urged to strictly follow national parks' regulations 

    tourists visit  Phu Kra Dueng national park during the winter.

    Most of the 'winter revellers' opt to make camping and stay in tents in the open cool air.

    Mr. Prawat suggested that the tourists strictly follow official notices and regulations in warming themselves in the tents for the sake of their own safety.

    Will be going there next week and will be using the ever-trusty-nud_e-body-to- body heat-in-the-sleeping bag-within-a-tent method to stay warm. Purely for safety sake, mind you, just as Mr. Prawat suggested.

  3. I'm sure this will help cut down the DWI's....and also the accidents caused by a burning cigarette:

    The Finance Ministry plans to propose a draft ministerial announcement limiting the sale of cigarettes and liquors at a specific time period. Under the proposal, the sale time period will be limited to 11.00-14.00 hours and 17.00-24.00 hours.

  4. It's an epidemic:

    American dies in plunge from apartment roof

    Published on December 14, 2004

    A 49-year-old American man plunged to his death yesterday from the top of a 12-storey apartment building in Bangkok’s Sathorn district.

    Mark Bennet Gambell was found dead at around 9 am on the ground floor beside Maple House, a residential complex, after he was seen relaxing at a landscaped park on the roof. Police were investigating whether his fall was a suicide or an accident.

    “He appeared normal. I don’t think this was a suicide,” the building’s electricity technician Wasant Banterngjai said.

    Wasant said he saw Gambell unwinding in the roof-terrace park before the incident. “After I came down, I heard a thud like something had fallen down so I went to check and found him,” he said, adding that he immediately alerted police.

    Wasant said there were indications that Gambell might have tried to cling onto an iron sheet attached to a sewerage pipe before he fell. “Normally, the sheet was firmly fixed. But now, I could see that it has been pried away [from the pipe],” the technician said.

    Maple House officials prohibited reporters from entering the compound, insisting it was private property.

  5. The most important person in the area is Phaethongtharn Shinawatra, the prime minister’s youngest daughter who’s now a first-year student at Chulalongkorn University, who by the way, has entered the list of billionaires with a net worth of Bt1.42 billion, courtesy of her 14 per cent holdings in SC Asset Corporation. Not to be confused with Pinthongtha Shinawatra, the second child of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra; she’s ranked as Thailand’s richest billionaire this year with more than Bt18 billion in stock-market holdings. Their poor brother, Panthongthae Shinawatra, the prime minister’s eldest son, has retained his fourth-place ranking with a net worth of Bt11.09 billion.

  6. I don't berieve in runners

    Thanks for that interesting comment Hans.

    It is a fact of life, particularly for a country with land boarders.

    I learnt many years ago the only person I must wake up with is myself. I have taken people to the boarder, they have had a great time.

    One in particular he just wanted to stay another month and be with his wife for christmas. Why didn't he have an "O" Visa, because he got married 2 weeks before. I told him to go to Soi Suan Phlu, but he was scared to deal with Immigration. OK, took him for a run. 2 weeks later after Christmas and New Year he was back getting his "O" visa, she now lives in Australia.

    Frankly I don't care what your motives are, I just want to provide an alternative to the "Mass Market". If I only get one customer a month, I don't care, at the end of the day I am opening my home to people, exposing a very isolated village to the outside world and letting people see a totally different view of this wonderful country.

    At the end of the day the cost will be about the same as the Big Bus, or a little more. But you get a night's sleep in a bed, cooked breakfast etc etc, the whole idea is a relaxing weekend for your Visa Run, not the hectic - I must be here at this time or I am on overstay.

    I am interested in feedback. My Idea is you can print a card from the internet (Paid Advertising from here) and then you go to Mo-Chit, they will put you on the VIP bus, and I will pick you up at the other end for free. Depending on what time of day you arrive and how you feel is when we make the 5km trip to the boarder. If you are tired, maybe all you want is a swim, a beer, maybe a genuine massage and a game of pool. If you are up for it, then you can get over the boarder.

    How long you stay in Cambodia is up to you, the Casino, the (very low key) bars, or off to Ankor for a day trip - its all up to you. The whole idea is to have a relaxing experience and not be stressed out by beggars, touts, helpers etc etc etc.

    All very sound ideas... best of luck to you.


    ohh.... and how about some photos when possible?

  7. If I am ever in a similiar circumstance, I would chose my words much more carefully... but most likely, I would not make public comments at all and thus avoid the potential for others to respond to what I had said, particularly when the situation has rather scandalous implications. "Silence is Golden" seems most appropriate at that time.

  8. It's not a question of how much one has.  It's the principle of not giving away something for nothing.   

    The little girl ALREADY got a free hot meal at a place 99.9% of Thais will never get a chance to... we don't want to have young children getting used to freeloading.    Giving away things sure feels good, but in the end can do more harm than good.   

    How many jobs do AIS, SC Asset, SC Matchbox, etc. etc. provide to the local economy?  It's not like it's all take and no give.   


    you're right.... it's only, to borrow your figure, 99.9% take and 00.1% give. :o

  9. Although the prime minister appeared initially to promise a job or an educational scholarship to whoever found his bird, recent comments indicate that he has already backed down from this suggestion.

    How difficult would it be to follow through on this and give one kid an education, or one adult a decent job? And these clowns in BKK wonder why they are so disliked and not trusted in the south...

    With the recent stagnation of the Stock Exchange, it's estimated that Thaksin's net worth has slipped below his earlier 1(ONE) Trillion baht. With this in mind, it's apparent he has to start watching his satangs and that's why he's backed off from the scholarship pledge.

  10. Boyfriend confesses to murdering WB official

    Published on Dec 11 , 2004

    The boyfriend of a World Bank official who was found dead in her hotel room earlier this week has confessed that he murdered the woman because of relationship problems, police said yesterday.

    Cesar Kabatik, 33, a Filipino singer who works at night venues and hotels in Pattaya, has been charged with murder.

    The body of Laura Walker, 35, was found Wednesday in the bathroom of the five-star hotel room she was staying at in Bangkok. Her wrist had been slashed.

    She was found lying on top of a naked Kabatik, who also had a slight cut on his wrist. Police also found a mark on her neck suggesting strangulation.

    While under investigation, Kabatik became agitated and made an attempt to injure himself.

    Police requested that the Criminal Court of Southern Bangkok detain him as they feared they might have difficulty keeping watch over the unstable suspect, said Maj-General Chatchawal Suksomjit, deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

    Chatchawal said police did not suspect robbery was a motive in the murder and that the case itself was straightforward.

    Only Kabatik was in the hotel room with Walker, he said, and both of them knew one another and had checked into the hotel together.


    Hmmmm.... slashed throat in earlier post... this one says strangulation??

    Also, still no other mention of husband... only filipino boyfriend...

  11. I foresee in the not so distant future....voting ballots will contain only one party in which to mark your choice... just as Marcos did in order to legitimize his power. With armed soldiers leaning over and watching to ensure you mark the ballot and don't leave it blank as a means of protest.

    Lets hope for Thailand that Feb. 6 isn't the beginning of that.

  12. A bit more info:

    South Africa's Finance Minister Trevor Manuel on Thursday expressed shock at the death of World Bank official Laura Walker, who was found dead in her Bangkok hotel room on Wednesday.

    "We in the Finance Ministry are all shocked to hear of her tragic and untimely death. We are aware that this tragedy comes soon after the recent death of her mother. We would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to her father Brian Halton and family, and want them to know that all of us are behind them at this time," Manuel said in a statement.

    Walker, 35, was married and a joint South African-British national.

    Walker had been on leave from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) since August to work for the World Bank, said Ann Quon, a spokesperson at the ADB's headquarters in Manila.

    She had been employed by the ADB as a governance specialist, and was supposed to work for the World Bank as a public sector specialist until July 2006.

    "We are deeply saddened by the death of our former colleague who was dedicated in her commitment to development work and she will be sorely missed," Quon said.

    In his statement Manuel described Walker as "a talented policy analyst and economist who worked in the intergovernmental relations section of the National Treasury between 1999 and 2000.

    "Her ability and skill were in high demand, and she left the Treasury to pursue a career at the Asian Development Bank and now the World Bank." - Sapa

  13. I don't know which I worst about the man... the hypocrisy and corruption, or the permanent smug grin on his face.

    How I'd love to place him next to Bush and slap the grin off both their faces with a single slap.

    It sounds to me like the Thai people (as well as Americans) need to stand up and kick out the big dogs in power and take the power back. This also needs to happen soon. I would think in a country like Thailand were this kind a government is new you could easily see a backslide in to violent revolt against the big wigs and see something like communism take hold. Maybe I'm wrong, but I know America can't take much more Bush and those poeple like him. If it is not reform it is revolution.

    Harkens back to Rage Against The Machine lyrics:

    The rage is relentless

    We need a movement with a quickness

    You are the witness of change

    And to counteract

    We gotta take the power back

    Yeah, we gotta take the power back

    Come on, come on!

    We gotta take the power back

  14. Best Guess,

    The guy had a bag full of money or something valuable.  The pilot found out before the plane trip.  He never got on the plane..pilot killed him and got rid of the body. 

    The pilot then damaged the door to look like it was forced open.

    The pilot then flew around, landed and came up with this story.

    Got a better explanation?


    the rucksack contained the severed head of his thai girlfriend... and he actually did jump as means of commiting suicide because of the overwhelming remorse he felt for having murdered her.

  15. There was a guy who did this in the USA after stealing a sh!t load of money.... Thought he would make it difficult for the authorities to find him... they would think he died in a plane crash. They never found the body. But... the money washed up in a river. So they guessed he drowned... 

    Maybe we will know more when they find the rucksack.

    That was DB Cooper flying from Seattle. Hijacked the plane to Portland - demanded millions and the plane took off again headed east. It was a DC 9 with the rear door. Over eastern Washington 'ol D.B. dons his parachute and jumps.

    The authorities did find some of the $$$ but not the majority of it and they never found D.B. :D

    I remember this case and have read several articles on his chances of surviving the jump. Consensus was it was not survivable. I don't think any of the money ever turned up in circulation. If anyone knows more, I would like to hear it.

    This Italian guy is going to give the Thais the wrong impression of farangs. Pretty soon they are going to think we are all a bit off mentally. Oh wait, they already do! :o

    based upon this and other reports of the various going ons with foreigners, it seems like it's a fairly accurate assessment... :D

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