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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. Nam Kao

    Are you 100% certain that all 87 who died were terrorists?

    sure he is, they were from the South and they were Muslims, so they MUST be terrorists.

    If you are I suggest that you apply to the government for a job find all of the terrorists in the South.
    I'm sure he'd do fine. Find ANY Southern Muslim and you've FOUND a terrorist.
    If you are not sure please do not make stupid sweeping statements like that.


  2. Feel free to be annoyed, you break no laws. Just don't feel annoyed then take drugs or forget to carry your passport with you.   :D

    Yes, I am utmost annoyed by your senseless posts.

    TROLL :o

    Question to Admin:

    Any possibility to check and confirm wether or not this poster has

    legally earned his academic title he claims in his nickname?

    He's easily as intellectually and academically grounded as Dr. T

    but I agree Axel, his trolling nature is nothing short of tedious.

  3. Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

    Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

    So, what's the fuss?  :o

    Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

    background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

  4. Don't wanna be tested for drugs and hassled = Be home or even better be in bed before midnight.

    Actually, guess no need to be Einstein to figure that out and better for your health anyway.

    So, what's the fuss?  :o

    Perhaps people are not ready to join the "Geritol Group"???.....

    background info for anyone unaware: Geritol is a "tonic" principally targeted for geriatic citizens whose bedtime is 8:00.... or can be as late as 8:30 on the weekends.

  5. His best manouevre was still the 2001 revision of the telecoms Act to reduce foreign ownership to 25% after Orange had invested to 49% in Thailand, coupled with the TAT/TOT access charges preferential treatment for Shin.

    My all-time favorite was his FIRST move... Bribing/intimidating Constitution Court judges to rule 8-7 in his favor on asset concealment in a blatant miscarriage of justice. Too bad, because if ONLY they had found against him, the past four years would have been WITHOUT the illustrious one at the helm.

    Doesn't everyone put their millions in stock shares in the hands of their personal driver? :o

  6. I've got to point out that decreased tourist arrivals are only a theory.  In reality, the opposite might be true -- just a different kind of tourist arrivals.

    The TAT's statistics show significant growth in tourist arrivals since the social order campaign began three years ago -- except during the SARS scare of 2003.

    My bet is that they will continue to rise, but be made up of fewer and fewer sex tourists.

    I bet you believe everything you read in the newspapers too?

    About 18 months ago, Khun Woman who heads up TAT was quoted regarding two press conferences she gave on the same day - the quotes were by the same reporter in a single article and it concerned an initiative to increase marketing to the Middle East countries because of their spend per head.

    At the morning conference she stated they spent an average of B 8000+ per day each, and at the afternoon conference she stated they spent an average of 4000 each.

    What on earth did she do at lunchtime to make them halve their spending?

    Or could it be that TAT just makes up statistics as it goes along?

    She was the same person, who in FEBRUARY 2002, stated that the "vital Japanese market" had shown a 40% drop in arrivals due to the World Cup - which didn't start until 5 months later.

    If you want reasonably accurate statistics, visit the immigration police website but remember things like Dec 2002 - Khun Leader announced in November that arrivals would top the 10 million mark for the year - end of November's results arrived and showed a drop back year-on-year of around 15% and heading for barely over 9 million by year end - what happened in december? A huge surge completely off the normal curve that pushed arrivals over the 10 million.

    Manipulation of the figures? Go look and figure it out for yourself.

    Me, I trust my eyes and ears and the comments coming from tourist business operators, whether tour guides or bar owners or any other type of business operator - all except the 4 & 5 star venue operators are complaining of dropped numbers - ergo current policy is to go for the elite tourists, and as we know, there ARE fewer of them, therefore total numbers MUST be falling even if revenue is static or perhaps marginally growing.

    Phuket's problems and events like Q bar, plus geographical ignorance tied to the worldwide media coverage of the muslim provinces' problems (it was all over the BBC last week) will depress arrival numbers this high season. But government stats will show a continuous growth - that's the real clue - no country or business can show a continuous uninterrupted growth in anything except total population (even that reverses sometimes) - so any country doing so is not telling the truth = simple really.

    Up to them if they want to live in a fantasy land - farangs have the education to see through it, and that's why Dr.T is making life difficult for us - he doesn't want us educating the masses as to what he's up to.

    I see you're up to your normal excellent level of posts, Gaz... many excellent points.. :o

  7. Don't break the law in Thailand.  :o

    coincidentily that's the beginning of the new TAT tourism promotion:

    Don't break the law in Thailand..... or end up in a military truck if you do.

    Don't break the law in Thailand..... no matter how many civil liberties we ask you to give up in the process.

    Don't break the law in Thailand..... our drug tests are certified 42% reliable.

    Don't break the law in Thailand..... oh, to heck with it.... just don't come to Thailand at all, no matter your reasons, no matter how clean cut you are... because we don't want you at all. Just buy our chicken exports to your country for a "taste of Thailand."

  8. 1. Woozy customers, men and women, crowded into bathrooms. Someone vomited. Others cursed the police, denying they had taken drugs. The operation went on for about three hours, ending after 3 a.m.

    2. Each had to hand a sample to health workers who came with the police, and had to show ID. But there was no system for making sure a customer handed in his or her own urine, and some said they provided samples for others.

    3.  The tests cannot distinguish between illicit drugs and legal medications, police say.

    4. 104 foreigners were bused to a police station where they were fined a small sum for not carrying their passport.

    5. Last year, Thaksin launched a violent war on drugs that left 2,300 suspected dealers dead and provoked accusations of human rights violations.

    Five reasons why it's a bad deal with these drug testings and passport requirements.

    Add to that the damage to Thailand tourism and it's international reputation and it's clear to see this is the wrong thing to do.

    International reputation ? Haha....................................right.

    If i was PM of this country I would close down places like Pattaya without notice.

    Farangs complain, consider the Thai people that have no choice where they live. They also are tested.

    Many Thai's would love to go to some place like Amsterdam and walk around with a joint in their hand, sit on a beach in Spain and roll up a Fat one...........

    Alas, for many Thai's, they do not have that choice, Farangs do.

    Gee.... between IamMaiC nuking the entire Deep South and you closing Pattaya entirely, Thailand doesn't have much of a future.

    I do consider the Thai's situation and I would encourage them in their efforts to be afforded due process of law, similiar to what personage in the remaining world enjoy.

    Thank you for not addressing #2, 3, 4, and 5 above. They stand on their merits unchallenged. It's much easier for you to assume these "tests" are infallible.

  9. 1. Woozy customers, men and women, crowded into bathrooms. Someone vomited. Others cursed the police, denying they had taken drugs. The operation went on for about three hours, ending after 3 a.m.

    2. Each had to hand a sample to health workers who came with the police, and had to show ID. But there was no system for making sure a customer handed in his or her own urine, and some said they provided samples for others.

    3.  The tests cannot distinguish between illicit drugs and legal medications, police say.

    4. 104 foreigners were bused to a police station where they were fined a small sum for not carrying their passport.

    5. Last year, Thaksin launched a violent war on drugs that left 2,300 suspected dealers dead and provoked accusations of human rights violations.

    Five reasons why it's a bad deal with these drug testings and passport requirements.

    Add to that the damage to Thailand tourism and it's international reputation and it's clear to see this is the wrong thing to do.

  10. Sam van treeck who fled to belgium will never be extradited to thailand as Belgium doesn't hand over Citizens to ANY country.

    Regarding this guy still no news here in belgium , guess it's not that big of a deal.

    Interesting then that Thailand is cooperating in this one-sided extradiction, but as you say...it's not a murder case.

    Curious what the Belgian reaction would be if the situations were reversed. (A Thai murdering a Belgian in Belgium and then fleeing to Thailand).

  11. Essentially he wants 1,500 baht for advice that's available here for free.... gives us other Americans a bad rep.

    although I have to admit his other site:


    is almost worth 1,500 baht for it's comedic value... what a joker, errrr loser.

    You have to go to the locations mentioned to get the visa. Like US Europe Australia etc. I'll tell you that for free. He wants 1500 baht. A practitioner of the auto erotic arts for sure.

    LOL.... there you go, Doc. That's what I was writing about. Gee... what a revelation he must spring on the people who DO pay him his fee.

    Payee:"ok, so how do i get a one year visa?"

    SPACM: "well, i see from your address you live in the U.K"

    Payee: "yes, but I've lived in Thailand for 3 years on tourist and transit visas."

    SPACM: "ok, no problem. we can help arrange a trip back to the U.K. and then we'll help you get your one year visa there from Hull."

    Payee: "BACK TO THE U.K.?!?! you dork. I don't want to go all the way back to the U.K. for a visa. I was thinking maybe go to Macau? or Borneo?... airasia has some cheap flights there." "But the U.K.? no way, it's too far... to much trouble, and besides, I already knew I could do it that way. I read thaivisa regularly." "I certainly don't need some Yank consultant providing me any service that I can easily do myself for free."

    SPACM: "I see. Well, that is my consultant's advice." "Go to the U.K. and obtain your visa at Hull." "I thank you for your business."

    Payee: "Piss off, you f**king thief."

    SPACM: "and please recommend us to your friends that are not thaivisa readers."

    Payee: "#(N$%S*!@@K_#%(__%#(@ !!!!!

  12. solution Thai style ,,, lots of$$ for the families of the deceased plus free tution in a BK university for their children,,, 2 birds.........1 stone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,comments?

    only a paltry B10,000 (<US$250.00) to the families of the killed. no tuition, no other provisions.... but oh wait, I forgot, the Army did bathe the dead protesters prior to their burial in accordance with Muslim practices for free... so I guess that's SOMETHING... :o

  13. From the British Foreign Office website:


    Still Current at: 30 October 2004 

    Updated: 29 October 2004 




    This advice has been reviewed and reissued with an amendment to the Summary, Terrorism/Security and Health sections. The overall level of the advice has not changed.


    We recommend against all but essential travel to the far southern provinces of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkhla. On 25 October 2004, in Tak Bai, Narathiwat Province, over 80 people are reported to have died following clashes between protestors and members of the Thai security forces. There have also been a number of explosions in both Narathiwat and Yala, the latest occurring on 29 October resulting in over 20 injured.

    Thailand shares with the rest of South East Asia a threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate and against civilian targets, including places frequented by foreigners.

    Watch out for crimes of opportunity. Theft of passports and credit cards is a problem. Passport fraud is high and penalties are severe.

    Penalties for possession, distribution or manufacture of drugs are severe and can include the death penalty.

    There have been renewed outbreaks of avian influenza (bird flu) amongst poultry in Thailand. There have been five deaths due to Avian Influenza since September. Travellers to Thailand are unlikely to be affected, but you should avoid places where you may come into contact with live poultry.

    By law, tourists are expected to carry their original passports at all times in Thailand.

    We strongly recommend that you obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling.



    Thailand shares with the rest of South East Asia a threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate and against civilian targets, including places frequented by foreigners. Westerners were deliberately targeted in terrorist attacks in Bali (October 2002) and Jakarta (August 2003 and September 2004). The Thai authorities have stepped up their counter-terrorism measures, including increased security at major tourist resorts. They have arrested a number of terrorist suspects, most notably a senior leader of Jemaah Islamiyah. Members of this organisation were implicated in the Bali (October 2002) and Jakarta (August 2003) bombings in Indonesia.

    There has been a resurgence of criminal and political violence in the far southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat and Songkhla. We recommend against all but essential travel to these four provinces. On 25 October 2004, over 80 people are reported to have died following clashes between protestors and members of the Thai security force. A curfew has been imposed from 22:00 to 06.00 in the provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala. The Thai government has declared martial law in some districts of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat, which gives security authorities extra powers of search and detention. The violent incidents are the latest in an irregular series, including minor bomb attacks, over past years in these southern provinces. The targets are usually Thai government personnel or buildings, although civilians and Buddhist monks have also been killed this year, adding to inter-communal tension. More recently, tourist hotels and bars have been targeted.

    On 28 October, an explosion near a bar in Sungai Ko-lok town, near the Malaysian border, is reported to have killed one person and injured at least 20 others. Two bombs exploded in Narathiwat Province on 26 August; one in a market place, resulting in one death and at least 27 injured; a second damaged property, but caused no casualties. On 21 August, there were three explosions in short succession, outside tourist hotels in Yala, resulting in 13 injuries. On 29 October a further two explosions occurred in Yala, injuring 24 people.

    On 28 April, there were attacks on security forces in 10 locations in these four far southern provinces. Over 100 militants and five members of the security forces were killed.

    On 27 March, an explosion outside a bar in the Thai-Malaysian border town of Sungai Kolok in Narathiwat Province injured 30 people, some seriously. On 30 March, 1400 kg of ammonium nitrate, 56 sticks of dynamite and 176 detonators were stolen in Yala province, southern Thailand. (Thai authorities have since recovered 800 kg of the ammonium nitrate).

    Are you sure this isn't taken from a Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) travel promotion pamphlet? :o

  14. ...I would NOT continue to sit like a bump on the log and stare endlessly, like Elmer Fudd, at a camera while precious minutes ticked by.

    My friend suggested then that I should be running for President because my response was "so much better", but I insisted that, "No, I just would have done what ANY rational and intelligent person would have done."


    sri for president!

    LOL..... hey, that gif not all that far off from reality.... :o:D

  15. Back to topic, the government needs to tread cautiously how it reacts to the problems in the South.

    Yeah  and your the man to advise them,  They(Muslims) should be done away with and then you will have no problems

    But they'll certainly need a lot more trucks to do in four million Muslims.

    Ok, now that THAT is done.....Back on the more sane path of discussion. A complete and honest assessment by T would be a good first step. Despite all his visits and talks, he still misses the points of what it's all about. His national address last night points that out. What he promised to be a frank and open talk on the issues in the South turned into anything but that.

  16. The Movie is &lt;deleted&gt;  plain and simple and why is this an on going thread here???  This is the third thread on this stupid movie   :o

    Well - nobody forces you to read this post - except yourself!

    And maybe it might interesting to hear from Thai viewers their opinion (?)

    A Thai friend of mine saw it and voiced the most amazing part was while GWB was reading to children, America was being openly and brutally attacked. Quote: "Why didn't he do SOMETHING?..... ANYTHING???"

    OK answer me this Do Something against WHO?? You make it sound soooooooo easy if you were him what would you do??

    Funny you should ask....because that's exactly what happened after the comment...

    as my reply at the time was... "If I were him, after I got that little whisper in my ear about the 2nd tower being hit, I'd put the book down, apologize to the children and tell them I had some important business to take care, and immediately be taken to my command center in AirForce One whereupon I would immediately attempt to assess the situation with my advisors and then act accordingly like a Commander-In-Chief. I would NOT continue to sit like a bump on the log and stare endlessly, like Elmer Fudd, at a camera while precious minutes ticked by.

    My friend suggested then that I should be running for President because my response was "so much better", but I insisted that, "No, I just would have done what ANY rational and intelligent person would have done."

  17. The Movie is &lt;deleted&gt;  plain and simple and why is this an on going thread here???  This is the third thread on this stupid movie   :o

    Well - nobody forces you to read this post - except yourself!

    And maybe it might interesting to hear from Thai viewers their opinion (?)

    A Thai friend of mine saw it and voiced the most amazing part was while GWB was reading to children, America was being openly and brutally attacked. Quote: "Why didn't he do SOMETHING?..... ANYTHING???.... mai kao jai??"

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