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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. When the polls in Philly opened, it was discovered that at least one machine was "preloaded" with about 2000 votes.. It was never said who the votes were for.......  :o

    It was in the democrats favor.... but one hitch... they were for Michael Dukakis and left over votes from years ago.

  2. I ever got triple tourist visa in penang and used all 3 time entry .

    so I will go to penang again to get dowble or triple tourist visa. I do nothing , just

    stay in thailand. Then I would like to know,

    1 How many times can I get tourist visa in Penang?

      Can I get several time , and stay in thailand for 3-5 years continuously?

    2 How about go to border and just pass and return to get 30days stamp?

      Is that no limit ?

    3 Which embassy or counsulate is better to get tourist visa around thailand?

      Please inform to me. thank you all

    Hahahahaha.... :o:D stand by for heavy seas... it's gonna get rough. Brace yourself against the main while the storm of advice blows in.......

  3. Just caught news of an interesting scenario... if there is a tie in the electoral college... the republican House picks the president... and the potentially democratic senate picks V-P......  Say hello to the next administration:

    BUSH - EDWARDS.......  


    Would be interesting, but GOP controls House & Senate.

    Personaly just hope I wake up to someone being President.

    There is a VERY strong possibility that with this election, the GOP can lose control of the senate and the new incoming senators would be the ones to vote on V-P.

  4. Just caught news of an interesting scenario... if there is a tie in the electoral college... the republican House picks the president... and the potentially democratic senate picks V-P...... Say hello to the next administration:

    BUSH - EDWARDS.......


  5. This dicussion is about possbile problems in Bangkok. But I read today in CNN and the BCC (and several other news sites) this:

    A Buddhist village leader in southern Thailand has been beheaded in revenge for the deaths last week of 85 Muslims.

    Local people found the head of the 58-year-old deputy village leader on a roadside in Narathiwat province.

    OK not Bangkok but firghtening for sure. I also wander why this "news" is not to be found on either The Nation or The Bangkok Post . . .

    The Nation does cover the story in this article:


    admittedly, there is often a time lag for it's articles to get posted online as I'm sure their resources don't match CNN or other mega-media sources.... but I find their writings are usually worth the wait.


    a major breaking story is the "firing" of the Army boss in the South who was responsible for the Tak Bai massacre:


    the best line in the article is:

    “I can assure you that I handled the situation over the past seven months with care and with love for the people,” Lt-General Pisarn Wattanawongkiri said.

    Gee.... how many people would have died in the trucks if he HADN'T "loved" the people??????

  6. He's accused of conniving up to 233 million baht. A fair "chunk of change" in any currency. Dumb yes, that's he nabbed in a Pak Kret park. When he jumped bail, I'd thought if he ever did turn up, it'd be on an extradition request to the UK, where he has connections.

    As an afterthought:

    It IS great that he was caught. Lends a teeny little bit of credibility to the Thai justice system to see him promptly go to the jail yesterday. "Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200". It DOES provide a wee glimmer of hope that others of his same ilk will get their due someday, but I also know as far as really bad politicians are concerned, it's merely one down, 987 to go.

  7. To say if you pronounce ร like ล you spend to much time in the bars is factually incorrect and quite frankly a load of <deleted>. In fact to say it's just the people of issarn who pronounce it this way is also a load of twaddle.

    People will make a show of rolling their r's in ceremonious occasions such as public tannoy announcements, radio shows, tv shows, cultural shows etc. The majority of Thais when they are speaking will pronounce with ร with an L sound.

    Roll your r's and you will sound like you are making a public service announcement  :o

    finally, the truly definitive answer.... thanks Savage.

  8. It's time for George to experience the same unemployment lines that he has made so long.... maybe he could be outsourced to help Thailand solve it's problems, Ravisher.

    :o You're hilarious. US unemployment rate is 5.4%, which is historicly pretty good. Especially since the hit the economy took 9/11.

    1975 8.5

    1976 7.7

    1977 7.1

    1978 6.1

    1979 5.9

    1980 7.2

    1981 7.6

    1982 9.7

    1983 9.6

    1984 7.5

    1985 7.2

    1986 7.0

    1987 6.2

    1988 5.5

    1989 5.3

    1990 5.5

    1991 6.7

    1992 7.4

    1993 6.9

    1994 6.1

    1995 5.6

    Got this from Bureau of Labor Statistics. Don't ask me why it ends at '95. If you want the other stats, then you can go look for them. Oh yeah, you don't like facts. :D

    Here are some facts to update your nine year old statistics:

    The private sector has shrunk by more than 2.6 million jobs since George W. Bush became president. That is, by any standard, quite a record: No American president has presided over a net loss of jobs during his term in office since Herbert Hoover grappled so disastrously with the real 1929. When Bill Clinton was in the White House, America gained an average of 239,000 jobs per month. Since Bush took office, the number of jobs has declined at a monthly clip of 69,000.

  9. Former health minister begins long jail term for corruption 

    BANGKOK: -- A former public health minister, who was arrested last week, while jogging in a public park after having been at large over the past 13 months, has begun his long jail term for corruption on Monday.

    The former Public Health Minister, Mr. Rakkiart Sukthana, has been sentenced for 15 years in jail

    See? I knew it... jogging is bad for your health.

  10. Here is the orignal story, when they got busted  on April 22, 2003:


    No mention in the follow-up about the third member, a Mr. Andrew Potter, who was arrested with these two according to the original post???? :o


    also, just noticed something:

    202 User(s) are reading this topic (181 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)

    and it's almost 1am?!?!

    guess that curb on late socializing is increasing readership here?

  11. Everybody have obviously made up their decision already.

    What if these guys are innocent? Do you believe the Thai judicial system is that good that you would be prepared to risk someones life on it? 

    Stop for a second and think about it logically, would anyone be stupid enough to risk his life for 1.whatever ounce of whatever drug it was?

    There is a proverb that if something sounds too good to be true it usually is.

    I think the opposite applies as well, nobody can be so stupid. I am more inclined to believe that someone wanted one or two of these guys put away and make sure whatever was needed to do the job was found on their person/premise.

    Scary IMO!

    One pleaded guilty....must be stupid eh ???

    The Thai prisons are full of innocent people who "confessed" and "pled guilty".

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