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sriracha john

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Posts posted by sriracha john

  1. Saw film footage this afternoon on a non-Thai news channel and it showed police rifle butting unarmed, non-fighting people who had surrendered and violently kicking and stomping people who were already facedown on the ground. Showed very brutal treatment that seemed very much overdone.

  2. While I applaude Mr. Pekod for having the gumption to stage a protest march and solicit others to join him, I'm just a smidgen disappointed that it's not for something a little bit more substantial than plane scheduling by Thai Airlines. Given all the extremely serious issues in Thailand today, it somehow all seems just a tad superficial.

    STILL, I do extend my best wishes to ANYONE that attempts to further the causes of democracy on any issue.

  3. Can these muslims fly?

    How did 6 get killed by shots fired into the air?

    Something else could have killed them, like a water-canon, but I doubt it. Nothing else was mentioned about how they were killed. Any ideas?

    I am not saying that shooting someone who is storming a jail should be wrong, but I would rather read a more accurate report. If they were shot for storming the jail, then simply say so.

    The Nation:

    Witnesses said they saw troops firing at protesters while officers in charge of dispersing the mob insisted that shots were fired into the air, but not at any human targets.

    The bodies of all the men killed bore gunshots wounds.

    “I saw soldiers fire at protestors, others kicked and used their rifle butts to hit them,” said one witness.


    The police said the same about some of the deaths at the Mosque in April... The police don't like to flat out say they shot directly at people.

  4. How can it be considered controlled? :D
    http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=195479[/url] ]Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra vowed to rid Thailand of the disease by the end of October after the country announced its first probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission last month.

    But international experts say the virus appears to be entrenched in the region and is likely to take years to bring under control.

    5 days to go :o

    Thanks RDN, I wasn't sure where that "countdown" actually stood at... Hmmm... 5 days, then he said he would fire Sudarat and other ministry heads. Will he fulfill on at least this vow?

    And while we're on the subject of tourism, lest we forget the South, which just had a massive expansion of trouble only yesterday:


    PM Shinawatra will visit the scene after day-long siege of police station ends in bloodshed; curfew imposed in 8 districts. At least six people were killed and more than 20 others injured yesterday when government troops clashed with about 3,000 Muslim protestors in the southern province of Narathiwat.

    Troops fired tear gas at demonstrators after they threw stones and other objects into Tak Bai district police station.

    Witnesses said they saw troops firing at protesters while officers in charge of dispersing the mob insisted that shots were fired into the air, but not at any human targets.

    The bodies of all the men killed bore gunshots wounds.

    The fresh outburst of violence prompted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to make an emergency visit to the deep South.

    More than 1,000 police and soldiers were mobilised to bring the protest under control.


    This escalation is BOUND to spread soon or later from just effecting the Deep South. :D

  5. Under the scheme the government and private travel companies will explain to foreign tourists that the avian flu situation in Thailand has been controlled.

    Controlled? Sadly, yet another young girl just died of bird flu (12th victim)... it's spreading throughout different species, eg. tigers... eagles...

    How can it be considered controlled?


  6. Rumor has it he is buying this station too. :o


    Am I a bit slow ? Whatever station are you talking about ?

    Channel 9

    M ass

    C orrupter

    O f

    T hailand

    The clip shown was of Thaksin during APEC wearing those god-awful-looking chinese-style silk shirts that all the visiting leaders hated and couldn't wait to change out of.


    Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand October 19TH 2004

    The effectiveness of the new migrant policy in Thailand is already being tested. Migrants now have a temporary ID card which allows them to live in Thailand for one year. With this ID card migrants can apply for work and be issued with a work permit which protects them under the labour laws and gives them access to the universal health scheme.

    Could obtaining Burmese citizenship first be a new option for other foreigners seeking to stay in Thailand? :D:o

  8. My well-functioning brain tells me your feeble one was grasping for the term dire need, not dire straits.

    Wow, so Mr Siracha John is also MR Perfect besides Mr Know It All About Thailand.......he has never had a typo before..............so perfect....... :o Add Mr I am ALWAYS right to your list of attitudes too!

    It was said merely to point out that before you try to insult someone, it's best to know what you saying. I've ignored previous typo mistakes prior to that. Actually, it's miswording, not a typo.

  9. it's called having a heart and you apparently are in need of a transplant.....

    You are in dire straits for a BRAIN that actually functions........or new knickers since they are obv in a knot :o

    My well-functioning brain tells me your feeble one was grasping for the term dire need, not dire straits.

  10. QUOTE 

    When dealing with fairly straightforward facts, however, the truth is the truth

    You must be DAFT if you think everything is straightforward in Thailand :o You call newspaper or media articles facts??? I know for a fact that not EVERYTHING you read in the papers/media are not facts nor the truth.....if you think so, you should get out more!

    Who's the daffy one? :D

    Why not cite the examples I wrote after your quote of me? Instead you go off on some tangent about the truthfulness of the Thai media..... which wasn't part of our discussion.

  11. Obviously someone is only happy ONLY if everyone else shares HIS views........
    Not my views I'm concerned about... it's the truth.
    Who are you to say what's the TRUTH??? Just because you have travelled there, you know everything??? OPEN your eyes and mind, please

    The examples I cited are not truths? Ok, so:

    15-17 year olds ARE college students.

    Issan IS a wealthy area.

    Being from anywhere in Asia DOES make you an expert for any other place in Asia.

    Hmmm... does that sound truthful?

    You have no respect for anyone elses views except yours!! Typical Yank.....who is your President again??

    To quote an old saying: "What does THAT have to do with the price of tea in China?"

    This isn't about views, it's about establishing and acknowledging truths.

  12. You have reasons to your views and I have mine. Mutual respect for each others views....man enough to do that?

    Re-post, just in case this wasnt read................ :o

    Views, yes everyone is entitle to their own. When dealing with fairly straightforward facts, however, the truth is the truth.

    15-17 are not college students.

    Issan is rife with poverty.

    Being Asian doesn't make you knowledgeable on the whole of Asia.


    Posted again for your re-reading as well.

  13. I now know you have an emotional attachment to Issan, not just an assumption now!!  Deny it all you want.......no one would know the truth.
    No need to deny it, I freely admit to having compassion, which is indeed an emotion and one in which you would benefit greatly from.
    ......some people just get very emotional and sensitive about things...

    it's called having a heart and you apparently are in need of a transplant.....

    I did try very hard to stop it.........but some wont even stop........
    Establishing the truth is worth the effort.
    or is it the male chauvanistic attitude?

    No, establishing the truth is a common trait in many women, too.... but not apparently in your case.

  14. I don't care how much anyone would offer me to have unprotected shag, if they offer this to you then they obviously done this countless times before. You might as well play Russian Roulette- might even have better odds. :o

    Agreed, but to the under-educated and very poor and very young in a rural setting in Issan, it's more understandable that their judgement might not be as well thought out as ours.

    Obviously there is shared responsibility for these incidents, but to me, the onus is on the vile, predatory nature of the revengeful man.

  15. My Issan friends all work in Bangkok (nor bargirls) and to some of them THB4000 is measly to be selling oneself and to contract HIV. :o  That was the original thread posted. I have been to Issan with my friends so don't tell me to go there myself, you ASSUME
    The only reason I assumed was that your comments reflected that you had not been there. Referring to the original post, the incident occured IN Issan, not BKK. Ask your friends if they think 4,000 baht is a "VERY measly" (your words) amount of money IN Issan. When you went to Issan did you happen to encounter any poverty there? Did you encounter any resident throwing around 4,000 baht like it was a paltry sum? Did you meet anyone who toiled for hours with farmwork for next to nothing and lived under the most arduous of conditions? If you truly visited Issan, these questions are of course, redundant and self-evident.
    You have reasons to your views and I have mine. Mutual respect for each others views....man enough to do that?

    Views, yes everyone is entitle to their own. When dealing with fairly straightforward facts, however, the truth is the truth.

    15-17 are not college students.

    Issan is rife with poverty.

    Being Asian doesn't make you knowledgeable on the whole of Asia.


  16. The first thing on a girl's mind when she has sex with a man is, "Am I pregnant?", not, "Did I get a disease?"

    First concern of any parent will be if their daughter is pregnant, not if she has an STD. Since that question was never even raised in the topic of discussion, it undermines the whole story. It's all bogus.

    Granted pregnancy is a concern, but it's not a fatal affliction for most, unlike AIDS, which is.

  17. I dont think my remarks are "out of whack" as you put it. You may be "emotionally" involved in this, may it be your gf or wife is from there.
    Sigh... I repeat once again, you "ASS-U-ME" too much.

    My connection to Issan is, after travelling there, simply having compassion for those less fortunate than myself. I would suggest you try having some of that, but it seems you're too burned out. However, you should avoid pecking at those that aren't.

    NO thanks, I would prefer a more "balanced View" from my Issan friends!

    If you take nothing else from this thread, PLEASE ask them if they agree that 4,000 baht is a "VERY measly" amount of money in Issan. Or even better, go there yourself and observe.

  18. Just out of curiosity, but is their a definitive definition for the term "tourist" according to Thai law?  :o


    Thai law I do not know in this case.

    The nearest could be construed from MFA:

    A tourist is somebody entering Thailand for tourism purposes :D

    guess this clears up the question. :D

    Thesaurus: (I quote only the most relevant IMHO)

    Entry: tourist

    Function: noun

    Definition: visitor

    Synonyms: day-tripper, excursionist, globetrotter, jet-setter, journeyer, sightseer, tripper, vacationist,

    Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.0.5)

    Copyright © 2004 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Thanks Axel,

    That kind of proves my point. If the MFA and Immigration can't clearly define exactly what is a tourist, who are we to decide for them?

    Many years staying as a tourist might just be pushing it a bit don't you think ? Not many places would let you get away with it all.

    That's also part of my point, Doc. I simply don't know if it's pushing it. If foreigners AND Immigration/MFA want to follow the letter of the law, then they simply need to provide a definitive definition of what exactly is a tourist into their law. At what point can they or anyone draw the line as to what precisely constitutes a tourist? 2 weeks? 3 months? 6 months? 6 years? I think a point could be made that it's possible to tour Thailand for years and years, given it's diverse topography, culture, society. The tourist moniker is a very arbitrary, subjective, and ill-defined word being tossed about. If they want everyone to comply with their tourist regulations, it would go a long to simply spell out what precisely they are, same as other countries have done. They've already done that for other categories.

  19. tell me what have you done for those "poor Issan women" then? Let me guess, marry one of them? Kudos to you, you managed to save one poor soul!

    Since you enjoy castigating others (meemiathai) for the same thing, I'll just let your answer to him to stand as my answer.

    :D Ass u me....   :D
    btw, just to clarify, you're wrong.
    We spent about 5 years in Bangkok, if you must know (areas such as Pat Pong, Nana and Cowboy). First 2 years was completely frustrating and after that I just became immune. No point in helping those who do not want help when they have a new farang to support them.

    Perhaps it would have been better to allow someone else to finish the last 3 years as you apparently had given up at the 2 year mark.

    If the Thai college girls want to sell themselves cheaply, thats their problem. 

    WRONG!!! unless they were all gifted and advanced students

    Are you trying to say the non-gifted ones should not go to college or should use it as an excuse to sell themselves?? :o

    If you read my post just a BIT more carefully, you should have been able to figure out that the WRONG point I was making was that they were NOT college girls (refer to the original BBC article which stated their ages were 15 to 17). I did include the small italic print after WRONG! recognizing that remote possibility that the only "college girls" that I know who were 15 to 17 were gifted and advanced students.
    Once again, I think you are a farang and just because you have lived here, you think you can educate me on the Thai culture??? I am Asian and I know how Asia works better than you.

    Yes, I am farang...and yes I do think I can educate you about Thailand on at least a few points, particularly the economic status of people of Issan which you apparently NEED to be educated on. You may be Asian, but that certainly doesn't qualify you to be any more knowledgeable about Thailand. By using your logic, I as a person from Chicago should be able to know how an Incan lives in Peru, because, afterall, we're both Americans. I'd be the first to admit that I have limited knowledge of their culture and economy. Perhaps you should do the same regarding Thailand. How many countries are there in Asia? How many people? How many different cultures? It's simply very myopic to say "I'm Asian and I know Asia," particularly when your comments contradict that.

    Unlike you, I dont need to boast about where I have been or how many countries I have lived in....my work with UN requires me to work and travel a lot.
    I wasn't boasting, but merely giving a factual answer to YOUR question.
    You believe your own beliefs and I will believe my own, I dont expect you to agree with me.

    Let's leave it at that shall we??

    That's fine... as I said earlier, the only reason I responded in the first place was because your comments were so out of whack with reality. If you desire to remain there, that's your business. Can't enlighten someone who refuses it.

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