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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 11 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I really, really hope I will be a Grandfather some day. But as I'm about to be 58 and my son has just been 3, it might be something I will have to miss out on emoji21.png

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Do not worry about the future enjoy your son. I am sure he will bring years of joy into your life.

      Some like you are lucky to have son's. I do not. Enjoy what you have and wait to see what happens.

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  2. When i first started coming to Bangkok I stayed at the Miami for years. One night a woman from the Thermae told me to try the Honey she said it was better  and cheaper. I never went back to the Miami. The staff at Honey got to know me and were so nice and pleasant I will miss it. I quess I have no choice now either back to Miami or find a new hotel in the area.

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  3. 1 hour ago, smotherb said:

    Although, I will be the first to tell you my grandson is no normal kid; I neither said nor meant to infer that he was a world-class multi-lingual orator. He still has a limited vocabulary and speaks in simple sentences. Children are knowledge sponges, if someone takes the time to teach them. Our grandson has two sets of doting grandparents and very attentive parents. Most children whose parents speak two languages learn both languages. Nevertheless, I have to admit I know several English-speaking fathers here whose half-Thai almost grown children speak only Thai well.  I believe the reason is the fathers do not spend much time with their children. Since our grandson started speaking, almost two years ago, we have consistently taught him all three languages for the words he uses and followed that with which one of us says which word. Consequently, for the most part, he knows with whom he can speak which language, but he does get confused. Just last week when when his Thai grandfather asked him for a tool in Thai, our grandson asked him in Thenglish if he wanted a "screwdriver" or "wrench."   Today I taught him "skateboard," but I didn't know its name in Filipino or Thai when he asked. I guess he thinks he has a dumb grandfather.

    I talk with my granddaughter a lot. I make up the conversation as we go. I ask friends who have Luk Krueng children and they told me if we talk english and Thai the child will have 2 native languages.  I want that.

      When I enter the room and start talking she stops everything to find where I am and gives me a big smile. She really knows how to make me feel special.When she does this I sit with her and we talk for 1/2 hour or more. Me in english her in baby talk it is great..It is an english lesson in a form.She gets so excited talking to me she starts to scream out and laugh and smile. Cannot buy that kind of happiness any where.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:


    What is the "terrible 2's? I have never heard that expression before.

    The terrible 2's to my understanding is a time when the child is rebellious,difficult to communicate with demanding,a time when they are expressing themselves and want to be heard,and understood.Much like a teenager I quess. 

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  5. I want to add a a little something .

      I read a long time ago that a person acquires all their long lasting life skills by the age of 2 (perhaps a good explaination for terrible 2's). I want to believe this. So I treat raising her with that in mind. We try very hard to give her stability from the start,I even talk to her as an adult .She gets so much love and positive reinforcement since birth.She seldom fusses. I put that down to being well adjusted with no emotional issues as of yet. 

      With the 2 year life skill thought I feel we can do out best while I am here if I die after she is 2 I hope she has what she needs to have a full happy life.Happy is the priority. She is a grand child not my child so I feel it is not necessary I see her through to adulthood. I just want to give her a real good start in life. Of course the longer I am here to share with her the better.

       Like one poster stated it bonded the family like superglue the same happened here. My stepdaughter used to hate me not even want to be in the same room. Now we are a happy family. It is like there never was problem.

      I will stop do not want have TV start to be a parenting support group.



  6. The choice is yours of course.

     I will only say what I think.

     I would never buy any vehicle with 100,000  km on it. I get rid of mine before that. I feel after 100,000 km they will start needing repair just a hassle.

      10 years with a car that already has 100,000 on it will be problematic I feel. Any car. So repairs will be needed.

      I would not buy standard either I had one standard here never again. On the mountains I was shifting constantly with the conditions we drive under here..

      I would compromise if I was you if CVT is your only concern buy it  if it becomes a problem it will probably be the only problem.not like a car with 100,000 km on it could have many problems over 10 years.


  7. 18 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    Since my early days in Thailand the adult entertainment scenes have grown much more commercial and expensive. Most of it in my opinion is a rip off.


    I used to love going to girly bars with my mates, just for eye candying or perving the pretty girls, a sort of escapism where us guys could let our hair down a bit, and boys could be boys, be all the worse for drink, a jolly boys outing and a few good laughs. But now, In Chiang Mai for example what is left of the bar scene is old tack, with too many restrictions, no more thrills and many of the massage parlours have become happy ending parlours for sweaty, fat, ugly old men.


    Could be because I`m older now and also it`s become way too expensive, they don`t hold the same fun and adventure atmospheres as they used to, and became bored of the bar scene long ago. Wouldn`t bother me if they shut the whole lot down.



    I used to go to Chiang Mai for january and February for about 6 years in a row end of 80's and early 90's. It was great. The go go bars the girls changed clothes ,did make up  all in the men's wash room. When I went to piss got a show well pissing. The GO Go girls when not dancing hung off me and allowed many liberties. Bar fine 200 baht. Just had to bring some street food in with you and could have a party in the Go Go buy drinks and have fun. I forget the name of one GoGo it is gone now but one holiday I think I bar fined every girl in the bar during my stay. They wore bikini's on the dance  stage but would get naked at the table odd huh.

      But hey things change the youth is looking for different things.Now has a lot more foreigner influence on what is wanted and expected.

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  8. 53 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    I think the other poster can defend himself but interesting are we reading the same posting?  

    Maybe I missed something too or can't read?  But where in the article mentioned " it was supportive to emergency services ?

    Or are you making it up or assuming the vehicles were going shopping, lunch or even donuts?

    All I can say is there are a lot of people here who cannot read and comprehend what is written not my fault as a poster. 

  9. 6 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

    Long ago, I asked some Thai friends why this happens. I was told that it was common knowledge that ambulance drivers ALWAYs have their sirens and light on because they want to get through traffic quicker. Even if they aren’t travelling to/from an emergency. In other words, they are not responsible ambulance drivers so people think they are cheating and then just ignore them on the road.


    I think ambulances are only on the road for going to an accident or going to a hospital from an accident. So the Thai friends probably think the ambulance leaving the hospital with lights on and no body in it yet  are doing it to only get through traffic quicker. The truth be known they should be going through traffic fast to get to accident victims. I do not think ambulances are used to go to the market to buy lunch. Workers would use motorcycle. Need less use of the ambulance  is in all probability non existent.


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  10. 3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    They have spoken up in defence of this world-famous place after several foreigners made critical comments on a BBC News video clip titled “The train that drives through a market”

    This is not your local market huh. BBC does a story so what

    17 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    So when your local coffee shop serves you a cup of coffee with a cockroach floating in the cup, it's no one else's business?  Because the coffee shop "does not need to justify sh:t to anyone not their business"

    This is not the local market in good old England  So BBC readers have no say. Who judges the Soho market?

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    hai young man are out of control because they parents didn't teach them good manners it is time to do something about this problem 

    Prison time for having knife 

    And assault 

    Not just Thai from what I read here on TV in other threads it is the same in England, Germany,Norway you name it. young men with weapons doing as the please. Here it is called Thainess. The rest of the world it is called politically correct .

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