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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 35 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    That is the way it has been done for a number of years now - extension is only valid until expiration of current passport if less than a year and a new extension must be obtained for the new passport (the normal full year).  

    The way they did it the first passport change was they gave till end of passport day in old passport but when i renewed adjusted the date to the anniversary date. of aug 3. in new passport So that year I paid to have it entered into new passport for the remaining months till aug 3 and then aug 3 had to do for a full year. But as you said things change. If they would have done to aug 3 though I would not have problem now.

  2. Just have to relate this story.

      I amnot sure if any you read or remember my post about step son going to Rangsit  University and his keeping his gf's new car in Rangsit for himself well she is in Chiang Mai without it. And how he would also lend said car to relatives to come to Lomsak.All the while rightful owner is in Chiang Mai

     Well this same prince of a man told the wife 2 weeks ago he needed 55000 baht for some school expense. immediately. So i sent the money. Then a week later him and gf come to visit and stay a week. The whole week the son is big spender squandering money on every relative and especially his mom. I told the wife I think he is spending the money I sent him.The wife gave me the shut up and do not talk that way again  look unless you want real trouble. So I never mentioned it again.One week later the son and gf went to Chiang Mai because her studies were starting.

      3 days later son shows up again for another visit.This time he brings his gik or gf from Rangsit.. My wife was all excited to see him and told me do not tell his gf. I got angry with the wife saying it is so wrong what he is doing. he has a good gf who is rich and her parents own the Mc Cormack hospital and the Overbrook. hospitals in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. He is set for life if he respects what is there. The wife tells me every one loves her son you have to expect all women to love him.She was proud of him having extra women. She seemed to feel he deserved many women he was so great.

     I told her I give him to much money if he can afford 2 gf. No answer.

      i can understand the young con man son he is young and stupid but my wife going along with it is crazy.Her son can do no wrong . 

     PS No wonder I am having health problems ha ha ha


  3. 26 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There are visas that are valid for entry to the country for 6 months or one year. A multiple entry tourist visa is valid for 6 months from the date of issue that allows 60 day entries. Or a multiple entry non-o visa valid for one year that allows 90 day entries.


    If I understand this properly.

    The multiple entry tourist visa must be from date of issue so if I get in Canada the clock is ticking before I even enter Thailand.and I must leave the country every 60 days to extend.

      The non-0 is valid for a year so can get in Canada and no worries about it running out. But must leave Thailand and come back every 90 days 

      Wow easier to just creat a new retirement extension and new date that works for me.

      The crazy part about all this is I have had the extensions going so long I am in 3rd passport .Until 2 years ago it was always august3. but because number 2 passport ran out april 1  immigration could only extend to april 1. When I got new passport the immigration office  simply went with april 1 and never bothered to make renewal date aug 3.. I wish now they had.

  4. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    The only way you can change the date your extension is due is to leave without a re-entry permit, get a non-o visa, enter the country and apply for a new extension.

    If you enter the country after you extension expires you would have to start all over again by getting new non-o visa entry.

    That is what I thought i would have to do but wanted to check. Is it posible to get a visa then that lasts 6 month?

  5. At present time I want to change to 6 months in Canada and 6 months in Thailand.

    A small problem came up when I planning it though. 

     My retirement extension comes up April 1 each year. I plan on being in Canada every year in the future from Oct to end of April. So April 1 I will be in Canada.Can I change this date before I go to Canada to a more suitable date? Or can I return and go to immigration and show I was out of the country and do it on return. Or must I reapply and get a new one? If a new one is needed can I do before I go?


  6. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    It appears you are taking my advice.......Stop being negative......

    Now kick your backside in gear, sit down with your wife, and start talking.

    Best of luck, i hope you can work things out.


    The wife may be a problem explaining it to.. I feel she will get angry because I will be away 6 months a year  feel there is a problem with her.That is just the way she thinks I know her. She will take it personal.

     The other major thing will be I must stop cathetering and go to a bag with a tube direct from my bladder..not sure what that is called. I kept cathetering hoping the bladder would come back but it has not. And to travel and catheter is just about impossible, That has to be done before I can go.

     Lots to do to get this done.


  7. Thank you all for the replies.

      This post has helped me a lot.in deciding how I should live and changes I should make to have a good life again.

      I will be eating humble pie though.I said many times since coming here I would never go back to stay in Canada. Well that is changing now. I am thinking of returning for 6 months a year. I do this for many reasons,but all came about because of this stroke and potential issues that can arise.

      I had to do a lot of soul searching and work hard to understand where I am in life.and how to deal with it. I now feel most of the challenges I face now in life can be solved simply by living 6 months a year Thailand 6 months Canada.It solves medical care with definitely more than one opinion about my health problems.,the opinions will even be from 2 different countries doctors.The money will be so easy. Just bring to Thailand what I need when I return each year ,plus I can spend all the money I have reserved for healthcare here(do not need large amount available any more and I will no longer need to keep 800,000 in bank for retirement extention.

      2 days ago I was ready to end it now i am willing to try a new way to live. 

      I realised I was so stubborn I would not look at new ways to solve my issues. I was focused on what I had prioritized and never thought of changing my priorities. Now I changed my priorities and hope I have the answer.

      It will be hard on my wifes and mine relationship  But I believe it is what is needed. Having my wife in my life and caring for her has been the most rewarding days of my life. So we will have to both have to work together and understand this is the best thing for all concerned and work with it.

     I just hope this works.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Mike45 said:

    My 2 cents worth of straight talking. I hope you appreciate it for what it is, an honest attempt to help you.


    You need immediate medical treatment for the stroke you think you had. You're not a doctor and you obviously can afford to pay for your medical care. Killing yourself is not medical treatment. Because of the medical condition you're probably not thinking correctly right now. So don't make ANY decisions other than getting the best medical treatment possible RIGHT NOW.


    You make it sound like you cannot trust your wife and that when you die you intend to do absolutely nothing for her. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what it sounded like. You should be planning to make sure she has ACCESS to money to live off of for her lifetime. Meanwhile if you're incapacitated she can use that money to take care of you.


    You sound as though you suffer from some paranoia or fear that someone is going to take everything away from you. It even stretches so far that you can't trust internet banking and I think you said SWIFT. . It's 2017 get with it, that's how banking is done. Internet banking makes living in a foreign country possible. If you can't bring yourself to do it you probably don't belong here. PERHAPS you should consider moving home and live next to your bank.


    You said your sister is dying. Why aren't you getting on a plane and going to see her? You can travel with a catheter after you've been medically cleared to fly for your current medical problem. She's your sister for God's sake! You appear to only be thinking about yourself and your problems.


    You say you've had a rude Awakening and realize how vulnerable we ALL are here in Thailand. I'M NOT! If you are it's because YOU'VE MADE YOURSELF vulnerable.


    I sincerely wish you the best of luck with your medical problems and your other issues. But I've learned in my lifetime that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

    Thanks for your advice. 

      You are right I trust no one. My wife will be left with enough to carry for a few years depending how she spends it.

      You are right about swift and I am starting to lean towards using it with the help of my banker.

     I went back last July and spent time with my sister.I had a foley catheter placed inside my penis and after 3 weeks I was in extreme pain from the friction. I am still in pain from till this day because of frequent cathetering.. I call her bi weekly and send her money to help her.. She is in the final stages but I cannot endure the pain again of a long term foley inside me to go see her.

      But you may be right swift may be the answer to all my problems.

  9. 1 minute ago, Foozool said:

    My dad had a stroke about 20 years ago. No more smoking and some treatments kept him alive. He is still there, but I believe if he did not do treatment (by medications), he would not be there now. 

    One more thing: he is not a bedridden. 

    I am happy for you and your father It is nice to hear he recovered and has a full life.

     Who knows if I will even ave another stroke? Or if I do how bad it will be. I am just looking at what could happen in the worst case. and how complicated it could become.

  10. Just now, wildewillie89 said:

    Why cant they do your banking? Just going to get money out of an ATM? Takes, what, one minute? Are they that untrustworthy? It is fine to ask nothing from no body, but why are you here saying you're in a shit situation? You cant on one hand complain that because you are incapacitated that nothing can get done, and in the same sentence say you will not ask for help....that just leaves the option for you to die...which doesn't need a running commentary. 

    I think we are all aware how vulnerable humans are. It is not some new scientific discovery. I have had a complicated tick disease for 2 months now. Had to spend a week in hospital and 2 months at home (seizures, enlarged organs, prolonged fevers, etc). I had a plan. If someone moves to a new country without a plan, then they are just incredibly naive aren't they?

    I did have a plan but forgot one vital thing.   I forgot the part if I became incapable of getting to the bank how I would get money.For some reason it just escaped me.I am self funded for health so kept 3 million for health care thinking I was covered for health costs but never under realized that in a real situation could I even access the money.

  11. 28 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    As a fellow Canadian I think you should go back. I really do appreciate all the free services Canadians get and will be back to a country that accepted me after I dodged the draft in Yugoslavia. Being single and paying taxes is a very small price to pay.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I do not want the health services. My father spent the last 2 years of his life in a hospital bed  under Canada health services. For the last 2 years of his life he was medical experiment for doctors to practice on.or with.They kept him on morphine to kill the pain because they refused to replace his hip and he layed there day after day going in and out of reality so the doctors could claim they were caring for a life.It was the most dreadful thing to watch .My father dieing with no dignity or respect. Not for me thank you

  12. 3 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    I think his point was he should have got out and made more friends  for if he became in a position he is in (bed ridden). Many people are willing to help if you are in desperate need that you have no control over. Not just money, things such as food, clothing, the same help you receive back home generally when you become incapacitated. I don't think the country is relevant in the point. Just making friends to help you out in a time of need. 

    I do have Thai friends.and they would do small things for me for sure. More than foreigners. What good does that do? They cannot do my banking. They can visit ,comfort and try to help but that is it. I have to much pride to ever in my life be desperate. I ask nothing of any one and never had. I have been personally responsible for every part of my life since I was 13 and will end before I ever become desperate. I have never ask to  borrowed a penny from any one and will die never having to do it. All i was trying to point out was vulnerable we really are here. We live each day not realizing one accident or health problem and access to funds to keep us going could be a real problem.I wonder how many people here at TV have a plan in place for or if something happened to them and they were bed ridden and perhaps lost their ability to think for them selves or care for themselves.

     But thanks for your concern.

  13. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    This thread makes little sense.


    If you have suffered a "mini stroke", but are not  treating it, and then say you expect/hope to be able to fly in a few weeks time, I would say that you are delusional. A stroke is the equivalent of a heart attack, except that it happens with the brain. Instead of damage to the heart, one incurs brain damage.  If you are not on drug therapy and rehabilitation, then how do you expect to be able to fly in such a short time frame? I appreciate that surgical intervention is unnecessary, but  strokes require follow up care.


    Living Wills are not recognized in Thailand.



    Are you aware that if you are visibly infirm, the  airline agents will require a fitness certificate?

    Unless you are certified by a cardiologist, don't be a selfish  prick and fly because you will either have an episode on the plane or will die. When that happens, it disrupts the flight and inconveniences hundreds. I have been on a flight when we've had to deal with one of these cases and it is exceptionally disruptive and often avoidable.  If you die, they wrap you in a sheet and move you to an empty row away from people, but in the process  traumatize many pax.


    Since when does  an ATM card have an expiry date? What Bank are you dealing with that does this.?  If you are dealing with a major bank, they e transfers can easily be set up and  supervised. Scotia Bank has a major interest in Thanachart, BMO switched from SCB to Bangkok Bank, HSBC has its own branch network.

    As for  you not trusting online banking,  it's no wonder you have  issues now. That's how it's done. It's safer than the old bricks and sticks format. How do you think money is transferred when you visit a branch? The  bank clerk uses the online transfer format. This is how it's done. If you do not wish to adapt, then sorry, no sympathy.


    As for your cryptic references to ending it all,  a stroke is not the end of life, even if severe.  If Kirk Douglas was able to  fight back from a massive stroke which caused serious damage and is still going strong at 100, you can deal with  your "mini stroke".  


    I get it, you are  depressed and want to get organized. However, you are not getting organized, but making a mess of things  by being stubborn. If you are indeed dying, then surely what's it matter then if you give your wife access to the ATM card? This silliness over waiting  for whether or not your sister dies before you amend your will is just nonsensical. Nothing stops you from setting out an order of payment.  In any case, it doesn't matter, because it will be contestable if there wasn't a separation of assets before your marriage. Your wife has rights under Canadian law and if you die in Canada, that's where the estate will be settled. There will probably be assets in Thailand and the wife can apply for a  declaratory judgement there.

    I have no idea as to the nature of your estate, but you may need to seek  the advice of a tax lawyer to prepare for the probate costs and capital gains taxes if assets are sold.



    Wow are you confused. I never on any post stated was would be flying soon. That was another poster.

    My bank is Scotiabank and 2 branchs told me there was no way they could do it for me. Also the ATM card expires. They only give them out for a period of 3 years. now. I had one for 10 years they took away saying the chip would fail.

     My estate is well under control thank you.

  14. There is other things envolved with how this plays out.. In my will in Canada I give everything to my younger sister,with my niece as second inheriter if sister dies. Well as luck will have it my sister now has small cell cancer and only a short time to live.( it is down to weeks we feel)So if I die first she gets the money for a short time then my nephew inherits it from her. I do not want him to have it. As cold as this sounds it is true. I need to wait for my sister to die before I can commit.So I am battling my death and my sisters.at the same time.If I die after my sister then my niece inherits it all.My biggest concern is while we wait for death to make every thing happen I may have a major stroke and die or be paralyzed for life and unable to end it.This is not how a person should have to deal with life ending.

  15. Thanks Howard ashoul but i went back to Canada last year to specifically do what you said. The bank could not or would not do it. I was told ATM or Western union.or try swift. Swift I will not use if I must do myself online.I do not trust online banking.  

      I have enough here at the moment to last a few years in my Thai account. But when that is get used up bringing more may be impossible if I am paralyzed and in bed.

      If I give my wife my ATM card for Canada it has an expiring date so when it expires what does she do?

     The more I look at it the more I see ending it all as the best way to solve it. Just do not want it to be messy or painful.



  16. Just now, Odysseus123 said:

    You do need to trust someone.


    I am in a similar situation and my Thai wife has responded nobly.


    She is going to take me home.We tried last month but I was too ill to travel.Now  that I have rallied a bit we plan to go early next month.


    Please do not leave this until you become totally incapacitated and ALL the decision making is taken out of your hands.


    This may be paradoxical but in order to retain some control you have to surrender part of it too.

    The part about not leaving it till I am incapacitated is true.  I am dealing with ending it all and not going that route. Just not sure how much time I have to decide.

  17. I have a wife but what does that good does that do? How could she help if I was totally disabled?

    she has no access to my accounts.Even the money in my Thai bank would be unaccessble if I could not get down to an ATM. 

    faraday no treatment will be done but thanks any ways.

     ulysses how do I arrange to get money transferred from a hospital bed while incapacitated?

     tomwct AE in Bangkok is useless they cannot even cash the cheques.

      Sorry for being so negative to everyone trying to help,

      I made a trip back to Canada last year to creat some way to send money. The banker said use western union. Hows that for a good response.

      All day I was dealing with ending it.I have other health problems too. I catheter because my bladder completely quit.so am pretty well house captive as it is I have pain constantly in the bladder area that the doctors say should not be there so nothing can be done to help me I just live with severe pain all the time.Who wants to be this vulnerable late in life.In a split second I could be in a bed for the rest of my life and have no access to funds to maintain me.

     The bottom line on trusting someone to have access to my money  is really testing the boundaries of trust. 

     I talked to a friend last night and explained that if I wait to end it I may not be able to end it because of a stroke that makes it impossible to do anything. So if I want to make sure it is done I have to stop gambling on how long I have before a major stroke happens.and do it soon.

  18. I am sure I had a mini stroke yesterday. After it I realized if I become disabled and bed ridden I will not be able to get money to live and pay my bills.

     I use the ATM to get all my money from Canada. If I become bedridden I cannot access my money.

      I tried to creat some way to have money sent to me regularly but the bank in Canada said they couldnot do that. So if I cannot get to the ATM because of illness or accident I am without money this is real scary.

     How would some one like me even pay the hospital? 

     This is a real wakeup call on how vulnerable we are here.


  19. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Truly an ignorant and a hateful statement.

    Are you aware that the  Mayor is a UK national born in South London. He was a human rights lawyer before serving as an MP and then as a cabinet minister in HM Government. Are you aware that people like him are targeted by ISIL and that he  is more likely to be assassinated  by extremists of both the left and the right because of his beliefs? He's the last person an Islamic  extremist wants around.

    Sorry I am not aware he is targeted for anything mainly because I do not think it is true simple as that. As we all know many terrorists in England are born in England so what your point about where he was born? The fact terrorists are home grown just makes my points more valid. They are still loyal to their mother country.

  20. May he Rest In Peace.

      I can relate to why a man would do this for medical reasons.  have been having an emotional fight with this same thing for the past while. 

    My bladder quit and I catheter every day and have constant pain that the doctors do not know why. Sometimes it makes it impossible to get around. My life is spent cherishing moments of no pain. Then today I think I had a mini stroke. I got out of bed could not use my leg arm or hand,had no control of the hand or arm. I felt dizzy and disorientated. took about an hour to feel normal. Ending it is present in my mind constantly.Today gave me great concern and made me realize I have to decide soon or I may have a stroke and be unable to do anything and be at the mercy of the medical field.

      So I wish to ask robblok if non citizens of Belgium can go there and be euthanised?


  21. 12 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    Here is the speech. The full article can be found here. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/04/trump-berates-london-mayor-sadiq-khan-terror-attacks


    “There aren’t words to describe the grief and anger that our city will be facing today. I’m appalled and furious that these cowardly terrorists would deliberately target innocent Londoners.

    “There can be no justification for the acts of these terrorists and I am quite clear that we will never let them win.

    “My message to Londoners and visitors to our great city is to be calm and vigilant today. You will see an increased police presence today, including armed officers and uniformed officers. There is no reason to be alarmed by this. We are the safest global city in the world. You saw last night as a consequence of our planning, our preparation, the rehearsals that take place, the swift response from the emergency services tackling the terrorists and also helping the injured.”


    Now after reading the full speech, tell me once again that Donalds Tweet wasn't taken out of context. Here it is again, so you can compare. "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'"

    You may want to be careful about using the word fool before checking out the actual facts.

    The mayor made a very polite nice,politically correct statement that said nothing. is what I see there. And told his people not to be alarmed. Being alarmed means just that and they should be alarmed. Alarmed does not mean anything more than highly aware. If he had said donot react because you are  alarmed I might see something of value in what he said. It is not common place for armed personnel to walk the streets of London. Alarm bells should be ringing for every one. To accept it is fear of addressing it. 

      I still think fools miss the point Just my opinion of course.

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