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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 2 hours ago, Thakkar said:

    They are rallying against a non-existent law. It is nothing but cover for an anti-Muslim rally. As others have said, it is right wing political correctness.


    Scratch below the surface of many a right wing espousal of "women's rights" or "animal rights" (in the case of halal slaughter) and it becomes clear that the real targets are The Scary Muslims.

    Just as it should be huh

  2. 48 minutes ago, Scott said:

    Many years ago, when I worked in the Protective Services, the cost was around $250,000 and that was a very long time ago.  

    I remember from  a previous post in another thread you worked front line immigration..as stated by you. So may be you can answer a question that has bothered me for a long time. How many people would you say fly in and become illegal as opposed to come in totally illegal. 

     Percentage's would be fine.

  3. There should be stronger laws and enforce them to keep out illegals. 

     They should be documented and in the future any children or grandchildren should be blocked from entering the country even legally. Make the price of illegal  entry higher. If they get caught it will affect generations to come. Now they just to come and go as they please.

     I feel the more you deport the less others will try.

  4. 2 hours ago, tonray said:

    Trump is about to find out a very hidden secret about the US economy. It only can grow with immigration increases not decreases as our inherent population growth is not enough to sustain us.

    If the millions of lazy lay abouts living off the tax payers would get to work rhen there would be lots of people to sustain you. Many immigrants come to America and just join the line of unemployed living off others taxes. What do these immigrants contribute?  They cost. How about all the ones that pay their way by selling drugs to your kids They destrroy.

  5. 41 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    Clearly the phrase "circumstances alter cases" is one you don't fully understand. You probably have little understanding and probably don't care about the UN Human Rights charters

    There should be no(circumstances alter cases ) where people enter a country illegally. And the Un is a toothless tiger  and should stay out of making statements against countries protecting their borders

  6. Just now, Scott said:

    I don't think too many are going to argue that it is well within the authority of the gov't to deport illegal aliens.   People who have applied for asylum and it's been denied, generally should be removed.  


    I believe Obama took some flak for deporting Cambodian youth who were involved in gangs/criminal activities and had never bothered to get US citizenship.   Some of those youth didn't speak Khmer (or not well) and couldn't read or write the language, but they were deported.


    It's not a matter of should/shouldn't people be sent packing.   It's under what conditions and what is the priority in doing so.  

    Illegal immigrants bring their problems upon themselves the Cambodian one you mention would have spoke Khmer if had stayed in Cambodia


  7. 2 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    It's one thing to deport people who have committed serious crimes, but obviously many of these old cases had been shelved for very good reasons. Not having a driving license in a place an immigrant can't actually get one, selling pumpkin seeds without a street vendor permit, cannot be classified as hard core criminal acts. Common sense had dictated that they should be able to stay. Now though, it seems they just want to deport as many people as possible, presumably so Donald has a big number to wave in front of his red neck racist supporters.

    People who have been in a country for 12 years, who have children born there and who have committed no serious offence, should be allowed to continue with their lives, especially when their case has already been reviewed and approved once. This seems like a very mean and nasty policy.

    There should be no defence for illegal immigrants they are illegal end of story. No matter how they got there or how many kids they had in the country or how they make money. Send them back they are illegal simple fact.

     No other reason is needed illegal is illegal. 

  8. Good for Trump. If they came in illegally send them back. The immigrants are the ones who put themselves in this position not Trump. It is not rocket science to know if you do not attempt to enter a country illegally you will not have these problems. Enter illegally and open the door for problems for you and your family. All illegal immigrant problems are brought on by themselves. If America was tougher on them they would not be so eager  to try to be illegal and the whole problem would go away.

      Why do they think once in they have privilege? There lies the problem  to liberal of governing has made them the privileged immigrants .Kick them out as fast as they come in see how long they keep coming.

  9. 4 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


    As if. It's the older generation in the UK that benefited from reams of freebies, as well as tracts of subsidised housing, a well funded NHS and the possibility of a liveable future state pension that will not be available to the youth of today.


    That same generation systematically stripped all those benefits from future ones. Pretty much the definition of an entitled and selfish group to be honest, especially when they have the audacity to accuse less privileged generations of entitled behaviour.


    Screw em, frankly. Glad to see the young trying to pull the drawbridge back down.

    You seem to fail to realize. The older generation as you call them were young once too. When the older generation was young there were no benefits . The generation before them did not have any. The older generation created them for themselves and future generations.Poor leadership and governence destroyed these benefits. things like terrible immigration laws bringing in people who come in to the country contribute nothing and live off the system  sourcing out labour jobs  etc.

      If the old generation was able to get every thing in place why then could the up and coming generations not maintain it.Because the up and coming felt entitled and would not put in the effort.Too soft of lives that was created by the older generation. They should have not made life so easy. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The young saw no need to do any more than absolutely needed to be done. They made their bed and they sleep in it.

      The older generation also lived in the rebuilding times after the world wars. When labour was paid well to get things back on track.Money was made by the working class and the working class were an asset. May be the pansy's of today's Uk should be prepared to fight for the right causes and perhaps.,go through a few hardships that go with a war then rebuild.Take PC and put it in the garbage where it belongs.

      I do hope the young get proactive and do something for themselves mom and dad will be gone soon and then they will have no choice but to take responsibility for improving their own lives.More power to them. And if this election is the catalyst that's even better

  10. 14 minutes ago, Gracas said:

    Sounds like the last 55K you gave him is not enough, also maybe some work as farm labour would not hurt him in the least. He may think he is becoming a successful con-man, at least as far as you are concerned as he always has his mum obtain the money needed. As far as the rich GF goes, if her family are smart enough to own two hospitals I am sure they are smart enough to see through your step-son, a time will come when he will be sent on his way. If you hold true to your word about not giving anymore money on the next request, good this is maybe what he needs. Don't worry about the mum/wife if her priority is the son then so be it.

    You got it right . 

     That's exactly how I see it too.

  11. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    What evidence do you have of this ?

    Non it was all word of mouth. I searched it but could find nothing also. But the family is adament they own it. One source for me also was a christian  volunteer worker told me the church no longer owned them. I found it odd when I was told the first time for the gf's family is buddhist not christian. I have been able to find the history of the hospitals but cannot find anything on line about change of ownership. Basicaly, can find nothing but the history and services they provide.

  12. 18 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Ah yes, if he's got handsome looks and moolah provided by the step-father for him to spend, then it's possible to break into the hi-so circle. The only thing is if the moolah by the step-father stops, the rich hi-so gf will probably disappear and they would have no interest for having a poor bf.

    Exactly he is now skating on very thin ice especially since he brought his gik home to meet mom. He already gets my money through his mom so I can comtrol what he gets from my end easy. And if hi so gf is gone what other door can he open? All opportunity is lost. As I said sum num na

  13. Just now, sanemax said:

    Are you sure about that ?

    The McCormack hospital is owned by "After the war in 1949, American Presbyterian missionaries gave McCormick Hospital to the Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation to continue their mission."

    I was of the same opinion as you but since have found out the church no longer owns either one the gf's mother got them some how.

  14. Just now, bbi1 said:

    You said the kid and his mum have no money and you are paying for everything. How the hell did he get a rich gf if he's and the family seems to be a poor? I thought hi-so Thais will associate with their own kind, not bums who have no money.

    Gee not hard math man. he is going to Rangsit university with cash in his pockets. good looking and charming.Young girls fall for sweet talk and money being spent. all the time. 

     the wife's family was and is extremely poor. With out me he would have not even had the opportunity to go to technical college.He would have been farm labour same as the rest of the family.

  15. This thread has gotten a little off topic but that's ok too.

      People seem to have varied ideas about trust.

     My understanding of trust has came about from life experiences.I learned from the school of hard knocks to trust no one.

    I did quite feel in my 20's so well that early 30's felt I needed help to manage. Hired a guy to keep things on track. In 2 years he had lost or robbed me of 1/3 my networth. I went back to handling very thing myself.

     I moved provinces. Left 2 houses in care of another persson. A guy who had just gone through a divorce and had 2 kids and I wanted to help.Well He tried to rob me blind had to stop him.

     i came to Thailand got married wife took me for 1,000,000 , and car in 4 months ( have to trust the wife right)

      So it is very difficult to become old and fragile and believe others will keep my needs and intentions in mind rather than let greed over take them.

  16. Well certainly appears many people see it differently.

    The son yes I feel has taken me for maybe 100000 or 200000 during his university time. But that happens the world over university kids are known for those actions. The last 55000 was the last money I will give him and I told the wife that.He said it was for his final semester so I said final is final no more money. I stand firm on that. If he lied to us and needs more money in the future for real expenses he is out of luck. I can be very mean. If he asks for more it will not be there  and because I do not give it to him he cannot finish his education that is what will happen. I will let 4 years of funding his education go down the sewer to make my point and all the opportunities that were there shall disappear into thin air. No education,probably hi so gf gone etc. Back to catching frogs at night.Sum num na

      The money is not the issue. It is the Thai mother's not providing proper life skills for their children. I am not a saint or a philantropist.. Some one does not give me respect they pay the price. I will take their cheap shots to get the knock out punch.

     The son has no idea who he is dealing with. He thinks every one cherishs the ground he walks on same as his mother.

  17. 10 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    This story - if true, I hope it is not, but OP has 2872 posts - is rather extreme.....


    But yes, sons are adored to the extreme by their Thai mothers.

    The traditional excuse for this is that the sons "will take care" of their mother when she is old.

    Just another example of the conflict between old Thai culture as it was long ago, and real life as it is today.


    Thai culture is a decaying culture.

    Even more than Western culture.

    Makes me sad.






    The story is true. 

     And you are completely right about Thai mother's adoring their son's. This thread was just to show how far it goes to the extremes.

      It appears to me my wife will accept her son being a cheating husband in the future as his right.

      As far as him taking care of her in the future the jury is still out on that one. I will not commit to saying he will or will not. I do know her selfish daughter will not help her at all for sure..

     My wife is a small village women late 40's and is stuck with old values in a modern world. I truely  care for her and am probably the only person in her life that does care about her.

  18. 10 minutes ago, Swiss1960 said:

    You seem to have money to throw away. Can I give you my account number?

    You are the stupid one in the family...

    Sent from my HTC 10 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





    there are different definitions of stupid. 

    Some may think giving him the money is stupid. I see it as baiting the self destruction trap.

     His gf's parents are prepared to set him up for life.They own 2 hospitals. He will graduate as a medical technician. they are prepared to set him up in practice and hospital connections their hospitals. His wife will be pharmacist.They will be wannabe High So or maybe lower High So. But if he keeps going the way he is with the money he gets he will in all likely hood be found out and lose it all. So who loses the most.?


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