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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'" Trump tweeted.

    "We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don't get smart it will only get worse," Trump said


    22 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Really? That the citizens of London should be alarmed by seeing lots of police on the street?  Promoting panic is a great idea. Whatever happened to the "stiff upper lip"?

    I think Trump is asking for the stiff upper lip from people. He is not advocating panic but for people to get strong and face the problem for what it is.and deal with it. 

      The greatest fear is fear alone. The fear of people being alarmed about reality if the worst fear I can think of.

       The Nazi,s were able to make thousands of people walk to their graves without resistance because of fear. Thousands lead by a few.with guns.

      The mayor of London is subjecting his citizens to the same mentality. A few terrorists are in control and Londoners do not aleep at night.

  2. 1 minute ago, darksidedog said:

    Trump should keep his incredibly stupid mouth shut. Especially when he takes things entirely out of context. The Mayor telling people extra security would be visible on the streets is an entirely different thing from suggesting he isn't concerned about terrorism. Donalds Tweet wasn't politically incorrect, it was just complete and utter rubbish.

    Yes I know truth hurts especially to political manipulators. 

     Who is to say it was taken out of context. Or Trump was wrong who can be so intelligent to make those judgements and declare them true. Only fools I feel.

  3. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'" Trump tweeted.

    "We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don't get smart it will only get worse," Trump said


    9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Really? That the citizens of London should be alarmed by seeing lots of police on the street?  Promoting panic is a great idea. Whatever happened to the "stiff upper lip"?

    I think Trump is asking for the stiff upper lip from people. He is not advocating panic but for people to get strong and face the problem for what it is.and deal with it. 

      The greatest fear is fear alone. The fear of people being alarmed about reality if the worst fear I can think of.

  4. A Canadian got killed in the last London attack. Until now it was Europeans we had no say. But now it is personal and we can speak and be heard for we suffer also.

    Enough is enough is putting it mildly. Time go fight back and do the Duterte..Do the same as Duterte did in the drug war in the Philippines. Open up the right to hunt down and kill terrorist by any one who chooses to do so.until they are gone.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    Surely deciding to live in a gated houses area with facilities you would expert to pay more l would of thought.

    Our house is just in a village near-by surrounded tourist attractions we still have to pay the local village council every year, we pay 8 baht. :smile:

    You got off cheap we pay 11 baht a year. 

  6. Good for him he did it. When china and other Asian countries start caring about doing something positive about climate change and pollution then maybe America will do something too. America has to stop being a fool. America is a puppet that has been played by smarter lead nations for to long, Nations that will not let themselves serve special interest groups or minorities. Trump is the putting an end to that in America and go for him

  7. You know what really gets me. Countries like China,Thailand etc still use coal a lot and nothing is said or done to address it.They care less about climate change just get trade and commerce and money. But if America says ok we will use coal too, then oh cannot have to consider the climate.. So China and Thailand be the exclusive users of coal without regard to climate change but America is restricted from using it.So what is being said is we tie up the hands of America so others can take advantage. Trump is calling this and bringing it to an end. Political correctness be damned get back to competing on a level field and if the climate is affected wait for China or Thailand or some other country to lead the way to stop it.Until they stop climate change will happen only America will suffer with job loss and trade loss until then unless they scrap all this effort to be stop climate change. Let the real polluters step forward and stop it or join them and send the earth to its last throes quicker but america will not be in poverty waiting for it as observers but as proactive participants.

     Coal is an example but if Asian polluters keep polluting it will come to America anyways by sea,air etc. So why allow them to pollute and end it well we suffer.Push back.till they address it.

  8. My feeling on this are.

     Who really cares about these questions?

      Why is it necessary to ask this stupid stuff?

     How is this relevant to anything?

     Here are some sample naswers

     (1) How the hel l should I know?

    (2) Live with it.

    (3) Who knows. Maybe yes maybe no.

    (4) Those are bridges we cross when we come to them.

  9. For some reason I get the feeling many people are running scared because Trump is the real deal. The days of talking their way around things is history.. A new broom sweeps clean. The world might be waking up to how poorly it is governed.Trump is the man.America still has the power and Trump will get the ducks back in order perhaps at the price of some politicians being found out for what they really are. Unlike others Trump is in power for America and its legal citizens to work and prosper..The first potus to be brave enough to do this. I feel Merkel is an empire builder on the backs of her own people.

  10. “Many of them spoke in a damaging way. Who would you call up in the future when there are problems? Prayut won’t be there anymore. Also, don’t ask the military to stage a coup. No one wants to do that if you didn’t create problems.”  

       This guy is unbelievable. the part about Prayut will not be there anymore. is like he thinks without him the country will flounder. A bit of an ego gone ballistic maybe.?I said maybe no offence right.and it was a question.

     The one Do not ask the military to stage a coup makes me wonder also. Who ask for all the coups this country has had?

       Like every thing that has happened in the last 3 years this will probably follow the same route. The government makes a statement today that elections will not be delayed and then tomorrow they will announce a delay in election.

    “I never said, even once, that there’ll be no election. Why did they interpret my words in such a way?

     I am excited waiting to see how this plays out. Lets just hope I do not wait in jail for this post.

  11. Just now, robblok said:

    I found a website with water levels of the dams.. there you can see how fast the dam was filled in just a short time.. one more of these increases and they are forced to release all the water. So they are doing a good job this time. The increase happened in just a few days.. so its really possible to go too high if they don't release more water.


    That is why i wanted to see the website so i could make a post based on facts. 





    Ok  thanks for the chart. What is it saying I am not quite sure.  Looks to me like it is 15% full but rose quickly.It looks like 10% in  2 months to me. So have a few months to go at this rate before it would be a problem right. To me this chart shows we have time for a release in the future.Thanks for giving us the facts.

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