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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I was single till I came to Thailand. All the plus;s for single donot come close to what I experience now that I have my wife to love. Caring for someone I love and doing whats right for her, gives me more joy than anything I did when single.Making efforts to always be there for her and make things good for her give me more happiness than anything I ever owned or anything I ever did.i have learned that love is about taking care of those closest to you.Maybe I am old and sensitive now but I like it.

  2. Seen some Brass Monkeys looking for something in the grass but !

    regards Worgeordie

    I know i will sound like a jerk here so please forgive me.But just got to tell every one because it is a common mistake.

    On ships years ago with cannons aboard,they had to store the cannon balls on shelves or trays. These shelves or trays were made of brass.and were called monkeys.. When it got really cold the brass monkeys would contract and the balls would fall off of the shelves or trays. Strange but true.

  3. exactly same story with the only difference my FIL is a youngster of 74.

    He lives in the village where houses are close together, and has a farm a few miles outside the village where he grows rice and on one side vegetables and fruit.

    He rides his three wheel bicycle there every day. I offered to buy him a pickup truck or what ever he wanted but he refuses, Then I posted a thread in this forum to find out if and where I could motorize is bicycle and snick it in. But I did not get a good answer.

    Any way, I prickle when I hear people criticizing the Thai people , I will admite I dont know all of them, but the very few I know are very nice hard working people. Love them to death, cant wait to retire and spend as much time as I can with them

    PS: you should see him climb a tree.

    Thank you for sharing your storysmile.png

    Speaking about tree climbing.

    One day my fil's oldest daughter wanted some mangoes from a tree in the yard. She couldnot get at some because of to many branches in the way. Her husband my brother in law , who is 66 climbed the tree like a youngster,pushed the branches aside and she got her mangoes. He climbed down not even had a sweat on..Got to love these guys.

  4. ^^^^^^

    Turned any Harleys around on a 4 ft wide raised levee between two paddyfields recently? rolleyes.gif

    I'm not suggesting a Harley. I'm suggesting that a really small bike isn't very stable as bumps will push it around too much. I'm also concerned that the OP thinks we need a small bike to be maneuverable which is often an indication that skills are lacking to make a bigger bike dance.

    In the video, the rider is making the bike do all of the work and pull him around rather than him pushing it around. Note that when he reaches the starting gate and waits for the start signal, he doesn't even put a foot down as he sits there stopped, waiting to start. There are methods for everything he's doing. He couldn't do all of that to that 700+ pound bike via muscle. It's all technique.


    Ya Right the op is going to buy a bike in Thailand take a high level course in driving and handling give me a break. He is looking for a small bike to go sight seeing. you can tell by the post it could have even been written by a woman.. Some one who knows nothing and is seeking real advice not have some one talking way over their heads to make themsleves feel good about what they know. I usually like your posts but this one was way off in my opinion and of no help to the op.

  5. Honda wave 110 cc. Off road stay away from scooter designs and anything that is automatic or ride like a scooter.Honda wave way safer for down hill on the country roads because it is standard transmission. More stable to ride than scooter style bikes.Can get in 100 cc also.Can go as slow as you like.Bigger wheels than most scooters.Easy to pick up if it falls down. Best bike for your buck all round.

  6. Cannot arque with that.It is party central. If a guy is level headed and stays away from illegal things and behaves himself can party till he drops and have no problem. if he just wants fun and knows when to stop a guy will be fine. But if a guy makes a problem at all it gets around quick and then the guy has to watch his step.

  7. Do not know anyone here in Thailand working the fields back home.But my family that has companies working in the fields are still working just not as much. Their water trucks are still hauling water to the rigs,just not as many trucks are needed some drivers are laid off. The pilot service for moving rigs on the highway is doing ok,rigs are still being taken down and moved. Radiology is suffering the most,lots of their workers are working way less hours., Enjoy your work well you have it.

  8. The worst I have ever seen it for rats was in Bangkok in Soi Ngam Duphil I was at a hotel in the restaurant with a singer. Rats were running up and down the curtain behind the singer and all around her on the stage. The floor was so full of rats they would rub against me well running around. I left and when outside saw rats running around tail to nose inline all around on top the fences,all over the swimming pool furniture. literally every where. Thousands of them.They were even in the elevator. Years ago this hotel was the hotspot for entetainment. Long gone is its glory days.I cannot give the name of hotel I think against forum rules but can give phrase they had on a sign in front for years as a hint. "Day-off International Club- Paradise For Everyone-You'll Never Be Alone Again"

    Never been back not even sure if still there.

  9. I really enjoyed your story lovelomsak.

    I too was fortunate to have a great father-in-law. He was a farmer, and farmed all his life. However, Tatay was capable of many other things: carpentry, masonry, hunting, fishing, and making tuba (coconut wine).

    He and my mother-in-law once visited us on our old farm in West Virginia. I was building a rear porch on our cabin—had to dig out the hillside to do it. We did it with pick and shovel, he worked circles around me. When actually nailing the porch together, I asked him to cut 10 inches off a board. He started sawing without measuring, I repeated 10 inches. Yeah, yeah, he said, and handed the board to me; it was perfect.

    When Tatay met my good friend, backwoods mentor, and old West Virginian who used to own my land, they became fast friends—farmer to farmer, I guess. You have to realize, this is boondocksville, 3 miles to the nearest neighbor, 31 miles to the nearest grocery store, and only about 60% of that distance is paved. There are no others than white people living there--no blacks, no Hispanics. My wife was the first Asian in that area. So, all the locals were eager to meet the new "China" man. Tatay and my friend went everywhere together. They walked the woods, tasted the earth, discussed farming techniques, visited all the neighbors for a jaw.

    They found they had one more thing in common, making wine. One afternoon they failed to return from their daily walks around the land. I jumped on my four-wheeler to look for them. I found them in the friend’s old cellar, drinking blackberry wine and drunker than any expat.

    That is one difference I see between our two wonderful fathers-in-law, mine rarely went to bed early. He loved to hold court in his drinking shed at home with all his compadres about, he always had a chicken of two ready for the fights, and was known to be friendly with several local ladies. However, he died at 75; so there may be a moral here somewhere.

    I loved the old coot. Once he saw I loved his daughter, we were best mates.

    Your last statement rings so true for me also.When I first started dating my wife every time I was visiting at FIL house he was always busy doing something that required having a machete by his side and would give me the eye. Now we are the best of friends since he knows I love his daughter,he cannot do enough for us,and never see the machete any more.

  10. Just have to tell everyone about my father in law.

    He is 88 years old. But thinks he is 35. Yesterday the family could not find him in the village. He called late in the afternoon to come get him at his sisters village 25 kilometers away. He had rode his bike 25 kilo to see his sister and would have rode in home if he didnot get a flat tire. This is petal bike not motor. 2 years ago he did the same thing but rode it back also. He told the wife the next day he was a little stiff..

    He does not understand to old or cannot do. If he wants to do something he just does it.and he can at that age amazing guy.

    He keeps a garden 40 feet by 20 feet.Digs it all himself and tends it.When one crop is done he digs it up replants.I came to the house just when he was finishing planting his last garden. He planted each plant one at a time bent over and placing it in the ground. It would have killed me but for him just what he does.

    He wanted me to have a place to park my car in the yard when I came to his house. He moved a fence and built parking for me. This guy is 88. Bult his own chicken coup last year.

    One day I was loading a truck for a friend with some bamboo roofing. The fil thought I was working to slow came over and started to pick up the pace for me. My friend stood back couldnot keep up.

    He eats like a working man in his 20's. No toast and tea for this guy.

    When he comes to my house he grabs my tools and gets to work doing things he feels I either donot know how to do or cannot do.

    He is an inspiration to any and all men.

    Loves his family and they love him.

    i just wanted everyone to know about this guy he is great.

    Most of us will be lucky to see 88. Never mind out work the young whippersnaps around us.

    He is never idle,but in bed by 8.

    The 88 year old super man

    I told my wife today I want to die before him I could not bare to him die he is my hero.

  11. Great to hear this.Maybe in the future can have Thai represented in the paralympics. My club in Canada is very involved with handicapped sailing. we have also adapted a few for their use. We train the paralympians at our club and usually bring home some medals. I wish this group all the best and am looking forward to more good news about their activity on the water.

  12. Gee think about it.Maybe a crime had just been committed by a black in the area and picked him up to be in the line up for witness identification. Many reasons they could have picked him up.Or was picked up for being black just his excuse so he did not have to tell you the real reason.

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