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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I understand exactly what you are saying.Thailand is Thailand and it will never change just do window dressing.But people will keep coming chasing the dream.Most tourists on 2 week holidays just want to live it up. they overspend. The overspending cushions them most of the time from the in your face crime and discrimination.Over spend every one takes care of you.,money talks and walks here.They donot have time to think about costs they only think wowi am eating papaya salad and sticky rice cannot get that at home.Who cares what it costs I am experiencing it.These people will keep coming. I saw it happen in Mexico over 30 years ago. Cancun draws many people but is far from being real Mexico.Same will happen here.

    They donot care how corrupt the government is just give them 2 weeks of feeling like they are somebody.Over charging is ok by them because they are to stupid to learn about the country before they come. Fun is the sun.

    Also good on you for going budget now.The little you spend will actually do more for the country than the large you spent before. To live for 3 months on that you will be dealing with the people who work hard for little and appreciate everything they get.

  2. All I say is I bought a sharp rice cooker 9 years ago still works fine. Have Sharp refrigerator 7 years works fine,got free Samsung microwave when I bought fridge that still works fine.

    I feel most brand name products are competitive and its hard to say which is best. My advice would be to simply buy brand name when on sale.

  3. Makes me wonder. What if the Oscars said we donot care if you boycott. Life goes on around you.If people of colour donot wish to paticipate it is free country and their choice but they are invited to join,but up to them what they do.. But thank you for all the extra publicity. In a couple of years of boycott they would all be back begging to get recognition.

    How important are they too the film industry. Can it not go on without them

  4. I havenot watched the oscars for decades. Who cares,so what big deal.

    I often wonder what would they call it if white people did something like this. Probably call it racist . No matter what side the blacks are on the whites are called rascist.

    I always thought oscars were given by the industry to honour the best of the year . If you're not the best not honoured. It isnot the best black or white it is the best. If any given year people many people donot make the oscar cut.what does color have to do with talent .What do they want to do bring down the standard on Oscars along with everything else in America. Maybe change the name to Oscar Baltimore

  5. Not even a boom on it as far as I can see in the picture. Probably cannot even sail was motoring every where.

    I wish they would have told us if he took the passengers to the same island as the boat ended up on,or drifted completely away and beached on another island.

    have to agree with JIMI007 scope and size of anchor. is so important.

  6. I am not trying to high jack this thread but since we are talking meat pies here I wonder if you guys could help me on something.

    I am unaccustmed to eating meat pies but they interest me. I am a steak and potato man. Canadian

    The way you describe them here sounds so tastey I would like to try some next time in Pattaya. So I am asking could you please tell me what kind of pie to order and what to order with it.and maybe where I can get also.I honestly want to try some.Really would appreciate help here. I donot wish to go through trial and error to know what is good and what isnot.

  7. The longer i live here the more it costs me. 30 years ago I could come on a holiday stay in 150 baht air con hot water,tv rooms.Now that room is 750 baht. Noodles were 15 or 20 baht. Now 35 or 40.. Female company 200 baht. Suzuki Caribbean was the vehicle.of choice for those who could afford it. Buy a rai of land 35,000 baht. Good 3 bedroom house 400,000 baht.No bar fines many places and if there was one it was a little 200 baht or so.Meals were served with free rice. Medical services were cheap.

    i could come here and spend less than 1000 baht a day and have a good room eat in decent places,travel around,different gf every night,use taxis,and not worry about the costs.This was holiday costs which are far greater than living costs.

    Now I live here and I go through 30,000 before the end of the first week of each month. Yes it has got quite a bit more expensive. In the last 5 years pork has doubled in price. House purchasing has gone off the chart. Some will say still cheaper than their home country. that may be true but Thailand is a long ways from as cheap as what I knew it as when I first came,or as enjoyable.

  8. Years ago when i was tourist here I took a day to ride an elephant. the mahout had a metal bar that had a hook on one side he used to steer the elephant. He would hook the ear of the elephant for some things or hit the elephant with the iron bar in the middle of the forehead for other things. Worked ok except when the elephant stopped to rip up a banana tree and eat it. No matter how hard he hit it with the bar the elephant wasnot going any where till it was finished eating.

  9. Why would a man chose to do internet business well sitting in a bar or restaurant. To many distractions. I think it would be a lot smarter to do at home where it is private and no one to bother you or distractions.

    I think some guys get off on being seen working on their computer in public.Makes them the modern man.I see them more as insecure little men who need recognition,and acceptance as being cool.

    Tell your friend to do his business in private and after go to bars and enjoy the bar. Problem solved.

    Many plonkers sitting in a bar with a beer and a laptop fancy themselves a "digital nomad".

    Exactly fancy themselves :digital nomads" If digital nomad means you need to be available 24/7 online every where you go who would want the work? A slave to the keyboard. Same level as a drug dealer on a street corner,out in public view. I feel a smart person doing internet work can do it and have freedom from it also.Only guys who need the assurance they are in the circle do it in public. Every time I see these guys I feel sorry for them. Its like a badge saying the user is in the digital world.I know many people who are quite wealthy from internet work but never see them pounding the keys in public.

  10. Why would a man chose to do internet business well sitting in a bar or restaurant. To many distractions. I think it would be a lot smarter to do at home where it is private and no one to bother you or distractions.

    I think some guys get off on being seen working on their computer in public.Makes them the modern man.I see them more as insecure little men who need recognition,and acceptance as being cool.

    Tell your friend to do his business in private and after go to bars and enjoy the bar. Problem solved.

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