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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I posted to try and get a consensus if expats care who is governing and how the country is being ran. But realise I posted poorly. But thanks for the replies.

    I personally could careless what happens here as long as the exchange rate stays good, my wife is happy. The son graduates from university. And costs remain reasonable. A monkey from Lopburi could take over governing,I wouldnot care as long as my life didnot change.

  2. I am wondering if expats even care what happens in Thailand. Most of us knew before we came here about the issues internally Thailand had. But came anyways because it was cheap and women are submissive. We post here on TV but it is foreigners views from countries which carries no weight as credible. Expats see Thailand news everyday. Most foreign countries newspapers seldom mention Thailand. The rest of the world is ignorant to what goes on here. It stays teflon Thailand no matter what goes on internally because foreign countries want cheap goods and dog and cat food.and donot care who or how its done to get it to them as long as large chainstores stocks it..

    So my question is Do you really care what happens here as long the exchange rate is good and nothing disturbs your personal lifestyle.

  3. Have not heard of any either. But in my wife's village one woman went away I believe it was Korea to work and sent her money home for her sister ti invest,for her so she would have wealth when she returned. Well the sister invested it in a land and house. When the girl came home the sister had everything in her own name and left the sister who went away to work with nothing not even a place to live.The girl now walking around the village like a vagrant and no one helps. the village men use her. This story is sad it shows me how even the family donot respect the girls that do sacrifice themselves.

    I think the ones you are referring to are hill tribes.There they have people come to the tribe and get contracts from the families for the girls for 1 or 2 years. this goes within the human trafficing problem Thailand has.It is my understanding it is ran mostly by the stronger Karen tribes. these women also service just about 100% Thai clients and foreigners never see them. they are the ones that 20 years ago were chained to their beds at night.But things are changing I hope.

  4. If you really feel you MUST complain, the proper way is to go to the phooyai ban, not the kamnan or the TAO/PAO. If he feels your complaint might be justified he will then take it up with your neighbour. If you now start approaching your neighbour directly then you become the one who is causing a problem, not your neighbour. That's the way it's done. Having said that, there are chickens and roosters galore wandering around this village, and through our garden, crowing and clucking at all hours. You'll get used to it. Better than having a neighbour with a humungus great stereo who wants everyone to know it at 6am.

    I think this is the best answer to your problem. Phooyai Ban sorts things out.

  5. She speaks up for sex workers I really like that. A smart woman in the business can do a lot with the money they make like she points out and with their free time develop themselves. Too bad most donot see that and get caught up in bad habits and abused by others.

    On the same note I would like to mention men who marry the bargirls and take them out of the business should get better support too. I believe these guys get mote girls out of the business than INGO'S or NGO'S combined. And people give them a hard time for it. They ,make an honest woman out of them and get no respect.

    The problem is these "sex workers" only live for today. I would guesstimate the numbers at less than .1% of them actually save and invest in their future. They have 3000 baht today, so they share 500 with one "sister" and 300 with another "sister" and go make a payment on a loan to someone who is charging 20% interest monthly. Yes, they are sending money home for kids, parents, siblings, but just as you said "A smart woman in the business" - few and far between......

    Legalize it, tax it, regulate it, give them safety, give them access to quality health care, take it away from the streets and into designated areas. These are ways to keep them from being "sold" by a destitute family, trafficked, pimped etc. It has gone on for thousands of years and will for thousands more.

    Yes I am aware that sex workers live for today it seems to go with the job. But women like the ones this story is about can be examples to the rest and perhaps be role models for others.to change it for some at least.

    What did you think of my men marrying them as being unsung hero's?

  6. Yes , pay backdates on tax and basic insurance. A bigger problem may be with the truck not moving for 5 years. Depends on how well its been stored. Has it been cowered up and dry stored.

    Thanks I never considered some of these things. Maybe still has 5 year old oil I donot know. Everything looks good. Box looks like nothing was ever put in it. The body is in good shape and tires look good but maybe hard from age not sure. But the price is very good. I wonder how much taxes and basic insurance would be. I drove it runs great. So will go back look again and ask questions.

  7. She speaks up for sex workers I really like that. A smart woman in the business can do a lot with the money they make like she points out and with their free time develop themselves. Too bad most donot see that and get caught up in bad habits and abused by others.

    On the same note I would like to mention men who marry the bargirls and take them out of the business should get better support too. I believe these guys get mote girls out of the business than INGO'S or NGO'S combined. And people give them a hard time for it. They ,make an honest woman out of them and get no respect.

  8. As far as I know there is no law about this. Property owners can do what they want on their property except have the rainwater from their roof fall directly into the neighbours property. Donot expect anything to happen to change this. Thais have lived like this for centuries. They arenot going to change because some foreigner moves in and wants laws made to protect his lifestyle. you knew it was rural Thailand when you bought and built . It is still rural Thailand and you need to change not them. Either you werenot aware of the reality or you feel you want to live in Thailand with too many laws same as the country you came from. This isnot a nanny state.

    My neighbours chickens come in my yard I have to chase them out before the dog gets them. In rural Thailand you have to live and let live..

    also most Thais are up at 4 am so noise after that means nothing to them.

  9. I am looking at purchasing a used truck. But I am concerned about one thing.

    The present owner has the bluebook,but she hasnot renewed the book for 5 years. She didnot use the truck so didnot bother.

    My question is. If I buy the truck what happens about the last 5 years not being registered? Will it be a big problem or do I just pay the road tax accumulated and thats it.

    I havenot bought yet because not sure how big of headache this is.

  10. Just another reason to never go to Phuket. But I wish to add one thing. People come here to get away from nanny states but when something like this happens suggest the nanny state rules and procedures to stop it. Maybe some of these guys should make up their mind do they want to live in a nanny state or not. Thailand is known for being lawless accept it.

    Calling the police to trespass and evict an 86'd bar patron is living in a nanny state? Thailand is only lawless in the eyes of the PTP.

    Went back and read the op and couldnot find the part about police trespass and 86'd bar patron and to be honest donot know what they have to do with this topic. What is a 86"d patron since I donot know and was never mentioned till you mentioned it. As far as lawless, that was the consensus long before PTP came into being.So in my opinion is just a fabrication on your part.

  11. Just another reason to never go to Phuket. But I wish to add one thing. People come here to get away from nanny states but when something like this happens suggest the nanny state rules and procedures to stop it. Maybe some of these guys should make up their mind do they want to live in a nanny state or not. Thailand is known for being lawless accept it.

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