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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I had to use cabs everyday at work. We had one driver a wannabe tough guy who was always a problem. One day he was driving for me and i ask him for a pickup time to come and get me. I told him donot be late for I am catching a plane to Mexico and time is precious. Well he stopped the taxi in the middle of no where and told me to get out he wasnot going to do what I ask.This guy was big and looked tough.I argued with him for about 2 minutes then just lost it. I grabbed his throat and pushed him down with his head between the seat and the car door. and choked him,until he said he would do as I ask.

    He did as ask. But when I returned from Mexico mister big wannabe tough guy had me arrested and charged,came to court with neckbrace the whole nine yards.The judge looked at me 5ft 6inches 125 pounds and him 6ft 4 inches 280 pounds and dismissed the case.

    Bad drivers can happen any where.

  2. I think it is time the world got real. You look at the terrorists. They claim french or English or American citizenship. But they were all immgrants who received citizenship after migrating to these countries.We let them in give them citizenship and then the turn on us. Now the UN says donot blame refuges. They will be the next terrorists,but its ok with the UN. Take all the refuges to an Island give them tools and let them survive on their own. Maybe then people when learn to clean up their own countries instead of bringing their problems to others..

  3. What difference does it make who fills the time in an english study class, the students donot bother to learn english be it an native english speaker a filipino or a thai. The teacher is not the problem the whole system is screwed. kids pass without learning a thing. Why pay high salaries for nothing.

    My stepson is a prime example. the wife had him in classes to learn english when he was 4 years old. He studied english all through school at school and sometimes with tutors, He is now 21 and in university and cannot sat anything other than" hello" and does not understand one word I say when I talk english with him

    Why should the schools waste money to turn out people like that. Let the Thai teacher baby sit the kids till they are out of the system and let it go at that.

    Also if the kids get proficient in english they may start to get smarter from reading english articles on the web. Which will make it harder to keep them under the military's thumb.

  4. I think fear is worse than taking risks. Fear controls you. risk frees you. Living with risk a person is alive, living with fear a person is crippled. I would rather be the guy climbing around fixing the light bulb than a guy on the ground having a heart attack watching.

    Well! You are either Superman or Evil Knievel! I can't quite figure out which.

    But what is for sure is that you have never seen a man lose a couple of fingers on a Construction Site for being careless with a grinding and cutting tool. Or a young man in a comma and perhaps a vegetable for the rest of his life because he fell off of a high railing in a Compressor Building, and hit his head on a cement floor, and all because nobody trained him or told him to wear a safety harness. Had you seen this like I have, I am sure you wouldn't be talking so smart.

    There is a big difference between being Stupid and being Brave. Not being afraid when you are doing a dangerous act for your life, or others, is being Stupid. But winners of the highest award for Bravery in the USA, the "Congressional Medal of Honor", will all tell you this. They were scared Sh_tless when performing this act of courage. See the difference? .

    I quess my post was a little misunderstood. I know fear and being scared shitless has happened a few times. Overcoming that fear to survive gives a man selfworth and confidence and to know living afraid of things is worse than death. Fear does cripple if not taken on head first.I have seen the light go out and fought well subconsious until it came back. Death is relaxing fear hurts you. I have been left for dead right here in Thailand 25 years ago. I didnot run away I am still here by choice. so i want you to know I do know the Difference.And I an all "Congressional Medal Of Honour " recipients would probably say the same. I have lashed myself to my boat with full sails singlehanding in 50 plus knot winds I know having to fight through fear also.

  5. the problem is if they introduce regulations for safety etc it will start to raise the prices of everything which will then be another moaner for all those that want it to be cheap here, you cant start to add western values in the workplace etc without also raising all the related costs. It would be the same if people demanded qualified tradesmen be used in building, the prices would skyrocket, health and safety would do the same as it would add extra costs into the pricing structure. Unfortunately we cant have it both ways if the thais/westerners want the prices to remain low which makes if very prickly

    You are spot on. I had friend Cambodia Chinese immigrate to California.When he had enough money saved from working he opened mom and pop liqour store.Built up the business and would sell them for good profit. Did 3 was doing great. Decided to buy a gas station and make real money. Well with the gas station came employees ,with employees came taxes,health insurance,unemployment insurance,paid holidays etc all the things that go with employment of staff in America. In less than a year he closed the doors and walked away. He said with all the rules he couldnot make money.He actually just walked away from the business.

    He was used to undercutting others to make a go of it. and with all the extra costs involved with workers he could not do that and make a profit. He could not compete when having to take good care of the employee.

  6. How dare you call me a liar ?

    Well it just goes to show how wrong you are , ( is this the first time ) ? as I received my 1 year extension within 40 mins of walking in the immigration office.

    My bank does it every year in English also. they just state my balance is over 800,00 and leave it at that. works every time with copies of every page of bank book.

  7. ok, its just weird that they never tried to make her pay when she was earning 100k+ a month and now they decide to more than double the loan and go after. All her bank accounts always have updated address and she'S had the same phone number since then.

    I would think some one has put press on the bank to collect old student loans and your wife is an easy one to communicate with because she has same phone number and accounts.they didnot have to work hard to find her. Until they were pressed to do something they probably didnot care.

  8. Now whether you agree with the Australian governments policy on how they deal with refugees is neither here nor there. But we are talking about people that have fled their country for various reasons, so they should be treated with some respect until they have been processed and categorized. I worked at the Australian run Manus Island detention centre in PNG as a Security Guard. Was in the thick of it in the riots there in Feb 2014. I can fully understand why they rioted and I would have done the same if I was in their shoes. It is a prison and the conditions are filthy. The heat and humidity is constant and the locals hate them. The same applies to Nauru but they have just made some big changes there. I have spoken to plenty of these boys on Manus and some have real horror stories of why they fled. But having said that, I know that there a minority that aren't genuine and just looking for a better life. Sure, most of them (not all) have an option to return home, but that is just not possible for some. And these boys have been there for over two years now and still not getting processed. It is a cluster all round on the part of the Aus & PNG govts.

    And this new crackdown by Australia, deporting non Aussie citizens back to their home country if they have committed serious crime/s, seems to have caught up a fair few Kiwis. Hundreds I believe. Some of these Kiwis have lived all their life in Oz and never even visited NZ. That would be an eye opener for them. I also worked in the Police Watchouse on the Gold Coast and every 2nd person that came through that place was born in NZ..

    Seems by what you say it is not a good idea to be a refugee in these camps. In the future they should ask the people if they want to be rescued or float around in the ocean till a better offer comes their way. Or get their specifics well on the boat and let them know they will get back to them on the boat when the have been processed and categorized

  9. These legal refugees have been captured on the high seas by Australian Navy / Border Force(?) and put in offshore prison camps. Some have been illegally imprisoned for up to five years. Including young children. It has all been done in secret as Government Minister(s) do not comment on 'on water operations' whatever that means. Workers in the prison camps are under threat of two years imprisonment if they speak out. No press are permitted in the prison camps. There have been reports that Australian Government officials have engaged in paying people smugglers. There have been reports of torture, including 'water boarding' of refugees, rapes and children molested, one female refugee is currently on mainland Australia receiving 'medical treatment' due to a pregnancy after being raped numerous times. A number of deaths have been reported but no details as to how the deaths / murders (?) occurred. Four prisoners were 'resettled' in Cambodia at a cost of $AU50M to the Australian taxpayer.

    This harsh secretive 'Sovereign Borders' policy was put in place by the recently sacked Conservative Prime Minister Abbott and is one of the many reasons for his dismissal.

    It will be to the shame of the good Australian people that they did not stand up to the violation of the basic human rights of these people fleeing war torn countries and seeking sanctuary.

    Why do you call these places prison camps? My understanding is they are intern camps for refugees. If the place is full of thugs who riot and destroy I would suspect they are the ones also doing the raping and other injustices. Just goes to show the Australian government should have left them afloat at sea to be at the mercy of the sea. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  10. I bought one for the wife when she was my girlfriend. Just went into Honda dealership with her told her pick out a honda wave you want. She picked it our I paid. So simple. Donot tell the person you are giving it to it is for her. Just tell the person you are looking and want some help with advice. Which one she would buy? then buy it for her.

  11. Gee These migrants are not putting up a very good arquement to be let into a civilized country. They are not even in yet and are rioting and destroying things. what will they do when they get inside the borders. Build some nice ghettos for crime and riots like America has in Baltimore,Detroit etc.. Why would a country want people like this. They werenot happy in their own country and already are showing they arenot happy with Australia. Where does it end? I would send them back and say work out your problems before you try and come back to Australia. I would tell them we donot need your crap we offer help as better country to live and already you try to drag us down. Go home and grow up.

    They seem to be learning that violent outbreaks will get them worldwide media coverage.

    Also sympathy and support from many people in Australia and elsewhere

    Gee when I read it I felt no sympathy for them. i felt they were ungrateful ,demanding and use thuggery to get what they want. i only loathed them after reading this. they show up at some ones doorstep begging and then riot when they donot get what they want the way they want send them back and get a reality check till they learn to act civilized.

    I'm sure that your attitude prevails in Australia and most of the western countries.

    However, there is a vocal minority who support asylum seekers, either out of genuine sympathy or to support an agenda.

    I support asylum seekers but I donot support thugs and people who make demands on countries coming to their aid i have strong sympathy for good people to have a good life and welcome immigrants with open arms that arenot actively assaulting and rioting in the country trying to assist them. Back in Canada in the 50's some of my neighbours gave land to immigrants to help them start a new life . All or most of my friends in Canada are first generation Canadian. But the difference between the immigrants I knew and grew up with and these ones is simple. The ones i grew up became contributing memebers of society. And their children are too. The migrants in Australia that did this donot deserve the chance.

    Immigration isnot there to bring down the established society.

    Just read your posting name good one. Ever hear of the term bleeding deacon

  12. Gee These migrants are not putting up a very good arquement to be let into a civilized country. They are not even in yet and are rioting and destroying things. what will they do when they get inside the borders. Build some nice ghettos for crime and riots like America has in Baltimore,Detroit etc.. Why would a country want people like this. They werenot happy in their own country and already are showing they arenot happy with Australia. Where does it end? I would send them back and say work out your problems before you try and come back to Australia. I would tell them we donot need your crap we offer help as better country to live and already you try to drag us down. Go home and grow up.

    They seem to be learning that violent outbreaks will get them worldwide media coverage.

    Also sympathy and support from many people in Australia and elsewhere

    Gee when I read it I felt no sympathy for them. i felt they were ungrateful ,demanding and use thuggery to get what they want. i only loathed them after reading this. they show up at some ones doorstep begging and then riot when they donot get what they want the way they want send them back and get a reality check till they learn to act civilized.

  13. Gee These migrants are not putting up a very good arquement to be let into a civilized country. They are not even in yet and are rioting and destroying things. what will they do when they get inside the borders. Build some nice ghettos for crime and riots like America has in Baltimore,Detroit etc.. Why would a country want people like this. They werenot happy in their own country and already are showing they arenot happy with Australia. Where does it end? I would send them back and say work out your problems before you try and come back to Australia. I would tell them we donot need your crap we offer help as better country to live and already you try to drag us down. Go home and grow up.

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