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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. The prime minister reveals his feelings in his own hand-writing expressing his desire for the public to have the right to control their lives and not be at the mercy of politicians.

    I quess its better to be at the mercy of the military.I donot know never lived in a military ran country before.i have been burdened with democracy ,elections,free speech,,you know the things kind of things where politicians are voted in office.

  2. Maybe Koh Chang is the tip of the iceburg for tourism to small islands. Of course unless the can accommodate bus loads of Chinses tourists. But if the big tourist bus cannot get to a place they will have a hard time in the future getting tourists.To many other places for tourists with the interests that made Koh Chang and others like it popular. Places that donot kill their tourists.

  3. If repayment is not an option, what can they do?

    Since when has repayment not an option when borrowing money? I read somewhere a while ago the government has a service where they pay off the loans to sharks and set a reasonable monthly payment for the person to pay at low interest till the debt is paid. I think it is on a thread even here in Thai Visa do a little searching. But I would like to add never should a borrower feel repayment isnot an option.Repayment is the responsibility of borrowing.

  4. Are you Canadian? Visa for Thai women tightened in Canada quite a few years ago. 40 years ago had a real problem with thai women coming to Canada then going to America and not returning to Thailand.I would advise to get to the embassy and start the process as soon as possible.Could easily take more than 6 months if you are Canadian and can sponsor her. If you arenot Canadian and she is only gf good luck.

  5. Pattaya is party central. I suggest you just go and learn as you go. Everyone there is an expert so will gets lots of advice of where to go what to do there from any barstool. farang.

    Depends are your budget but have holels from 700 baht up all along second road. The Diana is an old one but good location for walking distance to many things and baht bus goes right by. Pattaya is all about nightlife you have be there a while to decide for yourself which part you like the most. It it all depends on your age what you like etc.. In 2 days you will be ale to decide whats for you.

    Good luck and have fun.

  6. Good story. Sounds like you have created a stable home for your step daughter congratulations you can communicate with her.. My stepdaughter doesnot even recognise my existence.. She dislikes me very much.

    I am envious of you.Keep up the good work.

    Have you asked her, and also her mother why she dislikes you so much?

    I am not saying you must be a bad person, probably far from it.

    But there has to be a reason, no normal person dislikes anybody for no reason.

    Well, just a guess, but maybe it is someone who complains at home about "Thai people" - Thai people, this and that - well, eventually Thai people get sick of the criticism and generalizations… I see so many complaints about Thai people doing things - lying - but Westerners do too - only they think that their lies are ok - there was just recently an op who taped an airport encounter where he kept lying to the driver and trying to beeat him out of 50 baht - if a Thai did a small thing like that there would be squealing and stereotyping here… like I said, just a guess but in this life, it seems you get back what you put out. Kindness begets kindness - repeated criticism may very well beget being ignored..

    Nice try but way off.

    The stepdaughter had a very hard childhood. Her father was and is an alcoholic who contributed nothing to the family or home. But for some reason the daughter loves him a lot and misses him. Her room is full of pictures of him and any related ones with the anyone of the family with him. I she feel is taking up some of his traits too. She never comes home saturday nights goes out saturday afternoon comes home 5 pm sunday. Sometimes goes friday comes home sunday. She doesnot hear me say. a thing she is never home. During the week she comes home with the wife after school and then changes clothes and takes wifes honda wave and goes out till 11 pm. Goes to bed without a word gets up in the morning goes to school.. Never eats at home. Donot know where she gets her money from wife says she only gives her 1500 baht a month.

    And I mostly praise most thai ways donot know where you got the impression I say negative things.,it is definitely unfounded. Wifes family loves me but the dauhter is just trouble. Her mother is afraid she will leave home if either of us say anything to her. So she runs wild.

    She will do anything she can to disrupt the harmony in our lives. On our wedding day she did everything she could wreck occasion. When we all moved in together I had to stop the wife from fighting with her.Wife was ready to whip her with a clothes hanger.

    Anything I do to try and develop a relationship she ignores. I feel she gets a sense of power from non communication..

    The son loves me and calls me Dad and introduces me to his friends and father. When he comes home from university to visit with his gf treats me like his father.Father in law and brother inlaw cannot do enough for me to show they care for me. Daughter is the only problem and I know I didnot make the problem.

  7. Christ this makes an appearance at least once a week with a different photo, of course Thailand has a water problem , it has been evident for at least a decade and it was probably caused by consecutive Administrations doing jack crap so lets cut to the chase , stop ya talking and start doing the right thing by the people of Thailand and if it means cancelling the High Speed . slow speed trains , so be it.........coffee1.gif

    Bangkok can't live without the skytrains....

    And without the hydrodams and sufficient water in the chaopraya river it also can't produce electricity or fresh drinkingwater. or just article 44 to get what they need

  8. Christ this makes an appearance at least once a week with a different photo, of course Thailand has a water problem , it has been evident for at least a decade and it was probably caused by consecutive Administrations doing jack crap so lets cut to the chase , stop ya talking and start doing the right thing by the people of Thailand and if it means cancelling the High Speed . slow speed trains , so be it.........coffee1.gif

    Bangkok can't live without the skytrains....

    And without the hydrodams and sufficient water in the chaopraya river it also can't produce electricity or fresh drinkingwater.

    Why does Bangkok need electricity and drinking water anyways.They can just go to bed when the sun sets and drink juice.

  9. Do you guys remember the one a while ago where a man beat a woman to death in front of people I think it was at a Wat function and nothing happened to him. People just watched. He wanted money for whiskey and she wouldnot give it to him. She was washing the dishes for the party for 100 baht and he wanted the money..She was a single woman he would go to her house ,rape her ,beat her,take her money. The village called it a relationship and others donot get involved in domestic fights. Weird huh..

  10. I like pipelines my brother in law has a never ending job in radiology xraying the pipeline for cracks. The more pipe the more radiologists are needed. Business is good. I love the oil industry. Family is also into water trucks for the rigs when they drill. And when are moving we run the pilot cars. We make money if they are drilling piping or moving.. Oil is good to us.

  11. So many posters here seem to delight in bashing the man in charge here, but he DID save the country from imminent civil war, and IMHO is doing the best he can to get rid of the massive corruption endemic in the country. Those who can ... do, those who can,t ,,, teach, those who are absolutely no good at anything ... criticize smile.png The way things were going before, the whole country would now belong to the thaksin family, and the streets would have armed bands of redshirt thugs roaming around doing as they pleased, and don,t tell me this is not so because I have seen it with my own eyes !

    NO, he did not save the country from civil war. He allowed chaos to reign until it looked better for the army to take over. He was always going to seize power. It was only about timing. He never raised a finger to help the elected government. That's the real crime. He aloud the gangs of Bangkok to do whatever they wanted. Now his actions could possible lead the country into civil war. And he's a bit dull to boot.

    You forgot to mention that if the police tried to assist the elected government he would have intervened to protect the people creating chaos.. So either way he would have his coup.

  12. I feel sorry for the kid. I was on a flight to the US about 5 months after 9/11 from Thailand and this Muslim man in front of me checking in. Had no check in or carry on baggage and no one said a damn thing about it.

    I was to come to thailand from Seattle the friday after 911 by flight was cancelled I left a week later. i always used to come to Thailand with a small carry on with basic toiletries and 3 changes of clothes. I would buy clothes on the holiday and fill a suitcase to go back. So any ways when I go to check in at Seattle the immigration officer was shocked to see I only had a carry on and my return ticket was dated for me to return in 2 months.The guy wouldnot let me go he kept searching his computer for anything he could find maybe about me or a rule he could use to detain me. He did this for 10 minutes.Finally I ask can I go now he looked at me with desperate look on his face and said go ahead. I was really pissed about 911 I lost a week of holidays in thailand and no reinbursement.

  13. All the guys here who state use a web site get it for free,or I never pay Blah Blah Blah. So who's hurting the most women? I feel the ones sleeping with women with no intent to take it beyond the free sex level is abusing women. When a man gets it for free may be the woman is looking for more in the relationship when she doesnot get it she is hurt. Thai men pride themselves on using women and deserting them,its all free is that a good thing? who gets hurt there? If they left the non working girls alone till they wanted a true relationship there would be a lot fewer single mothers. and less children with no father. Pay for play girls are angels of mercy perhaps,if men would balls up and understand stop lieing and misleading women into free sex maybe the world would have less problems with single parent homes and fatherless children.

  14. I respect sex workers they do a job I feel is misunderstood.

    when i was single I rented sex workers. I had no intensions of getting involved in a long term relationship. Only wanted sex. Yes I was shallow. I thought why bother with dating,and romance just for sex. Why maybe hurt some womans feelings. I had many female women I liked as friends but wouldnot cross the line to sex. IWhen the urge arrived for sex I would go rent a woman. Any one of my friends could trust me with their wife or sister. I made it known I wasnot a predator. No broken hearts because of me. the women that serviced me got my respect because they took care of my needs and didnot ask for anything more than wages. With out these kind women who knows how many hearts I would have broken. When i rented them I was more concerned with keeping the virtues of women I met on a daily basis, and was thankful the working girls were there to assist. With that said I would not marry a working girl but could have her as friend.

  15. I assume the ones back home won't clip your nose hairs or hold your hand in a shopping mall.

    Really? I've heard those tales from the 60's about clipping nails and such, but nose hairs? That's premium service, man!

    Most guys that come here now do not have any idea how good it used to be. The girls would cut toe nails ,shower with you ,not for sex but wash you down and take very good care. Keep the glass full,serve the food on the plate,hand wash the clothes. They prided themselves on being able to take good care of their man. Once a week give her 500 baht to go shopping for herself she was so happy.Most didnot drink,they had good family values.Yes there were some that played the game but not hard to find a real jewel. They wanted a stable life and were willing to work for earn it.

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