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Posts posted by lovelomsak

  1. I can remember when "Thai wives" were go go dancers or bar girls who when their boyfriends came from overseas they took a holiday from their work and went with their bf till he went home. The guys knew where they worked but the girls were good to them when they were in Thailand. Some of the guys later married the women and moved to Thailand. Back then though most bargirls didnot drink or smoke it was a job. Lots didnot even like cigarette smoke. They would take their bf home to their farms to meet the family and no problem. No long term barfine either.

    These women saw it as a job and treated it as such. They did it and were happy women. Now do not know the new mind set.

  2. I read one time most people have to retrain 3 times in their lifetime for different jobs.few people keep the same job for their lifetime. So these girls can make good cash buy a house paid for before 30 and be way ahead of the average american who has to pay for a house for 30 years. then they can work as hotel workers and make beds or work in a restaurant or factory or back to the farm.Like any where in the world once the house is paid for life gets simple. they should be happy 10 years of party and semi retire.

    10 years of party?

    I can't imagine it's much of a party. Still, I guess you guys have to kid yourselves that they enjoy it.

    Not everyone at a party enjoys a party either. Also many people donot enjoy their jobs. But these girls are in a party atmosphere during their career I think we cannot dispute that. I have worked with many people outside the industry who hated their jobs. Not liking what you do isnot solely a sex workers problem. People work for a means to an end. The sex worker can have a house in 10 years and then be a maid. A maid works all her life and will never have one. Menial labour will always be there but youth and fortune erodes.

  3. I read one time most people have to retrain 3 times in their lifetime for different jobs.few people keep the same job for their lifetime. So these girls can make good cash buy a house paid for before 30 and be way ahead of the average american who has to pay for a house for 30 years. then they can work as hotel workers and make beds or work in a restaurant or factory or back to the farm.Like any where in the world once the house is paid for life gets simple. they should be happy 10 years of party and semi retire.

  4. Maybe they should leave a choice for the tourists at the beach. The vendor does half their area as it is done now and the other half of their area just umbrellas so people can sit on mats or blankets under umbrellas. charge the same with or without chairs.Have Thai style mats at no extra cost. for people who like the mat or blanket experience.and didnot bring one.

  5. I wouldnot have tried to get immersed in Thailand and Thai culture,or get married or buy a house of which I bought 2. Probably would have used taxis and not even bought a car.

    I would have taken a long lease on a house or condo or townhouse in Bangkok or Pattaya and lived the irresponsible single mans life. Finding the best restaurants and staying active varied activities. Basically live here but not invest or care be in a position to leave on the next plane in a whim.

  6. Like her brother, she is being politically persecuted in order to maintain power for the old clique.

    You would like that to be true, wouldn't you? In the same way Boonsong would like his own lies to be true, maybe? But sorry for both of you, it isn't, can't be, won't be, even when it has to hit the Shins where it hurts them the deepest: in their pockets!

    Sorry, were you trying to make a point? ...And 'outright denial', alas, seems the only fitting way to react about what you wrote. As for calling me names, it only shows what kind of a person you are, allowing me to 'rest my case', about you and about your prosa.

    Gee and I thought he was right on and you were simply attacking him and Boonsong to creat confusion when someone states the bare truth.. Hid the truth by any means possible seems to be many peoples tactics onTV.

  7. Well for myself burning bridges is the only one that I fit into.

    I donot drink,my wife and i get along great. and I like Thai culture and the way they do many things. (but am unhappy the way they are leaving their culture behind and becoming just another generic country the same as the west. Malls ,cars and mortgages.

    I am finding it hard to after time to maintain an acceptance of mean spirited indifference and nasty behavior of those with money or power towards the poorer and less fortunate. The lack of humanities wears on me. I knew it was here before I came I did my homework. But reading about it daily and seeing it daily,it becomes harder and harder to not want to say some thing and at times I feel it comes out in appearance as complaining. or bad attitude. I feel it is more just stating frustration and confusion trying to live and deal with a country where face is the most relavent thing.

    The other countries you mention donot have the problem with face issues.

    Its like living in a world of fiction where truth or logic has no bearing.

    Also the end justifies the means here. far to much . Shutting Down Bangkok a fine example.

  8. I read where the pristine PM stated he will isolate Thailand if necessary to keep order. Sounds a lot like North Korea to me.Is internet control the first step towards this? i feel this would finish foreign investment. Also make iy quite uncomfortable for expats. Do any others feel there is truth to what he said?

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