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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Used to go to my friends small country bar.  Every night, at exactly the same time, 2 rats would casually walk along the beam just over our heads.  Always the same 2 rats.. big fat one on front and small one behind. 


    I don't mind them.  If you keep you house clean and tidy, don't have rubbish or food laying about, then you will have no rats.  As for the rats running about on the streets eating the rubbish, I think that is a sign that that area needs cleaning up!  I find the stinking festering bags of rubbish more disgusting to be around than a few rats. 

  2. 10 hours ago, AjarnNorth said:

    That RWBB are still "very common" in the north is good to know. It's my understanding, though, that they were common throughout Thailand not so long ago and that is definitively no longer the case. In fact, I am fairly certain they are now a protected species due to the rapid decline. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270761857_Red-whiskered_Bulbul_are_trapping_and_unregulated_avicultural_practices_pushing_this_species_towards_extinction_in_Thailand

    Read that link.. seemed very interesting.  But, it was a bit misinformed.  They suggested the singing bird competitions and value of the prize winning birds was in part to blame in depleting wild populations.  However, no wild caught RWBB will win any prizes in such events, and no members of such clubs will want to own one.  The best singers and best looking (bigger and stronger or unusual coloured birds, like pied or albino) are all bred on bird farms and cold for high prices.  This is the same as the Zebra dove. One taken from the wild will not stand a chance of having the required song.  They are also too small for show.  All birds from the bird farms are close ringed as chicks as guarantee they are from a bird farm... well know ones get the best reputation and highest prices.  It's kind of like people who are into pedigree dogs.. they are not going to want to breed and show some feral mutts. 


    Up here in Chiang Mai the RWBB is probably in my top 5 common birds I see wild in the villages.. and even in the city. 


    I think a more likely reason they are declining over the rest of the country is because of changing farming practices and loss of habitat.  Farmers spray all sorts of pesticides and chemical onto the rice fields now.. and around Bangkok there are more and more areas of land being turned into concrete housing developments (and sadly up here now too). 



  3. 7 hours ago, AjarnNorth said:

    My guess on the Magpies is that perhaps they have gone the way of Red-whiskered Bulbul as a result of the caged-bird trade. The only Red-billed Bue Magpie I saw when I was last in Chiang Mai were in cages.  The Red-whiskered Bulbul should be very common, but I have only seen one in Surin and a few each time I visit Kao Yai. On the other hand, I can see a dozen or more in cages in a two-block radius of my apartment in Bangkok. 

    That could be true.  I did visit a home where someone had several blue magpies in a cage in their garden.


    But the Red whiskered Bulbul is VERY common up in the North... despite the HUGE numbers caught each year for life in cages.. but I think they reproduce faster and have more young than the Magpie. 



  4. 10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Lets just say we have an understanding, i.e. when I am away I have sex with any female I choose too, that can be an hours drive up the road in a toursity area or an hours flight to another touristy destination. Some times when I go away, I might not have a one night stand at all, e.g. I might not be in the mood, or don't see anything to my liking, so I have had the odd dry spell here and there, as odd as it may sound, I am under no pressure because I don't take any pills for an erection, or the fact that it will be my only time aqay from the wife so make the most of it. As for my wife not wanting me to have a mistress, of course she doesn't want me to have a mistress, what woman in her right mind would want to share her husband with a mistress, although it would be ideal come to think of it, but don't think I could love two chicks.


    As for her having a one night stand, "up to her" but she has never gone down that path, and if she did as long as she was upfront about it, It wouldn't bother me. We did end up with two females on two separate ocassions sucessfully a few years back, she didn't mind that, and neither did I, we were pretty trashed, but it was good fun, but it hasn't been repeated since, and I don't apply any pressure, although I do bring it up everynow and again in hope, no harm in trying as they say 555


     I just do what I want to do and she is ok with that, i.e. yes I have my cake and eat it too, and I feel lucky to have such an understanding partner, and yes I can understand the majority of people can't understand it, and when affairs come up in conversation in a farang environment amongst my friends and their wives, my wife will actually ask the wives of my friends why they feel so insecure, adding, if the husband wants to have sex with another, why not encourage him, its only sex, if he loves you he will return, and if he doesn't he will leave you and you will have to deal with it anyway, most husbands cheat because their wives won't have a bar of it, so they are left to deal with the mess afterwards.


    I must admit, my mates love my wife, and of course all wish they had one just like her, as for their wives, their good girls ( although I wouldn't be married to them for quids) and they have their views on the subject, no hate or anomosity towards my Mrs or me, although it is really uncomfortable for my mates wives, I can see that, and ocassionally I throw in a round of a few jokes about when I latched on to this 23 year old in Phuket, the wives say stop, we don't want to hear about it, with my reply being, I was adressing the boys, not you girls, with them pleading for me to stop, and I say ok, I get it, you don't want me to corrupt them with my cunning smile.


    So as you can see, we are not insecure, and I can confidently say this, that it is the one ingredient that has been removed from what brings most marriages down, statistics show that infidelity is the highest failure in marriages, so we don't have cheating in our marriage.


    I am not bragging so don't shoot me, you asked me a couple of questions and I have answered them, I went on a little further, just to give you a little background, if you and others are jealous, well, that's your perogative, if it sounds awkeward and doesn't suit you because of your religious beliefs or whatever, well that's fine too, its our marriage, it suites us, and we are very happily married.





    Glad it works out for you and your wife.  Everyone is different.


    For me, it would mean a lack of respect and love if my partner was constantly sleeping around with other people.  That is not because of any religious beliefs, or insecurity though, just a personal thing. 


    I would not wish to have a partner who encouraged me to sleep with other people.  You might want to ask yourself why you wife is not doing the same as you are doing.. and why she is so happily encouraging you to sleep with other women.  I guess there are different kinds of relationships.. and if its working for you both then you have no problem. Maybe she does not find you sexually attractive, but likes your company and money.   I have not jealously about your relationship... I would not want such a relationship for myself at all as I would feel we were just 2 friends living together.... rather than actual lovers / partners. 







  5. 7 hours ago, Gecko123 said:



    I think this is your culprit. English name Red Wattled Lapwing. Sound of bird starts around :50. It's incessant nighttime crying isn't year round. If you've been hearing it for a couple of months, suspect it should be ending before long. According to video written narrative (:50), recording made during nesting season. 

    We get lots of these birds... and also black winged stilts, on the abandoned rice fields next to my house.  I love hearing them and watching them going about their business.  Its like a nature documentary sometimes around here!!! 


    The bird noises never bother me... even the owls and Asian Koel birds.  My rooster make a racket.. but even they don't wake me up or disturb my sleep, but I do wake up if the birds are making a different noise, like alarm calls... because some predator is about. 


    The only noise I can't stand is the 5am loud speakers from the temple.. which rattle our windows and vibrate the walls for several hours.  And the new Indian Meditation place playing Bollywood style music and blowing trumpets all afternoon several times a week at full volume which can be heard over the TV!!!


    Give me nature sounds over human 'music' any day.

  6. 7 hours ago, AjarnNorth said:

    Bangsaen yard list species #88. Red-billed Blue Magpie. Uncommon to locally common resident. No photo yet. But a great looking and very noisy bird and a good way to start what has been a good day. Only the second I have seen and the first in Bangsaen proper. When I woke up I heard it squawking and immediately knew it was something I'd not had from the garden before. Great looks at short distance and with bins, but as i went for the camera off it flew. Tried a bit of play back from the yard hoping to get it to return for a photo, but to no avail. Maybe tomorrow morning.

    The Red billed blue Magpie used to be a common sight over much of Thailand many years ago.  Now I hardly see any.  Anyone know what caused this birds massive decline over such a short period?  Seems strange, as magpies as usually such an adaptive species.  Also I have very rarely seen a crow up here in Chiang Mai province. Do you think farmers shoot all the crows and magpies?



  7. 10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Its all about negotiating, my wife doesn't want me to have a mistress, fair call, I appreciate her honesty and respect that, so I just have my one night stands whenever I am in the touristy areas, not often enough though, might have something to do with living in the sticks, and that probably suites us both


    So your wife wants you to have one night stands in tourist areas instead of a full time mistress?


    Do you allow her to have one night stands also?



  8. 3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    The OP knows the difference. 

    How do you know? 


    And, what is the difference between a Nazi swastikas and a Buddhist one exactly?  You do know the Nazi's adopted the symbol from other religions for they symbol, right?  Jeezz dude, duh!!!

  9. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Dude, anyone that has lived in Thailand more than five minutes understands the difference between Buddhist swastikas and Nazi swastikas. Duh!


    Dude, I am replying to the OP... who does not understand the difference... and I have lived in Thailand 12 years full time....Duh!



  10. It's nothing to do with Nazi or the war.


    This symbol is for religion. 


    'The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been found worldwide, but it is especially common in India. It can be seen in the art of the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Celts, Native Americans, and Persians as well Hindus, Jains and Buddhists.


    Swastikas are most commonly used as charms to bring good fortune (in which case the arms are bent clockwise), but they have a variety of religious meanings as well'.



  11. 2 hours ago, ChidlomDweller said:

    It's true though.  His own links prove they already have a large demographic base.  My (realistic) fear is what will come of it in 50 years.  I don't want Europe to become a "moderate" Muslim continent.

    These days religion... any religion, should not be involved with politics, laws and voicing their opinions as to the way they think other people should live.


    If people want a religion.. let them... but they should have no more rights than the average person on the street.  Religions should not have special rights status.  What they do in their own home is up to them... but any public demonstration, be it converting people, demonstrating about moral issues under the banner or their religion, and wearing the fancy dress costumes in work or schools should not be allowed.  This goes to any religion. 


    Its time for people to ditch these fairy tails, which cause conflict, wars, violence, oppression, and stupidity to grow.  Think how much more advanced the human population would be if we used all that energy wasted on religion, and put it into science, technology, medicine and research about out planet and ourselves. 

  12. Sorry no photos... but this year got a nice surprise as a flock of about 20 black winged stilts have too up residence on flooded but unused rice fields at the back of my house. Been here about a week now. 


    Also have some kind of plovers and at night a large flock of lesser whistling ducks.  There are hundreds of these ducks on a lake in my village during the day this year.  Each years seems there are more and more... forming big rafts in the middle or the lake.


    I live in Chiang Mai near Doi Suket.



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  13. 3 hours ago, Amras said:

    Agreed. Geez I haven't been reading a lot of comments lately, but damn. Most ThaiVisa posters are still the same. High mighty sitting behind their computer. 


    It's 0.2grams for personal use. Hardly worth 15 years in prison. A significant fine maybe, community service (which would be good in Thailand) but not jail. 

    While other's drive unlicensed or drunk and kill 1 or multiple people in car accidents walk away with no more than a sorry, it's pathetic really. 


    She's not a dealer, she's not selling. 

    Remember the only difference between Alcohol and other 'hard' drugs is one is illegal the other isn't. The all ruin a heap of lives, cause violence, dependency and so on. Except 'weed', you'd be hard pressed to find the same amount of negative social consequences of that plant. (Note I don't do any 'drugs' and rarely drink, but I also believe in the choice for other people to do and deal with, the consequences of their own choices). 


    Asia and their war on drugs....while running people over in the street is more acceptable. I'll never understand it....

    You think taking cocaine is the same as having a bottle of beer?



  14. 11 hours ago, sinbin said:

    It's called democracy, accept it. I had to when I voted NO in the 70's. 40 years of living in a system I didn't want to live in but had to accept it. I never moaned.

    Except is faulty democracy isn't it?  Because such a serious vote should have been give the ill informed public... and after the result a big percentage said they did not want to leave Europe.. but they made 'protest votes' as they did not believe it would stand a chance to go through.


    This issue was the Governments job to sort out, or at least educate the population with facts.  We were misguided and lied to by the press, and incompetent people in the government who span a lot of lies for political popularity and not the benefit of the country.


    As it was the vote to leave was mostly bases on nothing but immigration and raciest agenda, and nothing or little to do with money, the economy, or the good of the country as a whole.


    If it was put to the vote again then it could not go through, as now more people know some facts about it, and others would not be so stupid to waste their vote in a protest vote.



  15. 18 minutes ago, sinbin said:

    Does it matter how much the Pound drops? Sacrifices have to be made and if that's the price I have to pay for a Brexit then so be it. Bye bye EU.

    If you are happy to make the sacrifices then good for you.... but will you also make more sacrifices and pay the people who are suffering from this decision of yours, people who did not want to leave the EU?  I don't think so. 



  16. Good.  All religious costumes and symbols that are 'in your face' should have no place in the workplace.  That includes ALL religions as well as political symbols.  The workplace is for working, not spreading your religion or political views.


    If some people get upset about that, then they can just not go to work and rely on their God or Gods to provided for them if they are so religious and really believe what they are doing is going to please their God and get them rewards.



  17. 2 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

    Well in the 3rd world it is a common practice to issue all sorts of medicine over the counter, without any prescription. I lived in countries like this most my working life and many people self medicate, including myself, but, in my case,  not with antibiotics.

    Meanwhile in the 1st world... (I know from the UK experience) you can't even get to see a doctor without book an appointment with a GP who will fit you in in about a weeks time, then refer you to doctor in another week or 2, who will cancel the appointment at the last minute and move it to the next week... buy which time you are so sick you need a serious operation, or have gotten complications.


    If they had given you antibiotics at the start this waste of time and money would have been avoided and you would be well.


    Now you are in a NHS hospital for a routine operations, but you end up contracting a SUPER BUG and die. 


    I think I would rather the '3rd world' method of getting medication when I need it, seeing a doctor within a few hours of getting ill, and not getting a super bug and dying. 



  18. 6 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    It is a Thai thing. The Thai's fight like cowards. If you don't believe me go outside right now and hit a big Thai man in the face. He'll either run off or several other Thai men will gang up on you and beat you until your unconscious.

    There is no fair fight's. In the U.K if you pick a fight with some one you are left alone to fight it out or until the police arrive. Ganging up on one person does happen but is frowned upon and gets you zero street cred.

    Thai men fight like drunk women out clubbing in the UK. Stomping on their victims with high heels. Kicking and running away after each attack.

    Sorry, but you must not have been in the UK for a long time.  Go out after the pubs and night clubs close and start a fight... you will be beaten and kicked by a group of people...  Again no one will likely help... and you will have to wait till the police arrive.


    Do you watch any British TV documentaries about police in the UK? 


    In the UK the guy will not go and get his mates and come back... they will all just pile onto you... and kicking you in the head is normal.... alcohol and drug fueled aggression and group / mob mentality takes over.  And most of the women are just as bad as the guys.



  19. 12 minutes ago, bananafish said:

    I actually speak English slightly differently now. When I visit home everybody tells me I have a weird accent. My native regional accent has been eroded a little and I annunciate much more clearly now. 

    My native accent was of a type many other native English speakers struggle to understand. 

    I thought I was the only one!  I find that I have actually forgotten a lot of English words, when I want to describe something and I get to that word I have to replace it with something similar, but its not got the same meaning.. if you know what I mean, lol.


    I also sometime say words weirdly at the end of a sentence.. with the sound rising... like many Thai people do when they are joking about something.  I occasionally break into pigeon English (but this is usually when talking to another farang who in not a native English speaker.. it really makes it easier for us to understand each other). Also I use pigeon English when texting... makes it much faster.. but makes me sound simple. 


    Lastly... I no long like most farang food.  If I eat something like fish and chips, or a pie I get stomach ache and feel bloated for a day or 2.  Also if food is not spicy I find it boring.  I don't know what I could eat if I had to go back and live in the UK!!  I have not eaten bread for over a year now, and I had not eaten beer for many years.. so when I had a real beef burger last week it actually tasted weird... and very strong.. and for the first time I could understand why many Thai people do not like beef.



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