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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Reminds me of the Hua Hin elderly couple and son beating. People just walk on by or stand back and watch. No one steps in to help.

    The story of the good Samaritan is obviously not told in Thai schools. I wonder if there is a Buddhist story that is similar to that told to children?

    Why is the culture of this country to turn the other head? Ignore the crys for help of the injured or victims of crime. Who teaches this culture? Don't get involved, don't help, not my problem.

    Is it karma? The victim deserves it as they must have done something wrong in the past. Anyone know?

    Not all Thais are like this and do come to the aid of those being attacked or those injured but for the many years I have been here I haven't seen that happen very often.

    I guess this is not just Thailand either but an Asian culture thing. Oh well, survival of the fitest or should I say the one with the biggest gang.

    Its not a Thai thing.... it's a human thing... this sort of stuff happens all the time in Europe and America too... no one coming to help as they are too afraid to get involved.



  2. 13 hours ago, balo said:


    Thanks , I did some research online and I found out who the culprit is. 


    It's an Asian Koel , and the bad news is the noise will not stop until May , it's breeding season.   And the bird choose to sing from the big tree outside my window  .   What can I do to scare it away ? 









    Believe me you will not notice it after a few more days. 


    I have a neighbor with several really loud roosters... when he first got them the noise drove me mad and woke me up in the night many times.  Now I never notice the noise... but when guests come to stay they always tell me they were woken up in the night by the noisy roosters.


    I also have a few of those Asian Koel birds in my garden.  There are about 3 of them and they are noisy chasing the females about and fighting with the pied starlings when they try to put their eggs into their nests.  But, again I don't notice them any more.  Just takes a week or 2. 


    The only noise I have not gotten used to is the loud music from the temple, the loud trumpet blowing and Bollywood music from the Hindu retreat, the children screaming and shouting and riding their motorbikes with modified loud exhaust pipes up and down our street to play in the swimming pool.


    Thailand has lots of noise.  I would swap your Asian Koel for my temple.



  3. 15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    You might want to check your facts on Rabies deaths in Thailand.

    http://www.ddc.moph.go.th/eng/login/filedata/Rabies Situation in Thailand.pdf

    Thailand had 4 cases in 2012. Even less since.

    Your link has no scientific reference, in fact there are no references, or details about how these statistic were collected or even where they came from or who is claiming they published them.


    Did you just do some quick google search and decided that those pretty graphs must be true?


    You might want to check 'your facts' are indeed facts to start with.


    Do a bit more research and see what you can find.. you might be surprised.



  4. 1 hour ago, Philthyphil said:

    A troll rant. 

    But it got me.


    Dogs are a good judge of character. If you have ever been bitten by one, you probably deserve it.


    I believe Farang tourists would kill more people in Thailand per year than Soi dogs. An Englishman in hua hin recently killed a cop on a bike,. Another Englishman in a merc killed two women and ran away etc etc etc.


    i took a stroll in my local park today on the corner of Sukhumvit and Kao Talo. There is a pack there of about 20. All very well behaved, I was thinking if it was back in farangland they would all be trying to steal the food vendors food and running amuck.

    They are very well behaved the tHai Soi dogs. 





    So go tell the parents of the children mauled or killed by a dog that they child deserved it, because the dog thought they were a bad character. 


    Look at the state of the place those dogs are living in... and you think that is a nice thing to encourage?  You want to live in a garbage dump with a pack of dogs... what a life.


    You believe farang tourists are more dangerous to people that street dogs?  How many tourists have bitten people and given them rabies?  200 - 300 deaths per year from rabies in Thailand.. 95 percent from dog bites..... you still think tourists are more dangerous?


    I suggest you might like to look over this page about dog attacks in Thailand...







  5. 24 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I have had my dog for 9 years and he is awesome. I didn't buy him. He was a very friendly Soi dog, who lived in my village.

    He always used to come running when I came home, and occasionally I would give him a few scraps.

    One day I realised he was seriously unwell and took him to the vet, who said he had Parvo, with a 50% mortality rate.

    He was in and out of the vet for the next few days and I got a fairly nasty vet bill. Way larger than buying a puppy would have been.

    He has been my faithful companion ever since. He doesn't bite anyone, ever, and has better manners than many of the people that live here.

    I had not intended to get a dog, but I am incredibly thankful that I did. He is getting old and a bit podgy now, but he is a blessing to my house.


    These are the actions of a true dog lover... and this is the attitude that mot Thai and Farange people who say they like the street dogs, should adopt.  


    Well done to you, and lucky for the dog.

  6. 9 hours ago, Jedsada3 said:

    Some Thai people also fear soi dogs but they will never think about killing them. They belong to the Thai life, same the monkeys, the snakes and the pigeons.

    Only strangers complain about soi dogs and snakes and pigeons... Strange, isn't it?


    If someone wants better car drivers on better roads, less noise after 10PM, no need to extend your permission of stay every year, no 10 times higher prices in national parks and no soi dogs, that someone should stay in his home country.


    Who chooses to live in Thailand should not only take the sun, the cheap prices and the nice life but also accept the dark side of the host country.


    Thai people often kill the street dogs, and their neighbours dogs.... it happens a lot out in the country.. say a dog has killed a few chickens (or worse the fighting cocks)  or ducks.. or been barking all night every night, or bitten people going by a few times.  Then it magically vanishes...  also farmers 'accidently' poison dogs when the numbers get too high... poison for rats.. happens to be placed on the side of the road. 


    Most Thai people will kill snakes on sight... and even eat them... especially the big pythons. 


    As for the pigeons... well they also poison them in the rice fields.. and shoot a few... together with any birds of prey they see.  The catch thousands of wild birds and put them in tiny wooden cages to hear them sing.  As for the monkeys, they are only really protected in temples... that is why you don't see any in the general forest or countryside... they make nice eating, same as the gibbons.. kill the adults and keep the babies as pets.


    I can not understand you reasoning about just accepting everything bad here with no complaints.  I am sure you have been lucky so far as to have avoided serious bad things here. 


    And to other posters saying dogs will only attack people if they show fear... as they can smell fear... this is totally untrue... many dog attacks are surprise attacks where the victim did not even know the dog or dogs were about...  the first thing they know about the dog is when its bitten onto their leg. 


    I am not a dog hater.  I have 2 dogs of my own.  But I an a hater of this large scale animal cruelty and the suffering of thousands of street dogs.  They need to rounded up.. the sick ones destroyed, the healthy ones sterilized.  End of most of the problem.  Apart from biting people, frightening them, attacking other people dogs and pets, noise of barking all night, disease, disgusting crap everywhere, ripping into rubbish bags and making a mess, these dogs also cause a huge amount of road accidents each year... some of which ending in fatalities to humans. 


    Its not the dogs fault... its the society that has allowed this problem to keep growing and getting worse. 





  7. 32 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

    To tell you the truth I don't care as we're we are we are not bothered with burning, a case of I'm alright jack. Simple solution is move.

    If you don't care about this topic.... then why on earth would you post comments on it? 


    Simple solution is not to more... how do you know what options are open to me?  I have to wait to sell my house, find a new home, job, etc.  So how is that simple? 



  8. If Thai people believe the street dogs are reincarnated sinful dead Thai people, then I would think they should be happy if people were eating them... because that miserable dog would get reincarnated into a better life... so its actually doing them a good service to help them on their way to the next life.


    Is there a law saying people can not kill and eat feral dogs here, or is it just socially taboo?


    I personally would not eat one, not because of moral reasons, but because they look like they are full of diseases and parasites... and they eat disgusting stuff off the streets. 





  9. 13 minutes ago, Gonefortea said:

    Well sorry to say we're not in one of those countries. Thank god

    You might feel differently in a few years when your children are suffering from bad asthma and you or people in your family have chronic lung infection or cancer.  You have to live in dirty polluted air and smell the toxins each time you breath.... just for the sake of lazy farmers or landowners breaking the law at the expense of everyone else.


    Would you now rather have fresh, clean and clean air to breath? 

  10. 1 minute ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Its very simple to spot all burned land plots..drones observations etcetc..

    Yes, you don't even need that.  Just appoint one of the local police or government people to drive their car around all day and post a sign on all the plots of burnt land / rice fields, etc telling the owner they have to pay a fine.... and if they don't turn up to pay the fine will increase and prison time.


    If they did this the large scale burning would soon stop after a couple of years when the farmers realized that the threat of a fine is actually going to be carried out.  Now all they see is nice big posters.... which they totally ignore, knowing they will never get fined or punished by anyone for burning. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Yes, too many farangs do things here that they would never dream of doing in their native country. If I may make an appeal for everyone to use deodorant, shower daily, and wash your clothes frequently--too many are apparently not doing any of these 3 things.  Seriously, some farangs stink so bad you can tell where they have been walking in a store by the bad smell that lingers.  I pity their wives/girlfriends.

    I notice a lot more filthy, dirty, smelly farangs here than back in my home country.  I feel sick when I see a guy in dirty stained clothes, with his greasy hair plastered to his balding head, yellow teeth and dirty finger nails. 


    I think some people simply give up when they move out here and get too lazy to even do basic washing their bodies. I have no understanding of how they Thai partners can stand to be near them, let alone in the same bed. 



  12. For the last 3 nights the mountains near my home have been burning... first time I have seen that since moving here 4 years ago... quite scary scene at night, seeing the size of the fires.


    A agree, all the sings and fines are just hot hair.  Farmers here are just openly burning stuff day and night, even the monks at the village temple enjoy a good fire several nights a week... made up of piled up leaves and the remains of 100 year old trees they keep cutting down to make way for more temple buildings. 


    I used to wonder whey there was so little wildlife up on the mountains... I could go walking up there and not even hear s single bird.  No I know its impossible for anything to survive up there as it will get burn up... the only think left is rocky eroded soil and the hardy teak trees. 

  13. I have been bitten 3 times in 10 years living here.  Always by street dogs out in the country.


    It's madness how the majority of the people here treat their dogs... or rather mistreat them.  They can't see cruelty and suffering and help the dogs out, but would rather see dogs suffering in pain for weeks before they have a slow torturous death. 


    At the leas the street dogs have freedom... not like the poor dogs kept on short chains out in the elements and never being allowed off the chain their entire life, or those Thai people that seem to like buying expensive pedigree dogs and then keeping them locked in small cages like a goldfish in a bowl.


    I don't blame the dogs that bit me... but I have no problem to defend myself from them and showing them I am boss.  I finally took a long bamboo cane a few time through the worst area.. and when the dogs got too close to me I gave a couple a hard smack on the head with it.. which sent them scarpering. 


    Now they know to leave me well alone and show me some respect.  I don't have to take the cane with me now... simply seeing me most of the pack now give me a wide berth.  If one of 2 get too close, all I have to do is lift up one arm... then they run off.



  14. On ‎04‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 0:16 PM, Arjen said:

    I feel sick when I see this.....


    I bought one dog in my life, from a trusted breeder in Indonesia. All my other dogs are abonded. (sometimes ïmpulse purchases from a market, lovely puppy, but puppies grow big....)


    I am wondering where the majority from the dogs bought on places like this will end. And I do not want to think about what happens with the puppies when they are not sold before a certain age.



    Why do you feel sick when you see a litter of healthy, clean, well fed and happy puppies getting affection from people?


    The majority of dogs bought 'on' places like this will end up in loving homes.  All the puppies are sold.. if any get bigger they are reduced price and sales pushed extra hard to get a home.


    I bought both of my dogs from places like this and the oldest now getting on for 8 years old each and still very healthy and active.  No genetic problems or behavioural problems. 


    Just because someone is a 'registered breeder' does not mean they treat their dogs any better... in fact it can be a cover for very bad conditions for their breeding dogs and dogs being produced getting killed if they don't meet the breed standard (like they have the wrong colour fur), and also inbred genetically diseased animals. 





  15. I am quite slim.. I am 40, but can still wear the same size clothes as when I was 21 (32 inch waist).  However, just this year I have started to gain weight and can't seem to stop it. 


    However, I think it must be an age thing, as I have got some fat on my belly and I can't shift it.


    I don't overeat, and I don't eat cakes, sweets, chocolate etc regularly.  I hate sweet drinks, so never buy soda or other drinks with sugar.


    I cycle EVERY day fro at least one hour.. sometimes many hours.. as I can't drive.. so the bike is my transport.... often with heavy backpack full of shopping.


    So, how come I can not get rid of the fat on my belly?  I think I consume less than the daily amount of calories for a man, and I also do all that cycling.  Weird.  if I had the money I would get the fat taken out lol.  I see thin people eating cakes, doughnuts and drinking sugar drinks.. then eating big meals several times a day.  I only eat 2 times a day and one is just a small meal and the other is bigger.  I never snack either. 



  16. 20 hours ago, attrayant said:


    Just FYI, mango leaves contain urushiol, the same allergen found in poison ivy & poison oak.


    Thank you.  I have come so suspect its the mango leaves.  I used to love eating mango.. but now I have very bad allergy to them if I eat the smallest bit of their skin or sap.... my body becomes very itchy and my skin red.  Now I have to stop eating them.. very sad, as they were one of my favorite fruits.  I think in the garden, if am working with no shirt on... the leaves must have brushed my skin... and maybe the sap got onto me too.. from cuts in the leaves from insects eating them. 



  17. On ‎03‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 5:45 PM, Naam said:

    no incidence overlooked in order to criticise and/or present negative comments pertaining to Thailand and Thai people  :sick:

    Sorry, do you think I am making negative comments about Thai people?


    I am making negative comments to HUMAN beings, Thai, Farang and the rest, who just walk by every day ignoring the suffering of so many neglected and abused dogs.  Then these people like to show a false big display of humanity and care over one case of one dog. 



  18. 17 minutes ago, transam said:

    Are you for real....

    More real than someone thinking their Christian god will 'grant' blessings to the victims families...  How insulting is that comment to make... to people of a different religion and believe system?!


    Its a tragic accident they died... the families will hopefully get strength and support form their own families and friends, and also from their religion and personal beliefs. .  The poster might rather they go to some missionary Church and push Western religion on them.


    If someone came to me after my loved ones died and started saying God will grand me strength and blessings.. or they will pray for me... I would be VERY ANGRY at their lack of understand and sensitivity. 

  19. 58 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    What a world we live in....first few posts are more interesrted in telling us how much they know about cars....and not one word of condolences for the deceased, their families or their loved ones....God help us all.

        May the two ladies  RIP.   and may God grant their families the strength to cope with their loss...

    No God will not grant the families anything... because they are Buddhist and don't believe in God.  Maybe if that God was so good at granting things he might have caught the falling car with his big hand and saved the ladies.


    For now the ladies are enjoying their next life.  Hopefully the driver will be a bit more safety conscious in her next life. 



  20. What about all the dogs injured by being run over, all the ones starving, all the ones with diseases and parasites, all the ones suffering with no one taking them to a vet, etc etc?  All that cruelty seems fine then. 


    Amazing how a stay dog that is stabbed gets more attention and sympathy than a human child being beaten or abused, or poor people starving and living in poverty.  Once the dog is patched up will it be dumped back on the street?



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