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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 4 minutes ago, Celsius said:


    Yes, I think we will be doing the same after a year or 2. Definitely only come during the rainy season. It really is impossible to truly leave this place forever.

    You think the same as us.  Many bad things here..but also fantastic experiences and people you can never find back home. 

  2. 1 minute ago, BKKBike09 said:

    I can say with certainty - having lived in the city for decades - that, prior to Covid, it was extremely rare to see Thais in Bangkok wearing masks. 


    Actually, mask wearing because of air pollution did increase somewhat in the immediate years before Covid. I suspect because of the advent of AQI apps, making data on air pollution easier to come by.


    But numbers were still very, very low. It's easy to prove, too, through resources like Google image search.

    Here in CM I remember people would wear masks if they had a cold or flu to stop spreading it to other people..particularly in the supermarket, public transport or shopping centres. It was one of the things we liked about Thai people... 

    • Like 2
  3. OP, we are doing the sam after 15 years living here.  


    The pollution this year was so bad in CM.  


    But we are going to live in farangland half the year and Thailand the other half.  Plan to do this a few years before we make the final decision of where to settle permanently.  




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  4. 38 minutes ago, connda said:

    "Would you rather op died of got long term problems from covid?"
    Of course not. What's that have to do with posting a link to a medical journal?

    Every comment below is my personal opinion and nothing more.  I'm not making any medical claims.
    Regarding the link to Bell's Palsy in the article:
    Anecdotally?  Neither my wife or I have taken the shots - and - neither one of us has had Covid.  And over the last three years I don't mask (unless forced to) and I don't avoid people.  As well, most people I personally know who chose not to take the shots have not had Covid.  Over the last two years since the shots have been available, my friends and aquaintences do discuss this issue together on Social Media in our own forums. And none of my friends and acquaintances whom I have discussed this with are worried at all.

    "Well," you may say, "then you are an Anti-Vaxxer!!!  ????

    Nope - I work with a lot of stray and feral animals and I get prophylaxis rabies shots every three years and I keep up on my tetanus shots. No - I'm not "Anti-Vaccination" if the vaccines have proven safety and efficacy histories.
    And If a shot is proven to be a sterilizing vaccine?  I'll be the first in line to take it - once it has global FDA approval and published long-term safety data.
    In fact I'm hoping that one day a class of sterilizing vaccines are developed to end upper-respiratory viruses for good.  Hallelujah that would be wonderful.
    At this point in time, none of the Covid 'vaccines' are sterilizing vaccines from any research I've read (if they are please point me to the publication as I'd love to read it). 
    Oh - and I don't take Flu Shots either and I haven't had the flu in two decades.  Just my experience.  Please, if you're worried about the flu - take your annual vaccinations!  :thumbsup:
    Also - I don't use Social Media to encourage anyone to not take vaccines.  That's a personal decision and it is a decision that is up the each individual. 

    With that said - You couldn't pay me to take the current mRNA 'vaccines' until I see 7 to 10 years of long-term data.  In my own personal opinion, the vaccine approvals were rushed.  A normal vaccine development cycle including trials takes 5 to 10 years.  There's a reason for that called "Safety."  History is replete with examples of drug companies pushing out their cures that in turn, in the long-term, turn into public health disasters, for example - thalidomide.
    I only speak for myself.  For those who consented to be Phase 3 trial participants or wish to take the newly approved vaccines - you have my thanks, best wishes, and blessings. 
    I may consider mRNA vaccine technology after the actual 'Long-Term' safety and efficacy data for these classes mRNA vaccine technology is analyzed and published, for each type of infection for which they have been developed to counter - like 7 to 10 years after the vaccines have been developed, and after I read the peer-reviewed published results and any ancillary comments by independent "experts" who have no conflicts of interests.

    I haven't worried about Covid in 2020 and I don't worry about Covid now. 
    By the way - the US declared the "pandemic" to be over.  Virology 101: over time the virus becomes more infectious but presents milder symptoms.

    "But Covid can kill you!"  ????

    A cold virus can kill you if you're elderly or immune compromised.  But for most healthy people with good immune systems?  You get sick to some degree and you get over it.  That's they way of it.  So why worry?

    All completely irrelivent to the OPs question.  



    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, connda said:

    Have you had a Covid shot recently?

    "They concluded that the observed incidence of Bell's palsy in the mRNA vaccine arms was 3·5 to seven times higher than expected in the general population."

    And this is helpful how? 


    Would you rather op died of got long term problems from covid? 


    Bell's palsy existed and is not that unusual even before covid vaccinations. 


    OP, my friend had it and he recovered fine. 


    It must be scary, but try to relax and take all the medications and that will improve your speed of recovery.  ????

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  6. On 4/10/2023 at 7:13 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Well done... you’re the only person in the world who’s never, slipped, tripped or fell !!... 


    Cast your sanctimony at an injured person with the prideful knowledge that nothing similar could ever happen to you !!... :whistling:

    It was simply an accident.  


    No one is to blame.  The man just had a random accident in part due to not taking care. 


    The owner of the sea wall things is not at fault.  


    The guy could have just have easily slipped on mossy rocks or tripped over on a washes up log. 



  7. 21 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

    Definitely a case for abolishing borders. Worldwide. If everyone could live and work anywhere employers would be able to recruit the best people for the job, there would be no skills shortages and we would be incredibly culturally enriched. 

    But that would not benifit those in power who want total control of everybody.


    The world is our home.  All these imaginary man made borders and countries are so old fashioned. It's time people had the freedom to go and stay where they wanted, and humans stopped acting like territorial troops of monkeys. 



  8. This year, since covid seems to have been forgotten, is by far the worst I can remember in my 20 years of living in CM.  


    It is so bad we have actually decided to leave.  We are in the process of buying a place to live back in the UK.


    We will come back in the rainy season or early cool season, when the pollution has gone, then fly back to the UK each year.  


    Flights are expensive now, and I don't like flying.... So can only see us doing this a few times before we give up on ever coming back to Thailand.  I think a lot of expats will be doing the same. 



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