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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Yet you are saying "So basically farmers did not want to pay tax or clear up their act to stop polluting NZ's rivers or producing greenhouse gasses." without providing any facts to back up your IMO false claim . 

    Do have any proof to back up your claim, or did you just dream it up?

    It was not a claim. It was a question, because I didn't know why people were saying the farmers hater her..  


    From posters answers that seemed the reason.  

  2. 30 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    Manners are very much part of the Thai culture...in fact one of the most important parts.



    My point is for those of us who know a bit about Thailand i think most would agree that the Thai people overall are very nice polite people.  I personally think it is no big deal for me to at least try and return a bit of the politeness so its overall better for me to wear a mask for a few minutes on the BTS if that is what the Thai people have decided is something that is important to them.  




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  3. 10 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    Sorry but this goes on all over Thailand especially at village level.  Example: a rich 45 year old Thai business man was supposed to marry a 15/16 year old girl and paid the dowrie and lavished the parents and girl with gifts. Prior to the wedding she ran away (I wonder why) the old man turned up with the police demanding return of all his money or to marry the girls younger sister who was not even 15. It has always been a big problem in Thailand and it includes selling/borrowing money on their children and karaoke bars are rife for this.

    How is it a problem. You should have more respect for Thai culture, where this is fine. 



  4. 2 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    Mostly male attendees, mostly middle aged.

    Yes. And mostly white, straight middle aged and older men...who these days, feel threatened that their  entitlement is slipoing away from them, and they feel their status as alpha male in control superior beings they thought they were. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, pomchop said:

    ..so if you are one of the 90% of farangs riding BTS with no mask while 98% of the thai people do wear masks you stick out like a sore thumb....how about have a tiny bit of respect for the Thai people.  When you are in another country does it not occur to many that it can be good idea to show respect for the cultural norms of your host country?  Would you go into a home in Japan and not remove your shoes?  Would you wear a speedo into a Thai wat? 


    While the thai people are too polite to call out all the farangs on the BTS you can be pretty sure that most are likely thinking what a jerk.  It's not going to kill you to wear the damn mask for a few minutes regardless of what your opinion may be regarding mask.  It's about respect.  Have a little class and show some respect to the Thai people. 

    That is a paethic reason to wear a mask....so you don't stand out! 


    As for respecting Thai culture...masks are a new thing and not part of their culture. 


    Just going along with what everyone else is doing so people don't think bad of you is dumb.  Just being a farang and having different colour skin makes you stand out.. And many Thai people have racist views about farangs with or without a mask.





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