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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. 11 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Do you think that songs about killing females are acceptable to be sung by Choirs and sports fans ?

       Stabbing to death his girlfriend is OK to sing about ? 

    It's a story in a song. Its fictional.  


    There are crime dramas and horror films on TV where women get murdered. Do you want to ban them too? 


    And you are sexist if you only think it's wrong for a man to kill a woman, but not a woman to kill a man! 

  2. Tell your wife she needs to get a full time job when you move to CM.  


    Rent a place for a few years while she saves up some money. 


    Then buy a house together. 


    If she is unwilling to work or contribute anything, or put in any effort, then forget it. 


    I would not be buying a house for someone who wanted to live off me like a parasite getting a free ride. 


    Oh, and I would not buy her her own busness either.  She needs a proper job, not lazing around, playing on her phone in an empty coffee shop paid for by you.  

  3. OP, maybe leave the dog with a family member or friends while you come here. After a few months then think about bringing the dog over to join you. 


    That way you will get to see if it will work out or not and what. if any, peoblems the dog might encounter.  It would also give you and your child time to settle in. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, ADog said:

    So you've been bitten once, as i have, fortunately the dog only bit my jogging bottoms then buggered off. Hence the comment "often docile street dogs" is pretty accurate based on my experience.


    Everyones experience is different.  I have been bitten 3 times.   


    2 were not serious, but one required a hospital visit, stitches and anti rabies jabs. 


    Have you looked at the temperatures are in the morning and evening in bangkok?  Also the air pollution is worse in the morning. 


    You said you want to 'give it a try' .  So what happens to the dog if you find your experiment does not work out? 


    Have you lived in bangkok before? 



  5. OP, think very carefully before you bring your dog here. 


    I have 2 small dogs I got here in Thailand. 


    I decided to leave my first dog back in the UK when we moved here 16 years ago.  It was heartbreaking. 


    I wanted to bring the dog, but I knew it was not in the dogs best interests.  I decided to do right for the dog I loved rather than for myself. 


    I did not want to put my dog through the stress of a long transportation locked in a small cage and it having have to poop and pee in there.  I knew my dog was used to UK weather, and the extreme heat and humidity here (and air pollution) would have been a lot for it to cope with.  


    I even moved to the countryside here.  A busy, loud, dirty, hot, city is no place for a dog used to life in the average UK home. 


    On top of that are the diseases and parasites the dog will be exposed to here that are different to in the UK, which it encounter.  Ticks are huge problem here and carry deadly diseases to dogs. 


    I would advise you to find a good and loving home for your dog and when you are settled here get a new one if you want.  


    Dogs born and bred here are acclimatised to the climate and have more resistance to diseases here.  


    Such a huge change in environment will put a lot of stress on your dog, and the breed you have has problems with extreme heat due to their heart problems and skull shape. 


    It will also not be pleasant to walk your dog on the streets of Bangkok for you or the dog. Street dogs are not usually placid as you seem to think.  They are territorial by nature and a new dog will be challenged.  It can be scary and potentially dangerous for you and your dog to be surrounded and challenged by a group of larger, barking and snapping dogs when you are on a walk. 


    My 2 new dogs have a couple of set routes on their walks where they have eventually been accepted by the village dogs in those areas.  It took a lot of time and understanding of dogs behaviour to achieve this.  I would not take tnem to new places with new dogs to go through all that again. 



  6. Poor guy looks like he is on deaths door...he is so skinny and unsteady on his feet...maybe drunk or the heat getting to him? 


    Why live like that at his time in life if he has money and a business back in his home country?  Surely he has his pension and money coming in from his business to not have to work picking up trash for a few bath? 


    I don't think he will be able to carry on like that for long.  What visa can he have to have stayed here 6 years, and now seen working thanks to this video.  And what is the attraction of a poor elderly farang for the Thai guy?  


    Maybe the old man has some dementia? 





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