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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. Recently there was a thread about the first person given a penis transplant HERE.

    Since many of these maimed soldiers don't have a penis, must they use the women's restroom or should they be allowed to use the restroom which matches their gender identity, even though their equipment would dictate differently?

    If/ when the first girl is murdered/ molested by a male legally in a female toilet, it will be on the PC brigade's shoulders.

    Again, with the little girl fantasy!

    If he murders / molests the girl illegally that is OK?

    A trans person could SAVE the little girl and be a real hero.. and if they were not allowed in there the girl would have no help...

    So when the first little girl is murdered / molested by that straight pervert because she was ALONE in there and the trans person was not allowed in... it will be on the ANTI TRANS brigade's shoulders!!!

  2. Can people stop going on and on about some 'poor innocent little darling fragile angle little girl'.

    What the hell is that little girl doing looking at peoples private parts anyway... and looking up trans people skirts ?!!!

    Stop making up stick ideas in your head. That's not going to happen is it..... any more than the sweet little baby girl will be looking at women's private parts in the bathroom.

    Why would a trans person go around flashing their privates in the wormen's restroom.... any more than you or your delicate fragile inferior women wife?

    If you are talking about sex offenders... they are going to do that kind of stuff with our without trans people being allowed in the restroom... its a completely separate issue.

    You are showing your ignorance and hatred for trans people by linking them with that... like saying all gays are child molesters.. or all blacks are rapists.

    And all white men are drunk drug taking wife battering morons with a disturbing obsession with trans peoples sexual organs.

  3. Number 1 is said in a very rude way.

    Not really, that is colloquial Isan speech, your daily banter.

    The word ' si ' is used in Laos (and Isaan?) to create the future tense in the same way as จะ (จะ is also used in Laos).

    The word ' si ' is also spoken with a different tone as a vulgar slang expression for the sex act. Hence the rude misinterpretation.

    There is nothing rude about that first line in the OP. Also, the particle in Lao that's the equivalent of Thai จะ is usually spelled ซิ, not สิ (though this is not consistent). However, the slang word for sex in Lao is สี่ in Thai (low tone; in Lao, the number "4" is said with a mid tone), with a long vowel, not a short one.

    I was not referring to the word ja or si. I was meaning the word they use for husband.

  4. It may be just a mistake.. or maybe they are overcharging everyone! Don't jump to the conclusion its personal because you are a farang.

    Next time just tell you think he made a mistake.

    I am often undercharged in my local shops and bars.. I always am honeyst and tell them!

    I don't have a Thai partner.. and I have not felt the need to get one to protect me from con tricks or overcharging.

    I know what there things should cost.. so if services are too expensive I just decline them and find someone cheaper.

    I can speak Thai quite well.. and I have seen many times when the Thai wife or GF actually tell the farang a higher price.... it had nothing to do with the person selling stuff... it was so the Thai wife could get a cut of the money. When the farang find out they got overcharged she will blame the person selling the product or service. Not saying this happens all the time... but I have seen it twice with my friends.

  5. It is very sad to read how nasty and racist some "humans" are.My cousin is on board and many Egyptian Muslims also as well as Christians.Thai lady also on board as I had seen on twiter.I thought you would all have did some prayer for all those on board rather than being so ignorant and heartless if not totally mindless. I pray for their souls !!

    How is being anti Muslim 'racist'? Muslim is not a race of people? Do you think they come from Muslimland?!

    I am sorry you have family on their plane... but please keep you religions view to yourself... as not everyone on here is Christian or wants to pray to Jesus.... and think of the people that will be praying to Allah, or some other god from the thousands or different religions in the world.

  6. Poor snake... I prefer snakes to MOST dogs... at least they do a job of eating vermin and they don't bark and howl all night outside my bedroom window.

    We get a quite a lot on our land... seem several banded kraits and 'normal' cobra. Also python and very beautiful and harmless sunbeam snakes.

    I have 2 small dogs of my own... and they are very clever about the dangers of snakes. If they spot one they will circle around it making a bark which I recognise by its pitch as a 'scary animals about' bark.

    They know not to try and touch it of bite it.. just keep the thing in sight.

    And have to disagree about people saying its cruel to keep a husky dog in Thailand. I know several people with them.. and they all are very happy lively dogs.. which don't suffer from the hot weather any more than any other dog. They loose a lot of the thick fur in the hot season.. and the owners also take them to the groomers to get a short hair cut. They love water and can cool off in an pond, ocean, or paddling pool.

    After all, us Caucasians live here in the heat without too much problems.. and we 'evolved' in the cold climates up north.

  7. Its very worrying how little water there is now... not just the hot temps.

    For the last week every day in my area have been over 40 degrees.. with a high of 43 degrees.

    Even with watering the garden the hot sun bakes the ground rock hard and any water evaporates in a few hours... so I have given up watering it at all now as most of it is dead anyway.. despite my massive water bills.

    Even if we get rain this year I don't think its going to be anywhere near enough to fill up the reservoirs enough for the next dry season.

    This is the first year of many years living here that I have seen a lot of dead rice plants in the fields around our area too.

    The officials say the rains will start in the next few days... but I am not going to be too surprised if they don't!

  8. What is the point are reintroducing them if they have not tackled the problem that made them go extinct in the first place? The need to decided how to protect them from poachers first!!!

    If they do that... there are so many tigers stuck in zoos all over the world.... it would be time to see if the zoos were really into conservation as they say they are... and the zoos could donate the tigers. But I suspect the tigers will stay in the zoos.. and perhaps wild tigers from India will be caught and released... and then killed by poachers.

  9. There is probably some house close by where they are keeping fighting cocks, strap spikes on them and let them slice each other up until one dies, but that's ok cos it's still legal here. Why is nobody campaigning to get widespread and regular animal cruelty like this banned in Thailand?

    I agree.. I see a lot more animal cruelty here than I did in the UK.. I thought the religion of this country was about how to stop suffering.. and even eating meat and killing animals is seen as wrong.

    But most people here treat their animals with neglect at best.. and cruelty and abuse at worst. Many wild animals are trapped and put in tiny cages, the natural forests and habitats are cut down, burnt, damage and polluted. Farm animals are treated very badly.. often without enough food or medical help.. and transported and slaughtered in horrific conditions.

    The chicken fighting is disgusting... and it seems more to do with gambling and men getting sick thrills from violence and blood. Actually, it almost always seems to be men that do these things for some reason.

    I am not against eating animals or having pets... but humans need to treat them with respect... and give them the best living conditions and quickest and least stressful death. After all everything will die in the end.. and a quick painless death I is far better then a long slow suffering one for some disease of old age.

    Sadly most humans can not even respect other humans.. with domestic violence, wars, child abuse, starvation and not helping others.

    This man cutting the dogs feet off must be mentally disturbed. If he can do that kind of thing he would also be able to do it to a human.. he is dangerous.

    I am glad Thailand has this new anti animals cruelty law.. and I can see its just starting to work.. but its going to take many years before we see real results.. as people have to change their attitude to the way they treat animals. Hopefully more reporting like this will bring animals cruelty to peoples attention and help make them see how its wrong.

    I hope that man goes to prison or at least gets a huge fine. But I suspect not a lot will happen... at least he has shamed himself to a lot of people.

  10. Just seen a video on Face Book where a lesbian is thrown out of the womens toiltet by 3 police men... as she has no ID to prove that she is not a man. and all the women in there are actually trying to help this poor woman and telling the police to leave her alone and its crazy to need ID to use the toilet!!!!


  11. the wife's village has the phantom cable cutter.

    every month, 2,3,4 tannoy have the cable cut, puu yai baan sends out some boys to fix them.

    the cutter swaps each time, except for one, the one outside the puu yai baan's house is always cut.

    they can't catch him.

    village hero

    Excellent !!

    Send him to my village... I will pay big money!!!

  12. Temple is next door to our house... have some loud speakers pointing at out house and when they turn them on the walls and windows shake. No ear plugs or TV on max volume can drown the noise out... have to get on my pushbike and get my morning exercise as no way can stay in the house!!! Last week the temple had something going on to collect money for a new building... every day for 10 days we had 5.30 wake up till 9 am with the loud music and money asking for money. Then again in the evening with 3 big parties (which only about 10 people went to) which went on till midnight!!! It was torture.

    I think we have it worse than most people.

    Typical day...

    5.30am - 8.30am Temple music (very bad old Thai pop music).

    10.30am - 6.30pm Loud base music, screaming children and teenagers noisy motorbikes... from kids public swimming pool across the street (kids on school holiday for what seems like forever).

    6.30 pm Village speakers to give us all the news.. with more annoying bad old Thai country song.

    7.00pm 9pm Neighbours dog collection (now up to 12 dogs) howling, screaming and barking manically for food).

    Then at night in the dry season (now) there are usually several parties going on with more loud base music till about 12.30 at night. This week had a funeral with drums and fireworks.

    Then blessed silence till the next morning it starts all over again.

    We have our house up for sale now.. moving to the city for peace and quiet.

  13. I think feeding them is fine.. so long as you don't make the birds dependant on your food... and also that you keep the feeding area clean to stop the birds getting diseases.

    I feed the bird fruit and other things.. but some days I don't bother.. so they have to go look for food someplace else... that way they don't get dependant on my handouts.

    Also we have lots of fruit trees so there is always natural food in the garden for them... I just give them some extra tasty treats.

    Also I don't think people should put out feed for birds if they own cats or there are lots of predators around their property.. for obvious reasons.

    I agree, which is why I've only recently started to throw dog kibble and nuts around as normally insects/fruit etc. are easily available in such a hot and humid country.

    But its been v hot for a long time, and v dry - so I assume food is scarce for birds?

    You would think so for sure... but I have lots of birds nesting on the property.. starlings, Mynah, Pied Robins, and more... so I think insects are still plentiful... perhaps they are easier to find in the dry short grass.

  14. I think feeding them is fine.. so long as you don't make the birds dependant on your food... and also that you keep the feeding area clean to stop the birds getting diseases.

    I feed the bird fruit and other things.. but some days I don't bother.. so they have to go look for food someplace else... that way they don't get dependant on my handouts.

    Also we have lots of fruit trees so there is always natural food in the garden for them... I just give them some extra tasty treats.

    Also I don't think people should put out feed for birds if they own cats or there are lots of predators around their property.. for obvious reasons.

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  15. Should never have been created..........


    No mum......

    I don't want to get too personal here.. but you sound like you have some issues about absent mothers.

    I am sorry if you had a bad experience growing up without a mother, for whatever reason... but millions of children grow up with no mother.. even here in Thailand...

    A child does not have to have a mother raise it in order for it to be happy... and this child of the 2 gay men will not be raised in isolation with only these 2 guys for company.

    The men will have families too.. so the child will have grandmothers, female cousins, etc so the child will not lack female company.

  16. If you want to have children get into a relationship with the opposite sex. If you choose to be in a gay relationship then the natural consequence is that it should be childless. That is the choice you make being gay.

    your ignorance is truly astonishing.

    People don't choose to be gay.. but you choose to show yourself as a complete moron.

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