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Everything posted by jak2002003

  1. That you for that. I'll get into contact with them.
  2. Hi. We have moved back to the UK and still have some personal belongings in Thailand (CM) that we would like to get back to the UK. It's mostly personal stuff like our record collection, hi fi system and clothes. Any recommendations for a comoany to use? We are in no hurry for it to arrive, so they can be slow. Also, I wonderd if cost is on crate size or weight?
  3. So basically the leading cause of death was caused by burgers, cakes and fast food. Yet this never gets people freaked out as much as covid.
  4. Maybe sometimes. But a couple of ladies i knew used the money for secret gambling. I suspext you would not want your wife to use your money for that. Another one was just greedy and used it to buy expensice stuff and show it off while partying with her friends. She though it was funny to scam her dumb husband. He used to give her plenty of money anyway.
  5. You are traumatised by the way your parents raised you. Changing your name will do nothing to change those feelings. All the stress into changing your name and passports etc is not going to help your mental health or make you feel any better once you do it. You are not a child now and are independent from your parents and have your own life. You have an advantage over many people in having duel nationality. Britain has many good things to offer, so has thailand. Better use of your time would be to go and get some therapy to talk about your problems and get better mental health. You can't delete your past by simply changing your name.
  6. Why do some people do stuff like this to poor animals.. What's wrong with them? Just get a kitten or puppy.
  7. Yes. I mix with normal open minded rational people, who dont have crazy religious or poliical views, and who treat their fellow human beings with respect and kindness.
  8. Are you serious? If that is your argument the how do you know women don't want trans people to use their toilets.... Have I you asked the entire population of women? I'm telling you that I, in many years, have never met a single woman who said they had a problem with trans people using their toilets lol. I think the percentage that have an issue with it is very small. I bet your own Thai woman does not care of a ladyboy goes into the ladies toilets.
  9. As a gay man I found wonen don't care if gay men or trans use the ladies bathroom. They are quite happy to chat together at the mirror as they adjust their make up or do their hair. They have a problem with straight men using their bathroom. And the reason is not becasue they fear the straight man will attack them....its rather that most straight men, especially if they have had some drinks, are filthy and will pee all over the place and stink the bathroom out.
  10. Yes. The bleeding visa requirements are stopping me. Before, it was totally easy. I don't want to be going to immigration, filling in forms, investing large sums of cash, be forced to live in a certain place or buy a property at a certain value. I could have simply arrived there, got any job, lived and travelled anywhere in EU, no visa, no immigration, no faffing about, and I could stay as long as I wanted, and come and go as I pleased.
  11. I hope so...then I can go and live easy in France or Spain full time...like I wanted to do before brekit put pay to my plans.
  12. So... Go and buy live rabbits and Guinea pigs to throw for dog to kill and eat. That way you eliminate the cruelty of factory farming. Double standards if you feed killed animals to your pets but say people are cruel to eat animals. Humans are also omnivores naturally...same as chimps....
  13. So, you don't feed your dogs meat? Yoi don't care about the cows, chickens and other animals that are factory farmed, transported in crowded conditions, and killed in a slaughter house.....just to make food for your pampered pets? It amazes me the vegetarians or vegans that keep pets that eat meat.
  14. If a backward place like Thailand won't allow illegal immigrants in, how can Europe and the UK not stop them? Genuine asylum seekers should be allowed, but this huge influx of illegals needs to stop. It's got crazy now, and will only get worse. Countries can not cope with the strain on resources all these new people bring. How about arresting all that come. Keep them in huge detention centers with the same conditions of a Thai prosion... and use them as forced free workers? Don't let them out ever unless they can raise enough money for trip back to their country. ....that might deter further ones arriving. Honestly, the way it's going now, Europe may as well just do away with immigration and let anyone in..
  15. Those are Asian Openbill Storks. These days they are the only species of stork doing well here in Thailand...other species extinct or critically endangered, due to habitat loss. The Asian Openbill Stork was lucky due to humans introducing the invasive apple snail from Africa. This bird feeds almost exclusively on snails, and the large apple snails are a good and plentiful supply of food for them in the rice fields. Farmers also appreciate the storks for eating the snails. So it's turned out to be a win win situation.
  16. Well, maybe you have formed your own little bubble around you, and are wearing blinkers, if you can't see that there is still much discrimination against LGBQ people. Why not ask your gay pals what they think about the steep rise in homophobic attacks in the UK or America? Or, how about the countries they are barred from going for work or holidays, unless they wish to run the risk of being imprisoned or exicuted? Or, are they are fine that Thailand will not recognise their marital status if they come here and they need legal decisions to be made of one of them is hospitalised or dies, or even to just apply for a marriage visa? Online bullying and abuse is even worse for LGBQ people, together with higher suicides, depression and mental illness. Does that come out of equality in society? .
  17. They are 'integrated into society'? What..like rehabilated ex criminals?! Are you serious?! So which gays are not intergrated into society exactly? The ones that are too camp or the kind that wear skimpy shorts or make up? You just comfortable with the straight acting ones that will not stand out as gay and make you feel embarrassed to be seen with them?
  18. Is that usual for straight guys to shower together for back rubbing purposes only? Well, I'm up for it if there are any hunky good looking guys on here..... I got a big loofah. Haha
  19. More likely he will be sued for defamation now... For giving the hot springs place a bad name and damaging Thailands immage..
  20. They would love that. Next it will be black out blinds on the windows when a rainbow appears in the sky. They want the kids to have bibles in school which contains stories of genocide, mass murder, rape, how to manage your slaves, underage sex, incest and animal cruelty etc....but are horrified the darling children might read a story book with a gay penguin in it lol.
  21. They would make a lot of cash from 'travel to paradise Thailand and have an expsnsive over the top gay wedding on the tropical beach' They are missing out not allowing gay marriage. It would bring jobs and lots of money.
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