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Everything posted by tgw

  1. There's a DIV in the forum footer, called "publift-widget-sticky_footer-container", that covers floating forum buttons, notably multiquote when selecting several post to quote. I'd suggest adding the necessary space or adjusting the DIV's z-index to just below the forum's floating buttons.
  2. so which part of his speech did you want to comment on ?
  3. very well put by French Senator Claude Malhuret
  4. Breaking news in the "blast from the past" category.
  5. Heroyam Slava !
  6. wait, wasn't one of the arguments of the Trumpists that Zelenskyi didn't even speak Ukrainian ?
  7. there's not much else to do for the rest of the world than to ignore Trump and his looneys and continue usual administrative relations with the USA and to wait it out. in the meanwhile, Europe shall take form its own defence initiative, support Ukraine and seize Russian assets.
  8. many details of the proposed "deal" are publicly available, for example here: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/fact-sheet-istanbul-protocol-draft-document-april-15-2022 and here https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/15/world/europe/ukraine-russia-ceasefire-deal.html (this link possibly has a paywall, but I already accessed it freely) you will see that the proposal was totally unacceptable.
  9. describe the "deal".
  10. there was no Istanbul deal you troll. an ultimatum to surrender isn't a deal !
  11. Thank you for your updates! I heard that the numbers of surrendering Ruzzians are increasing. Let's hope this trend continues.
  12. not planning to take it on a plane
  13. I need to be able to run a rather beefy laptop during blackouts, my laptop's power supply is rated for an output of 19.5V, 11.8A and 230W. I need to be able to run the laptop for at least 6 hours. I looked into UPS, but these are usually providing power just for a handful of minutes. Then there are portable power stations, such as Jackery and a few other brands. Does anyone here have experience with this kind of setup? The Jackery website offers calculators and simulators, which say for example that a certain power station size can recharge a laptop 20 times while being able to power it for 4 hours straight, for example. I don't know which size to choose or if I should go with number of charges or continuous draw, and I don't exactly know my laptop's average draw while working but not using the GPU, but powering an LTE aircard (USB dongle).
  14. what does it matter - they published such "personal opinion". seriously, after all the atrocities, people who support Putin, when you look in the mirror, how can you even look ? and before someone posts nonsense, how is the following not supporting Putin: I researched John Mac Ghlionn, the author of the "opinion" above, and I understood everything. The guy is a click baiting provocateur, the Tucker Carlson of the press. he goes on That's how conscription and mobilization are like. In WW2, people in Europe didn't run to the recruitment office. My grandfather had no choice but to go to war. My great grand father had to go twice. He got gassed both times. Clearly, that Mac Ghlionn guy has no idea what war is, he lives in an alternate reality. He is a disgrace to all brave men defending their country. I encourage everyone to contact The Hill to express disappointment at their publishing the drivel of such a clickbaiter. That's not journalism, that's stooping too low, the barrel's bottom has been scraped away. I don't care what their statistics about "reader engagement" say.
  15. the people who write this apparently have sh*t for brains. but they got mitigating circumstances because their goal is to manipulate opinion. readers believing this drivel have it way worse. martial law while the country is at war? wow. who would have thought that? also, it's not even possible to hold elections, since part of the country is controlled by the invader. these arguments show such profound stupidity that it's even difficult to reason against them, any hope of arguments founded on reason reaching the brains of these people seems in vain.
  16. hihihi it's relatively clear now that Putin is Rocket Boy #2 this will go nowhere. Putin not giving in to Trump will just lead to more sanctions and more military aid to Ukraine.
  17. I'm beginning to think Trump did this only to get Putin to the negotiation table. What's on the table now is completely unacceptable to Ukraine, and why would Ukraine give the US its strategic resources in exchange of nothing? Where are Ruzzia's concessions ? At the same time, Trump continues military support to Ukraine. So I think Trump wanted to get Putin moving, and maybe to get Putin to reveal some of his cards. And once Trump sees he can't negotiate with Putin, this will take the same direction as with Rocket Boy. Trump used the same tactics there.
  18. A bad peace deal is worse than no peace deal
  19. thank you for your service and don't let pro-Russian trolls disturb you. Slava Ukraini !
  20. it's called doing the right thing for the wrong reasons - Trump is transactional and needs incentives. these resources belong to Ukraine and to Ukrainian people. and Ukraine will need help to reconstruct everything that was destroyed by orcs. Western partnerships for extracting resources there will be welcome, they will provide investment and jobs for the people, who will then have decent living conditions unlike what miners experience in Ruzzia. of course this must sound very bad to people such as you, who support a murderous dictator and his evil regime, doing evil things for evil reasons. this will be over this year. Ukraine is currently dismantling Ruzzia's war energy infrastructure, one refinery goes after the other, soon orcs will have to rely solely on horses and coal-fired locomotives. the whole orc country will grind to a halt. let's play Ruzzian refinery bingo
  21. Actually, Ukraine doesn't have much rare earth minerals worth mentioning and it had/has zero operating mines for these. But Ukraine does have a lot of strategic mineral resources such as titanium, lithium, beryllium, manganese, gallium, uranium, zirconium, graphite, apatite, fluorite and nickel. So Trump made an ignorant comment, at least regarding rare earths. But seeing as most of the deposits of the minerals I mentioned above are now in Ruzzian-Occupied territory, I'm thinking it's okay if Trump is mistaken, while of course these minerals are of strategic importance, and that's an important reason why Putin and his accomplices should not be allowed to have them. So I hope Trump secures these resources.
  22. Godspeed. Slava Ukraini !
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