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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Aaaah OK - I didn't understand that you were talking about a very precise model, as you were "assuming". Mind you, English isn't my first language, neither is it my second. So I probably have to brush up my reading comprehension skills then.
  2. that's why I said "typical" - I'm sure you can find models that go faster.
  3. typical top speed of 400cc MC is 170 Kph (110 mph)
  4. At that moment in time I' pretty sure Putin already knew who Trump was.
  5. now please if the "journalist" could cite the exact Law and article under which a prostitute could be charged for "freelancing", i.e. privately having sex in exchange for money ...
  6. so, what are Ruzzia's "security concerns" that withstand a logical analysis ?
  7. I didn't misspell : https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Ruzzia your inability to explain what, according to you, "everybody knows" means that this is all a hollow argument of yours. you don't even need your so-called "proof" for making your point about the security concerns. a simple logical explanation would suffice, but there is none and you know it. P.S. "Ruzzia" designates the Ruzzian fascist state, Putin and his supporters. I have several friends hailing from Russia, which is a different country. They are courageous, generous and believe in freedom and democracy.
  8. could you please highlight for me the parts of the report where it says Ukraine is undemocratic and "un-free" ?
  9. Please explain very clearly. Treat me as an alien who just landed on earth and wanted to understand "Ruzzia's security concerns" and how invading Ukraine alleviates them. You are an enlightened poster who "did his own research" and aren't one of those people who would just parrot things and then not be able to explain them, right ?
  10. this is nonsense. Ruzzia is already occupying parts of Moldova and Georgia. They won't stop there. Also, I would like you and the other posters who say Ruzzia has "obvious security concerns" to explain what these security concerns are and in which scenarios and how the invasion of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova would mitigate these concerns.
  11. Fascinating how you imply Ukrainians have no free will of their own. You are short sighted. If Putin gets what he wants now, it's almost guaranteed Georgia and Armenia are next, and then maybe Kazakstan and Moldova, then the Baltic states. Because "compromise". Putin has to be stopped now, while it's possible.
  12. Winning for Ukraine is making Ruzzia withdraw from Ukraine. Ukraine can certainly achieve this if the allies supply Ukraine with the right tools. What they need to do is to bloody the bear's nose, not once, but several times in a row with mass casualties of Ruzzian soldiers and ravage Ruzzian airbases, Ruzzian oil infrastructure. Take out the damn bridge.
  13. and let's be clear, Ukraine didn't invade the Russian mainland !
  14. I did some new thinking about this, my best guess is that memberships would need to be set to around 1 million baht nominal value (transferable perpetual membership with leasing options) and yearly costs to somewhere around 100k for 1000 members. That would net 1 billion for infrastructure and 100 million/year for maintenance. Regarding legal structure, Thai Law provides the "Association" as a form of Jurisdic Person that seems completely appropriate for a golf club.
  15. Just be yourself, at 60 he probably knows what reactions to expect from you - if you are curious, just ask him if he's ok to talk about it. Or not. Depends on your relationship with your brother. There isn't a "one fits all" method of handling such news. Also, I would be careful with labels, such as gay, straight, etc. sexuality is a continuum, not a handful of hermetic boxes.
  16. Spending the dollars on helping Ukraine (and Taiwan, and Israel, to some extent) does help EVERYONE that wants to live in a DEMOCRATIC WORLD. The Ruzzian playbook is all about destabilizing democratic countries by promoting divisiveness. the 1%, racial tensions, tensions about emissions, etc. Funny you mention the 1% ... what about the richest man in the world and his oligarch cronies ? You seem keen to expand their Ruzzian economic model.
  17. what I take away from that war is that Russia supported war criminals there too.
  18. regarding the pressure put on Russians by NATO, I suggest you examine the war in ex-Yugoslavia.
  19. I might have been guilty of being too optimistic as well. But : you portray the war as depending on the USA, instead of the perpetrator. The war would end instantly if Putin withdrew his troops from Ukraine. Then big blocks and buffer zones theory with the untold "bigger game" is there to further muddy the waters. After being painted as being equally responsible for the conflict in the previous argument, Ukraine is now totally insignificant except for its geographic position and is merely a pawn in the hands of superpowers. So, that was another leap of logic. Or of illogism. But let's look at big blocks and buffer zones and how that is itself a flawed theory : The one entity which needs buffer zones is a fascist Ruzzia. Buffer zones are useful in a context of conventional ground war. Who has been building up ground troops ? It is obvious that NATO has not been preparing for conventional ground war at all, and Ruzzia was fully aware. That certainly was one of the arguments in favour of Putin's attack. Weakness of NATO. As a defensive pact of countries with insufficient ground troops, NATO doesn't need buffer zones. While countries like France or Germany will of course feel more comfortable having Poland and Ukraine on the Eastern border, NATO itself doesn't care much about buffer zones. The reason is that it's a defensive pact, if one country is attacked, all NATO countries will defend that country. In fact, the situation we have now with Ukraine resembles more a buffer country situation than if Ukraine was a NATO member. But of course, the other side, ex-Warsaw Pact people don't understand this. For them, Warsaw pact members were all expendable pawns in the grand scheme of Ruzzia's supremacy. They think of NATO as their nemesis, and that NATO's goal is to attack Ruzzia and that NATO will sacrifice its member countries in the process, which is a ridiculous thought, but one that can gain hold in the minds of Putin and cronies, where one can find paranoia, narcissism and an inferiority complex. "This is not just a border conflict escalating in to a war." This isn't a border conflict. It is a 20+ year attempt by Putin to subjugate Ukraine. Because he was unsuccessful, he gradually escalated from covert influence into an all-out war. There are indeed bigger plans at play, but these bigger plans are Ruzzian. It's funny that you should mention Georgia, as many aspects of that country's misfortunes in since 2007 are pretty similar to Ukraine's. How is Georgia for a NATO buffer zone ? Nah, it's purely a piece of what Putin considers the Ruzzian empire. What Georgians have to say about it is meaningless. Georgia is pro-EU and pro-Democracy. Sounds familiar ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Georgian_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia–Russia_relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikheil_Saakashvili
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