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Everything posted by tgw

  1. your plan is a bit unrealistic, but it would be the right thing and very satisfying.
  2. I see you provided no credible source for your claim that Blackrock bought Ukraine
  3. she's not wrong - but not right either to put it like that.
  4. Bank of Russia increases the key rate by 100 bp to 19.00% p.a. https://www.cbr.ru/eng/press/keypr/ So much for the claims that "Russia's economy is doing fine"
  5. there is a channel on youtube I like to watch which shows US political cartoons on a number of topics, of course most are about US politics. the channel's name is "Laughter". cartoons from all political sides are shown, and I noticed a significant difference between pro-MAGA cartoons and others. the pro-MAGA cartoons aren't subtle, often fail to be funny, feel forced and seem primitive. I think they are a good reflection of the actual politics they are caricaturing.
  6. I for one have called for peace many times, that Putin leaves Ukraine and that the war stops.
  7. I was waiting for that argument. He returned when Yanukovich was president and magically, there was no investigation anymore.
  8. the suspects have been given Russian passports and are living in Russia.
  9. On 27 September 2009, Yushchenko said in an interview aired on Channel 1+1 that the testimony of three men who were at a dinner in 2004 at which he believes he was poisoned is crucial to finishing the investigation, and he claimed these men were in Russia. Ukrainian prosecutors said Russia has refused to extradite one of the men, the former deputy chief of Ukraine's security service, Volodymyr Satsyuk, because he holds both Russian and Ukrainian citizenship.[24] Satsyuk returned to Ukraine in 2012 and tried to relaunch his political career, but did not succeed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yushchenko
  10. no, it simply meant Ukraine was going to seek protection from Putin's crimes. Putin brought it onto himself by trying to stop the inevitable : Ukrainian people wanted to join Western Europe and its culture and prosperity. Evro-Standard. Paniatna ?
  11. in 2004, Russia poisoned presidential candidate Yushchenko and rigged the vote in favour of Yanukovich. and you thought after that the people of Ukraine would still be favourable to Russia ?
  12. As usual you are full of it. It started not very long before the Orange revolution (2004). Yushchenko was poisoned the same year by his own security forced paid by Russia. I was there.
  13. Ever since Putin came to power in Russia, he has been trying to subjugate Ukraine, to dominate it, to control Ukraine's destiny, despite it being a sovereign independent state. Putin committed many crimes against Ukraine and even more were committed on his orders. Ex-Soviet states suffered a lot already under the Soviets, so it's understandable that they wanted to join the EU and NATO, but since Putin is in power, that wish for protection against Putin has increased at an accelerated rate. Putin is NATO's best recruiter.
  14. What do you mean, media forgets to mention it ? can you please stop with the lies ?
  15. both are still 500ml in a 1000ml container. you confuse facts with spin, which explains in part your posts.
  16. so how many lies by Trump is that ?
  17. yeah, okay. averaging at less than 2 lies a year. I guess all politicians lie every now and then. she should have been held accountable for it and publicly apologized and set the record straight. now, how many lies do you count for Trump ?
  18. a link to a page listing the lies would be welcome !
  19. one is provided here: if you want more, take your pick here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump I'm still waiting on your articulation of Biden's lies with supporting links.
  20. BTW, regarding my hunch about Musk promoting disinformation and pro-Russian views, Ryan McBeth made some compelling points in a video. One can see how MAGA, disinformation channels and pro-Russian channels gain followers at an accelerated rate after Musk purchased Twitter Ryan McBeth is a Youtuber well known for providing factual analysis
  21. In my world "certainty" is a rare thing. I reserve it for mathematics and for a small part of natural sciences. But I could certainly compile a list of enough examples of Trump's lies where I am 99% sure he lied. In German we say "mit an Gewissheit angrenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit" which translates to "with probability bordering on certainty". German is a very precise language. It doesn't mean I don't know. I leave 1% risk of being wrong, as a form of intellectual honesty and as an invitation to anyone to bring proof that I'm wrong. From the over 30.000 alleged lies listed in the Wikipedia link, I'd say there is also a high chance of finding some that weren't outright lies.
  22. lol Trump has been caught lying often enough: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump I say "possible lies" because I hold myself to the same standards I want to hold others to
  23. from the link (visible to me):
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