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Everything posted by tgw

  1. You avoid the question. Violence started with Ruzzian interference in Ukrainian democracy back when the Orange revolution took place. I was in Ukraine at the time. At that time, Ruzzian-organized assassinations, bribery, etc. were common and they also poisoned president Yushchenko. Large scale violence started when Yanukovich the Ruzzian puppet was ousted and Ruzzia organized armed groups and invaded Crimea. Ruzzia influenced the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and created armed separatist groups there, armed and supplied by Ruzzia, who were shooting both sides with MLRS (grad) to escalate tensions. The extreme right has always been rather insignificant in post-WW2 Ukraine, not even reaching 2% support in the population. Private armies were a requisite in an ultra-corrupt Ukraine shaped after the Ruzzian model. I can say that private armies existed in Ukraine because of Ruzzia's influence, which made it necessary for some oligarchs to maintain an army. Asking if human rights were violated is a biased question, as this is almost guaranteed to be the case at different degrees anywhere in the world at any moment. Equating Ukraine to Ruzzia and saying they should both share the blame is Ruzzian propaganda. Why do you want to blame Ukraine when a large part of the Ukrainian state structures were controlled by Ruzzia through bribery, blackmail and extortion ? My best guess is that at the time of invasion, about 20 to 30% of Ukrainian government officials were controlled by Ruzzia, and when Crimea was invaded, I guess Ruzzia controlled over 50% of Ukrainian state structures in Crimea and the Donbass. Don't try to throw Ukraine and Ruzzia into the same basket for assigning blame about who started the conflict, for 2 reasons : - Yes, the responsibility is shared, but the ratio is 95% Ruzzia and 5% Ukraine - Saying otherwise is supporting the Ruzzian narrative, which is a lie don't support Ruzzia.
  2. I think for re-establishing fairness in women's sports, they should introduce a rule saying transgender athletes should only be allowed to take part in women's sports if at least 75% of men say the athlete is "hot". then it would be fair.
  3. These 50k are deaths of Russian fighters that the BBC can individually confirm, meaning the BBC knows the name of every single soldier. BBC has never put out estimates on losses. What do you think is the ratio between all pro-Putin fighters put out of combat by death, injury, imprisonment or illness compared to the number of deaths with their identity individually confirmed by the BBC using open source intelligence ? The ratio between wounded and dead is usually between 4 to 1 and 8 to 1 in war. Are we confident the BBC identified the dead ... 90% of them ? 60% ? I'd say IDing 50% of the identities of Russian losses would already be very remarquable. so the real number is maybe around 100.000k then, using the wounded - dead ratio, it's easy to come close to the estimates of 500k+ for losses
  4. So for how many more months will Putin-Republicans still delay the Aid Bill ?
  5. rather unlikely unless you ingest larger quantities of it. I'd rather bet on overexposure to the sun.
  6. almost no one in Thailand reads/watches real news. they have some real news broadcasted for example by Thai PBS and others, but most will be like "uuuuh headache" "think too mutt" etc. most people prefer watching someone falling off a bike on a video that is looped 50 times while 3-4 clown commentators of dubious gender crack jokes about it.
  7. Search on Google "Women on Web", there is information that is valid worldwide.
  8. two remarks: - "than they suffered under Ukraine" : you will need to thoroughly prove that point first, especially the "under Ukraine" part. there has been suffering while the territory was formally administered by Ukraine yes, but the suffering was caused by Russia. - quality of life : Ukraine gives them much better economic perspectives than Russia, especially with EU accession. and lastly, considering many men from LNR/DPR died fighting Putin's war, how do you evaluate dead people's quality of life ?
  9. I wonder how many people are needed to carry Big Joke's "go bag".
  10. it always gets repeated in the news that the Swiss scumbag kicked the doctor in her back, but ... did she suffer a haematoma ? were her "wounds" medically recorded ? how hard does a shove have to be to be called a kick ?
  11. a quick question to you : who do you think is responsible for the war (since 2014) ?
  12. I think Israel is doing it wrong. After locking down Gaza, they should have organized supplies deliveries to Gaza and built temporary camps outside of Gaza to welcome temporarily displaced Gazans. Then, the Israeli military should have proceeded block by block, ordering habitants to leave via secure corridors and then be filtrated with serious background checks. Those determined not to be HAMAS or HAMAS sympathisers/supporters could then be temporarily sheltered in the camps, with full support by international NGO. Then the military would very thoroughly search the evacuated block, which would then be made a heavily guarded no man's land. Then the next block. When the guarded no man's land moves to the next block and frees up a safe block, its inhabitants could return, fully supported by international NGO, after maybe one or two months it took to clear their block. This method seems a no brainer, I'm puzzled as to why they didn't proceed like that, but then I know Nethanyahu's methods, which I despise.
  13. yes, for work ... and gaming of course and photo / video editing / converting and storage and backup
  14. hmm. what if you order online ? would the computer be assembled in BKK and then shipped to you ?
  15. JIB has always been good for me. I don't really understand the need for an off the shelf, just have JIB assemble one for you using midrange parts. JIB uses genuine parts and give warranty. Assembled PCs are better than off the shelf, which usually have proprietary parts in them and are more difficult to fix.
  16. EDGE is actually a good browser. It is fast, very RFC-compatible and way less resource hungry than Chrome, as well as way less intrusive to the user's privacy than Chrome. To support independent browsers and privacy, I suggest everyone should use Firefox.
  17. No, it will never come back to bite you, because the license is not pirated. It's most probably a disused OEM license from the EU market where reselling transferable licenses is a right that nobody can take from people. Microsoft is also one of the most straightforward and fair software companies I know when it comes to software licenses, especially for private persons. Their strategy has always been to be lax with private persons/ personal use because they want to hook as many people as possible to their product, as they will then also use it at their company. And while Microsoft had some weak moments, such as Win Vista, sigh... it certainly isn't lousy. Windows can just do so much more things for versatile power users such as myself that it's a no brainer to choose it as a personal OS. I like Linux, I use it on my file/media server, on my webservers, and I would also use Linux for basic office environment tasks, but not for my personal computer, because I want to do more with it. Ideally, I could imagine going dual boot to be able to use something like docker, NPM tools, compilers, etc. but current adequate laptops are rather pricey.
  18. Buy a Win 10 Pro license for about 5$ and then upgrade to Win 11 Pro for free.
  19. no, the graffiti are the first step of scum taking over public space. needs to be stopped in the egg.
  20. it's only a question of time until Afghanistan births the next gaggle of suicide terrorists.
  21. Piles of debris ? Top Charoen Optical ? How is it possible to confuse piles of debris with tanks, even with the best camo ?
  22. the longer the radio silence is, the higher the chances that everyone is trying to sweep that under the rug. my best guess is that the cop they disarmed didn't behave in a fully professional manner. it's pure speculation on my part, but seeing how there is zero news, I'd bet the police got their best brains together to find a face-saving way out.
  23. My fear is that Trump Social will be used to pay Trump's legal bills and to fund his campaign. What measures are in place to prevent people to invest in Trump Social and Trump filling his pockets with it ? I can imagine dozens of different ways how this could be done.
  24. let him run it as long as he does the right thing. requisition of industrial capacity and minimal stockpile requirements as well as secure supply chains for armament industry are a no brainer.
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