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Everything posted by tgw

  1. From the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense: https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA/posts/280122050966921
  2. Russian soldiers kill surrendering civilian who had his hands in the air https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10618567/Ukrainian-civilian-shot-dead-Russian-soldiers-holding-hands-surrender.html
  3. Wladimir Klitschko's message to the Russian people: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9u8BSq8i_/
  4. "guerillas" aren't hacking. they are physically destroying stuff
  5. Franak Viačorka, Senior Advisor to Belarus opposition leader Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya, says that guerrillas in Belarus are trying to prevent Belarus troops from entering Ukraine. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3435497-guerrillas-trying-to-prevent-belarus-troops-from-entering-ukraine.html
  6. Logic subroutine error : 404 logic not found but anyway: everyone calls Putin a war criminal. Except Belarus, North Korea and China... it's happening now. just watch.
  7. Ukraine is fighting for its EXISTENCE in this Russian antidemocratic war of aggression, it's not suicidal. Suicidal would be to give in to Russia, because it would mean the end of democratic Ukraine. Again. And, no, Ukrainian people are not willing to accept that. They proved it in 2004 and again in 2014 and again now. They are fighting for their freedom from Russia. They don't want Russian thugs' fingers in their politics and economy. And they are ready to defend their democracy.
  8. no, I think there are far fewer than you'd think. some people in the know give it about 6 months. I hope they aren't wrong.
  9. he could be "seized" in a similar operation to "Neptune Spear" and then brought to a state with ICC jurisdiction.
  10. so sad ... but perfectly coherent with Putin's "denazification" narrative ... total BS.
  11. one more item on the long list of Putin's resemblances with Hitler.
  12. the best in Thailand is to driver older Japanese cars that use very little electronics. lots of checked / refurbished second hand parts available from Japan and everyone can repair them.
  13. https://kyivindependent.com/national/russia-throws-untrained-civilians-from-occupied-donbas-into-hot-spots-of-its-war-in-ukraine/
  14. It does matter. Putin lives in a delusion. Even his motive for war is a delusion. The power of his military is a delusion. that was when the Soviet Union was a superpower... Deluded Putin thinks Russia is one as well...
  15. Even if he destroys Ukraine, Putin would still lose.
  16. yes, that's what he says. is it true ? what would it mean for Russia to have NATO in Ukraine ? would it mean that NATO would attack Russia ?
  17. Putin can't win in Ukraine. Every building that gets destroyed and every Ukrainian who dies, and also every Russian who dies in Putin's stupid war is only making Putin's final bill more expensive and more humiliating.
  18. There are more than one former member of US government that should have been tried for war crimes and other crimes. But it doesn't make what Putin is doing right. Putin is a war criminal. He won't win in Ukraine. Putin is a war criminal who badly miscalculated. He's politically already dead. Nobody will ever forgive him.
  19. Atrocities or offences against persons or property, constituting violations of the laws or customs of war CHECK murder, ill treatment or deportation to slave labour or for any other purpose of the civilian population in occupied territory murder or ill treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas killing of hostages torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments plunder of public or private property CHECK wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages CHECK devastation not justified by military necessity CHECK
  20. what have you been smoking? did you have a look at the picture?
  21. nope, these are regular flight suits, not high-tech suits. they probably took a couple of days to make.
  22. I'm quite sure that stunt has been planned by the cosmonauts with the support of the ground staff which certainly had the suits sewn for them. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the selection criteria for Astronauts / Cosmonauts, but personal values and balance are of great importance in the process, these guys are extremely likely to do the right thing at the right moment no matter what and with no regard for personal cost, and are very hardened against stress. This is also true for US astronauts and others.
  23. I respect and salute the Russian cosmonauts: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/russian-cosmonauts-wear-Ukrainian/2022/03/19/id/1061949/ it takes balls to be a cosmonaut.
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