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Everything posted by tgw

  1. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/03/28/7335261/ Government estimates: Almost 5,000 people killed in Mariupol, 170,000 remain under siege there will be hell to pay, Vlad. Mod's Note: the link above is for Ukrayinska Pravda, a Ukrainian media outlet with a good record for factual reporting, as opposed to the Russian Pravda, which is a non-credible "questionable source" and not allowed here.
  2. "personal effects" can go through customs tax free when you are moving your official address / household as part of the process of taking up residency. There is official documentation for that. FedEx or any other courier service do not really provide a customs service. They could, but they don't. They present your paper to the customs and can advance the fee and charge you and that's it. For any customs work, due diligence, advice, etc. it's necessary to talk with an international shipping company/agent, international movers, etc.
  3. Politico published this story about a Russian colonel who has allegedly been run over and killed by his own troops: https://www.politico.eu/article/russian-brigade-commander-killed-by-his-own-forces let's hope this is true and becomes a trend, all the way to the top.
  4. actually, many of these weapons are almost free. they have been stockpiled 20+ years and stocks must be rotated, new models coming out. especially the Javelin is being replaced with a newer missile, the FGM-148F.
  5. that scenario is pretty clear: show trials, mass murders, mass deportations, puppet regime, iron curtain, ... everything out of Stalin's playbook. and it would spell disaster for democratic Ukraine. and think about it ... Putin's "New Russia", the sanctioned and embargoed Russia, the pariah state Russia ... what would be the destiny of any country controlled by it ? don't kid yourself that in case Ukraine beats the Russians fascist back, sanctions on Russia and Putin would be lifted ... Putin is done, sanctions will not end until he is gone and Russia holds democratic polls and elects a democratic leader. Until then it will remain a pariah state, with or without Putin.
  6. and Lower Saxony followed suit, we can now expect the Russian fascist symbol to get outlawed in all of Germany really soon.
  7. https://www.overtdefense.com/2022/03/25/russian-landing-ship-badly-damaged-at-berdyansk/ the Ukrainian Navy operates Bayraktar drones, apparently some sources claim these drones carried out the attack
  8. displaying the Russian "Z" is now a criminal offense in Bavaria https://topnynews.com/the-z-symbol-was-banned-in-german-bavaria/
  9. this is 2022, more than 100 years after WW1. weren't the troops executed by the british given a hearing? anyway, Putin's war must be going great if he sends death squads against his own men.
  10. Germany is building 2 gas terminals at the moment and the rest of the EU has put together a task force to eliminate EU's dependence on Russia's energy. Soon mad Xui Lo Putin will only be able to sell his oil and gas to other pariah states. I hope a global trade embargo including oil and gas is soon imposed on Russia with EU and US sanctions attached, for punishing third countries meaning to trade with Russia.
  11. would be comical if it wasn't so sad. "first phase complete" yeah right ... after losing 20% of its troops and nearly 25% of its generals, Russia moves on to phase 2, where it will lose the rest... Putin's war must be going well... Putin sends in 'execution squads' to kill own troops if they try to flee Ukraine war https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/putin-sends-execution-squads-kill-26534705
  12. Russian general who bragged 'war would be over quickly' killed in Ukraine strike well, he wasn't wrong, the war was over quickly for him.
  13. it's really really difficult to form an opinion about what's fair in this case. current hormone levels might be an indicator, but what about past hormone levels which influences the development of the body? what about people born with two types of fully formed sexual organs (very rare, but still ...) and then let's do a theoretical comparison with paralympics - look under classification and cheating: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralympic_Games#Functional_classification_(since_1980s) another aspect is that most top champions in sport benefit from minor genetic advantages/mutations that give them an advantage. some women have naturally high performance-enhancing hormone levels, they were born with it. should they be disqualified from taking part ? and then there's a fundamental question about categories in the first place. categories are there to "make it fair and fun" . . . should "fair" even have a place in measuring human performance ?
  14. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-22-22/h_4aa55d4c2ec98e8dc098fb1c481560db https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-23-22/h_ac0ddf0ed676e5a2da25c2a6b9d62d49
  15. Newsweek's got the story: https://www.newsweek.com/russian-army-encircled-ukraine-forces-kyiv-1691332
  16. https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/europe/100000008266864/russia-army-radio-makariv.html
  17. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/mariupol-says-15000-deported-besieged-city-russia-2022-03-24/ apparently, the orcs are deporting people from Mariupol. 15.000 so far
  18. tgw


    I'm not saying MSG can't have adverse health effects in certain combinations or quantities/concentrations, I'm saying MSG is MSG regardless of the source.
  19. tgw


    as previously said, there is no chemical difference between natural and artificial MSG.
  20. tgw


    your post is both defamation and denigration, in addition to simply relaying false information. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/msg-good-or-bad read up on the subject.
  21. it is good news. only heavy losses are likely to make Putin and Russia stop. the more invaders Ukraine manages to kill, wound or make surrender, the better for Ukraine.
  22. GOOD NEWS ! https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news-2022-03-23/card/russia-lost-up-to-40-000-troops-in-ukraine-nato-estimates-xyZjWxinMDHzdeRZvAeD NATO: Up to 40,000 Russian Troops Killed, Wounded, Taken Prisoner or Missing in Ukraine
  23. this CNN broadcast claims that Ukraine is currently pushing to take back Kherson https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/03/21/russia-mykolaiv-kherson-ukraine-nick-paton-walsh-pkg-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/russia-ukraine-military-conflict/
  24. I'd hesitate to go if admittance was free. Maybe if they throw in free drinks and free parking.
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