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Everything posted by tgw

  1. no... the Russians are trying to not raze Ukraine and instead conquer it without destroying it completely. but this is failing because of Ukrainian determination and courage (and because of years of preparation and arms supplies), which puts Putin to the choice: raze entire cities or lose.
  2. well, the narrative of left-wing fascist nutcases is that the EU is Germany's IVth Reich, Hydra-Style (cf. The Avengers). it's a view that many Russian squareheads share.
  3. it's complete madness, they put it on high alert because Russia feels threatened in its "defensive war" it itself started abroad?
  4. seeing how well Ukrainian forces are resisting, I wonder if the whole thing has not been planned as a bear trap.
  5. helping refugees does not help Ukraine. Ukraine needs weapons, fuel, food and ammunition
  6. no, they would have blended in quite easily. there were probably hundreds if not thousands of them in Ukraine before the invasion.
  7. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-26-22/index.html clearly already making excuses as to why they are slow to progress
  8. I just saw a video where a group of Russian soldiers has been stopped, they had been using a civilian van marked "TV" https://www.facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces/videos/932825467433787
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60517447 it looks like the crazy ivans want to emulate and be best friends with North Korea's "rocket boy"
  10. "thousands" of Russian soldiers dead is very likely. this morning, the announced number was 3500 Russians dead. the two shot down Iliyushin paratrooper transports already contribute 250 bodies. I think that the Ukrainian military was prepared for attack. they were informed of Russian plans and troop movements in advance and they had received numerous man portable armaments in the months and weeks before the attack. Placing units equipped with portable anti-aircraft weapons around airstrips that could have received Russian troop transport planes was a no brainer. I wonder if they had time to mine bridges. if we apply the usual dead to wounded ratio of 3 or 4, we could estimate the 3500 dead mean around 10.000 to 15.000 wounded. to put things in perspective, the Soviet war in Afghanistan cost them 15.000 dead per YEAR.
  11. wow, well done Ukraine ! https://www.facebook.com/100052259093871/posts/487047459713886/?d=n
  12. Ukraine won't fight tank battles. They have infantry, and I expect cities to become very very difficult for the Russians. I hope there is an anti-tank missile at every window.
  13. and France24's analyst who is currently speaking on air shakes his head and wonders how Putin can think that a war on Ukraine will succeed in turning away Ukraine from its path towards the West and the EU, says Russian military must rethink its strategy because it's not progressing fast enough.
  14. actually, I am impressed how the Ukraine military has resisted so far. the Russians still have taken none of the major cities, and have been repelled from taking strategic objectives as far as I know. France is sending help to Ukraine in the form of MMP missiles and other defensive weapons.
  15. The Ukrainian general staff have just posted the latest estimate of Russian losses: https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/259492119697207
  16. on a more humoristic note, if that's possible, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine posted today: https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA/posts/264282702550856
  17. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienroblin/2022/01/25/the-uk-airmailed-2000-nlaw-missiles-to-ukraine-are-they-useful/?sh=294fb2074170 reports today of at least a tank destroyed in Kyiv using NLAW: https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-25-22/index.html Let's hope the fight in Kyiv is way more difficult than the Russians expect. I think if the Russians take over Kyiv and if they imprison or kill current leaders and proclaim a new government, recognition of it, everywhere in the world and especially within Ukraine will be zero. I don't expect the Ukrainian military to lay down arms with the fall of Kyiv. There are a high number of deputy ministers for everything, and the current government power will go to other people, probably located in Lviv and Russia will have no other choice than assaulting Lviv too.
  18. that's easy to answer: the US will use operatives that don't hold US citizenship.
  19. I hope Ukrainian defenders took positions in all buildings in Kiev and are armed to the teeth with antitank weapons.
  20. there is now active fighting going on in the streets of Kiev ????
  21. I count this under normal collateral damage in a war. I guess Ukrainians fight as they can, and it's possible Russians tried to hit a mobile air defense unit that was in the vicinity of the Kindergarden and the missile had a guidance problem. I guess it was probably an accident, Russians are not known to intendedly kill children.
  22. the saboteurs change into Ukrainian uniforms. in the story related on the Ukrainian's MoD facebook site, they say "Ukrainian" soldiers went to an emergency services post and demanded to change into Police and Firefighter uniforms, briefly showed some ID but refused to let people examine their ID in detail. So the people there became suspicious and called the police instead. I guess the Russians wearing Ukrainian uniforms were increasingly questioned about their identity as soldiers and plan B seems to be changing into civilian uniforms. And this is in complete contravention of the Geneva Convention.
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