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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. You should NOT feerk around with a kids development. His body is still sorting out internal and external stuff. Healthy diet is the key to get there. When developed at a much later age stuff can enhance build. Protein is to help repair muscle after muscle "damage" via exertion, weights. In a kid normal food can do that via eggs and chicken. Reduce sugar and salt. Fast food.

    +1 agree.. Im a protein powder junkie.. heck i got a belly full of it now.

    but a 10 yr old kid. Id be more worried bout him filling up on that instead of real food.

    I know when I have a big shake before dinner the wife gets pissed off that ive lost my appetite.

    In summary: TOO YOUNG!

  2. I did at Talling Chan BKK,, I used a work permit only because it has my address in it already..

    If you dont have a wp then get a residency certificate from embassy.

    They only accept originals. but make copies of everything before you arrive.

    Dont forget a doctors cert too

  3. There was a Thai video floating around on fb. Cop pulls up a young guy on a scooter not wearing a helmet. Kid gives the copper a bank note thinking its bribe. Copper goes into the police box and comes out with a new helmet, puts it in the young guys head, does up the buckle and hands him the change.

    Young guy rides off bewildered.

    Quite funny helmet advertising.

    Thais can make some funny adds

  4. I've been pulled over countless times in Bkk. They're very hot in my area and getting pulled over daily is common.

    I'm always very courteous (though I usually swear out loud in my full face helmet as I'm pulling over).

    Smile a lot, comply with what they ask.

    I usually speak Thai with them and joke around if they seem receptive to a bit if humour . Never get angry, stay cool, calm and polite and you'll be on your way.

    It's a game..

  5. at mega Bang Na parking lot. Longest straight is 100 m. I'll try the Panigale [emoji3]
    Sorry mate, no panigale, hayabusa or zx14r available.

    I did test the 821 and the scrambler. Only really 1st gear and a bit figure 8's etc.

    Heaps of room out the front of IKEA I wished they'd opened up for test circuit.

  6. I could be wrong but ducati manufacturing might be sharing manufacturing of specific parts between Italy and Thailand.

    For example, Italy's factory might be set up to produce one particular part and Thailand factory specializes in another particular part. These parts are shared to lower tooling and other manufacturing costs for the final product.

    Other parts may be outsourced to other local companies.

    For example an injector.

    Keeping a massive inventory of spare parts costs money.

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