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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. You might not like either but there is a difference Donald Trump was elected by the people to be president. Thailands prime minister was not
  2. I hope Trump manages to arrange a pardon for himself following the duvious convictions from the legal witch hunt that failed to prevent him running for president. Perhaps he will retaliate in kind to his persecuters.
  3. The Thaksin family inducements usually end up costing the country millions with little or no benlfit to the populace.
  4. He mentioned French because they are the worst English speakers in Europe
  5. It is an absolute disgrace this convicted criminal is openly allowed to flout the law and give two fingers to the justice system on a daily basis without any repercussions.
  6. The dishonest US mainstream cable coverage was so blatent and so obviously in favour of Harris it turned into a combined conspiracy against Trump. This was noted and rejected by public opinion on polling day.
  7. In this case the guilable tourist was a victim of deception and the trans carried on the deception and should not be compensated. It was the tourist who had a wasted evening and he will have to compensate the hotel and learn to be more vigilant when choosing a sex partner.
  8. knife crime, muggings and shopliffting abound and the police recources are used to arrest people because some woke idiot makes a trivial complaint about a comment made years ago.
  9. The PP have lost steam since the demise of Pita. Sadly his charismatic leadership is a big miss. Meanwhile the illegal Thakin bandwagon is full steam ahead.
  10. nothing worse when the panties come off and the undercarriage drops
  11. it would seem your average temple is the place to go for sex and debauchery these days. Puts Pattaya's red light district in the shade by comparison.
  12. This is one of many such examples of atrocities on young females victims. committed in countries that allow Muslim religious fanatical families to emigrate into western society
  13. Clinton is a proven liar regarding his sexual exploits. Trying to whitewash his murky past with a new book.
  14. There should be a statute of limitations on sexual alligations. Although this one was quite recent many accusations are years old and politically or financially motivated.
  15. Funny Biden agreeing to this now at the end of his tenure. He has had four years to make that decision. This is an effort to make things more difficult for Trump to negotiate a cease fire. Joe bowing out putting millions at risk of ww 111
  16. Depends on your choice of so called mainstream media. if you subsribe to the likes of CNN AND NBC you realise the lies and deception you where fed on a daily basis pre election.
  17. He didn't do a lot for the voters of colour when in office. Now spounting about injustice on the highly paid after dinner speaker circuit. michelle is not much better.
  18. So you regail us once again with the fall out From your failed relationship. In panic mode ecaping back to the States. Why don' t you grow a pair and look for another partner in Thailand.
  19. My UK Pension has been frozen for 15 years. I am not happy about that but accepted it when i relocated to Thailand. I know lots of Residents here get the full UK pension and brag about getting the heating allowance by deception.
  20. could not think of anything worse that being confined on a cruise ship with a load of bitter misguided Dems.
  21. His first speech! That's a laugh he's been spouting off for years. Even in exile as 'Tony' he couldnt resist the lure of media attention.
  22. hope this dosen't affect the cheque in the post from my new Nigerian friend from Facebook.
  23. Funny how Trump backers are making news after the election. Pre election the media attention was on the Dems celebrity backers hundreds of them. Lot of good that did Harris. Trump backs the money men. So what?
  24. Why do boring old men use this forum as an outlet to opine at length about their sexual prowess. Or the lack of it
  25. I hope Anderson Cooper is among the anti Trump campaigners to be replaced at CNN.
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